
íܱ 30 Ene, 2013

URBES Fact sheet #2: Biodiversity and ecosystem services: the foundation for human health and well-being

Human beings are an integral and inseparable part of the natural world. Our existence and healthultimately depends on the integrity and functioning of ecosystems. This URBES factsheet presentsresearch findings and policy recommendations which underline the value of biodiversity andecosystem services in building and protecting physical and mental health. Within and aroundcities, green infrastructure is the network of green spaces and other environmental features, whichsustains biodiversity and brings benefits to human health and well-being.

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Photo: istockphoto

Trees, parks, gardens, ponds, and other natural areas are the green infrastructure of cities and towns. Thisinfrastructure hosts and protects biodiversity and is the source of much needed ecosystem services. Thefollowing selection of research findings shows how urban ecosystems can significantly contribute to improvedhuman health and well-being.

The importance of biodiversity and ecosystems for human health needs to be recognized when developingurban policies. Informed urban planning has the potential to support physical, mental and social well-being. Itcan also contribute to decreasing health inequalities and improving the health conditions of urban citizens byconserving nature.