

Common ground

Authors: Larbodière, Ludovic,, Davies, Jonathan, Schmidt, Ruth, Magero, Chris, Vidal, Alain, Arroyo Schnell, A., Bucher, Peter, Maginnis, Stewart, Cox, Neil, Hasinger, Olivier, Abhilash, P.C., Conner, Nicholas, Westerberg, Vanja, Costa, Luis,

Recent major international reports have highlighted the alarming impact of food production systems on climate change, land and biodiversity. This report shows that common ground between the agriculture and conservation sectors for mutually beneficial action exists, and that there is great potential for widespread adoption of sustainable agricultural practices that can meet our needs for food, feed, fibre, and energy. More widely, sustainable agriculture can contribute to food, water security, climate regulation and other objectives, supporting progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and other international targets for climate change, biodiversity and land degradation.