
Story 16 Sep, 2008

arborvitae Issue 37

Agriculture and Productivity – conservation imperatives

  • Food and fuel: Prices matter more than ever – and the stakes are very high.
  • When you ship 1kg of beef around the world, you’re actually shipping about 16,000 litres of water.
  • Feature: Global demand for land to produce food, fuel and fibre will likely lead to a large-scale land grab.
  • Forest foods: A complex problem needs complex solutions.
  • Production and conservation: Temporary solutions in dynamic landscapes.
  • 2 Editorial
  • 3 Livelihoods and landscapes
  • 4-6 Food and fuel: driving the future of forests? The high stakes of high food prices. Biofuel – a waste of space? What’s in store? The future of agriculture and its impacts on forests
  • 7 Farmers in forests: The ‘hidden’ farmers in Thailand’s forests
  • 8-9 Feature: Convergence of food, fuel and fibre markets: driving change in the world’s forests
  • 10-11 Forest foods: Forests and food security. Bushmeat: another looming food crisis?
  • 12-15 Production and conservation: Biodiverse farming systems: the key to reconciling agriculture and conservation. Drylands – neither basket case nor bread basket. SENSOR: forecasting the sustainability impacts of European land-use policies. Accepting change: conserving biodiversity in productive landscapes
  • 16 Publications news