
íܱ 08 Jul, 2016

Constructing common landscapes – reflections from Brazil’s Land Use Dialogue

Deciding how to manage a landscape is complex – the Land Use Dialogue (LUD) initiative is setting the groundwork for it to be more inclusive and responsive to local needs.

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Photo: Apremavi

In April 2016, representatives from the private sector, NGOs, local government bodies, academic institutions and farming communities came together in Atalanta, Santa Catarina to discuss land-use planning in the Upper Itajai Valley. The goal? To identify how a landscape can fulfil the immediate needs of local communities while continuing to supply ecosystem services such as clean air, water and carbon sequestration.

The forum – first in a series of LUDs planned internationally – created a valuable space for land-use practitioners to share learning and discuss implementation challenges.

Importantly, the LUD encouraged local communities to engage directly with land-use planners. This cross-sectoral communication is critical to ϲʿֱֳ’s goal of catalysing inclusive and socially-cohesive forest landscape restoration projects.

Watch this short to learn more.

The LUD is an initiative of and the Brazilian Dialogue, and is supported by DFID-Knowfor 2. This video was produced by which is leading the Brazil initiative.