

Population et stratégies pour un développement national durable. Guide pour les décideurs politiques nationaux : comment prendre en compte population et environnement dans les stratégies de développement durable

Authors: Golay, Meghan V., Monsieur, Christiane, Ness, Gayl D.,

This guide serves as a resource for policy makers and staff of conservation and population organizations who wish to integrate population dynamics into environmental planning for sustainable development. It presents the basic rationale for linking population and environmental issues, including the demonstrable impact that population dymanics and rising consumption are having on the environment. At the same time, it acknowledges the difficulty of achieving integration due to long-entrenched disciplinary and institutional specialization. A number of mechanisms for achieving integration are presented, including placement of demographers within national planning organizations, or creation of country-based networks of population and conservation professionals. For those less familiar with previous research, the book includes a primer on demographic change and models and frameworks for understanding the links between population dymanics (births, deaths, growth, migration) and environmental change.