
íܱ 04 Ago, 2016

Inclusion of IK and Cultural Processes in our understanding of the interrelationships between people and nature (# WCC 10304) - An event of the nature-culture journey

This conservation campus will provide an opportunity to report on a dialogue that will begin at the E ALU PŪ (Move Forward Together) Global Gathering supported by the Hawaiin non-profit organization KUA’ĀINA ULU ‘AUAMO (KUA). This gathering will take place on the windward coast of O’ahu August 28th to 30th. The People in Nature Knowledge Basket Steering Group will partner with KUA and TNC (Hawai’i) to support a dialogue as part of this gathering beginning on the evening of August 29th and continuing through the day on August 30th.

The dialogue will consider the role of nature in the restoration of land- and ocean-based relationships and reconciliation between peoples. The ϲʿֱֳ People in Nature Knowledge Basket learning initiative has been tasked to consider the interrelationships between people and nature. While this is often framed from the perspective of ecosystem services, or dependence in terms of the amount nature contributes to household incomes, early discussions with Indigenous organizations have asked for a more diverse set of social, cultural, health, and spiritual interrelationships with nature to be included in early deliberations. This interest aligns with a project TNC (Hawai’i) has been undertaking to develop a set of biocultural indicators for Pacific Island communities and this dialogue will include an opportunity to share perspectives on this work to date. Broadly speaking this will provide dialogue regarding the inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge and cultural processes in our understanding of inter-relationships of people in nature contributing to the Nature-Culture Journey of the Congress.

The conservation campus that we are proposing will begin with the opening of a dialogue on August 29th and continuing on August 30th as part of the KUA gathering. Participation in the dialogue on these two days requires registration through KUA and is mainly meant for Indigenous Peoples who are engaged in land-based cultural practice. Further information can be found at kuahawaii.org if interested in participating in this dialogue. Registration in this conservation campus is only for the session on Saturday, September 3rd.

For those not able to participate in the pre-congress gathering we will continue and close the dialogue on September 3rd as part of congress. This session will also be utilized to identify future directions for the work of People in Nature regarding an Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities module. This is scheduled to take place on Saturday September 3rd from 8:30-1:00 in Room 303B at the convention center. We are currently exploring the possibility of holding this off-site with KUA partners and an update will be forthcoming. If we do go off site transportation would be provided to the site from the convention center leaving at 8:30 and returning by 1:00pm. If interested you should register on the WCC website as participation is limited.


PiN Steering Group (CEESP – TSL, TCC, SULi, Tilcepa, SPICEH), CEESP, KUA, TNC (Hawai’i), ϲʿֱֳ World Heritage Program, ϲʿֱֳ Host Committee, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Conservation Council of Hawai’i, National Tropical Botanical Garden (Hawai’i), Conservation International (The Policy Centre for Environment & Peace & Hawai’i Program), ICOMOS