EU’s agricultural policy gets final green light from Parliament
Today, the European Parliamentgave the final seal of approval to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)for the period 2023-2027.ճagreement,which was negotiated between the European Commission, Parliament and Council of the EU, passed theplenary votewith a large majority.
The policy, worth around one third of the EU budget, is the bloc’s main instrument to support farmers, rural areas and food production.The nextprogrammingperiodwill bring a new governance system andwilldeterminewhether wecanachieve the environmental goalsinthe countryside. The Member States’ national plans under the policy – known as the CAP Strategic Plans -are alreadyunder preparation.
'The lack of binding targets means that the responsibility of real change lies with the Member States.Success in protecting our environment will depend on the design and implementation of the individual CAP Strategic Plans. We hope that national governments will rise to the challenge and ensure that only sustainable agriculture practices will be supported in future in the EU,'said Alberto Arroyo Schnell, Head of Policy and Programme at ϲʿֱֳ Europe.
The nextCAPwill be implemented inthecontext ofgreaterneeds and ambitions for environmental protection.The European Green Deal, and in particular the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies,setpioneeringsustainabilityobjectivesfor the coming decades.ճintensificationof agricultureistheleadingdriver of biodiversity lossin Europeandcausesdetrimentalgreenhouse emissions.It is ofutmostimportance that the objectives ofthesepolicies,are well reflectedin theimplementation of theCAP.Although the CAP setskeyobjectivesonagriculture and climatechangemitigation, efficient soil managementandbiodiversity andfarmedlandscapes,some concerns remain.
ճplans should setconcretetargets andactionsthatwill align the CAP with the European Green Dealandensure that the budget allocation fully supportsitsobjectiveson biodiversity and climate. Both agricultural and environmental needs should be taken into consideration,aimingfor long-term impactandensuring, at the very least,thatno significant harm is causedas a result of nationalactions.Eco-schemes, one of the keytools to increase farmers’ environmental commitment,shouldfacilitatereal positive impactsforthe environmentrather thansupportminimumefforts.
However, preliminary results of an[1]byenvironmental NGOsindicate that theambitions of the available draft CAP Strategic Plans are not high enough.The results indicate thatmostplanslack measures to reach the targets on landscape features and the protection of grasslandsandpeatlands, among otherflaws.ճresultssuggest that Member States need tostepup theirlevel of ambition in theirplansand also the Commission in the approval process.
Time is running out to reach Europe’s goals for 2030to halt biodiversity loss and fight climate change.Further pressure has been addedbecause of atwo-yeardelay oftheCAP programming periodto 2023.ճdesign and implementationoftheseCAP Strategic Planswillbe crucial forthe future of Europe’snatureandcountryside,andforthe well-being ofthenextgenerations.
For further information, contact Edel Shanahan, Policy and Communications Officer, ϲʿֱֳ Europe
[1] Birdlife International and European Environmental Bureau (2021),CAP Strategic Plans: New assessment shows Member States fall short of saving nature