
Blog Crossroads 30 Ene, 2020

Wetlands: the ultimate biodiversity hotspot

Wetlands provide habitats and breeding grounds for countless plant and animal species, but we’re losing these critical ecosystems at an alarming rate – as World Wetlands Day will highlight this Sunday. Ambitious policy and on-the-ground action is needed to conserve wetlands and save their unique wildlife, argue members of the ϲʿֱֳ Species Survival Commission (SSC) Freshwater Conservation Committee.

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Photo: © University of Nevada Global Water Center

The goonch (Bagarius yarelli) is listed as Near Threatened in the ϲʿֱֳ Red List of Threatened Species.™ Native to rivers in South Asia, this species is harvested for food and the ornamental fish trade. Photographer: Zeb Hogan, SSC Freshwater Fish Specialist Group Advisor, University of Nevada

The book Freshwater: The Essence of Life, published in 2010, made the case that “freshwater ecosystems are the ultimate biodiversity hotspot. They contain a greater concentration of life than anywhere else and are seriously imperiled”. Ten years on, these facts remain true, and this year, on February 2 is focused on Wetlands and Biodiversity. The day highlights the rich diversity of wetlands, while raising awareness about and how we can act to reverse their loss. World Wetlands Day also marks the signing of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands on February 2, 1971.

These ecosystems and their associated biodiversity face disproportionately high levels of threat.

Wetlands extend across inland and coastal zones. They include the rivers, lakes, marshes, swamps and other ‘wet lands’ found inland. But the Ramsar Convention also includes coastal wetlands such as saltwater marshes, estuaries, mangroves, lagoons and coral reefs in its definition. This is important because inland and coastal wetlands are inextricably linked to each other, and with the terrestrial landscapes through which they run. It is for this reason that members of the ϲʿֱֳ Species Survival Commission are promoting the concept of the ‘’ – a term that highlights the connectivity of fresh, marine and ‘transitional waters’ (those waters between the inland and sea waters, such as estuaries, lagoons and deltas), as well as the ecological processes that occur across them.

For example, sediment picked up by the Marañón River – one of the world’s few remaining long, free-flowing rivers, located in the upper part of the Amazon basin – is a major contributor to the sediment load of the main part of the Amazon. Impacts to the Marañón, caused by proposed dams and massive dredging on the upper Amazon tributaries (such as the project), would not only have catastrophic impacts on the regional biodiversity of the Marañón, but also on the river channels and floodplains further down the Amazon.

© Marañón Waterkeeper collection.

For these reasons, the SSC Freshwater Conservation Committee and SSC are working closely with , an NGO working to protect and promote the river, and their partners to address these issues. This includes the submission of a motion to 䱷’s World Conservation Congress, advocating for the . We are also seeking to implement biodiversity surveys to assess the extent of potential biodiversity loss that would be caused by such development and to prevent it.

Encouraging conservation action

The urgency for action, in particular for freshwater ecosystems, has been indicated by WWF’s , which have shown that these ecosystems and their associated biodiversity face disproportionately high levels of threat. A recent study has shown that the Chinese paddlefish, one of the world’s largest fishes, . This trend of high extinction risk is common across many large freshwater species, according to a published last year. The notes that while this represents an important challenge to conservation, there are opportunities to save many species. The loss of these large, compelling freshwater species highlights the threats to freshwater ecosystems and all the species living within them, and can be used to motivate conservation action.

© Tsukasa Abe

Although it is often difficult to draw the same attention to smaller species, there are some success stories. For example, in 2017 the SSC Freshwater Fish Specialist Group worked with colleagues from ϲʿֱֳ Japan, the National Conservation Society of Japan, and Kyoto University to protect a wetland that was threatened by the development of a soccer stadium in the city of Kameoka, Japan. The site was one of the last remaining breeding sites for a Critically Endangered species of fish, the . The collaboration of these groups and the foresight of the local government resulted in relocation of the stadium.

Another example is of work in Mexico to save an Endangered aquatic salamander, the , or Zempoala axolotl. This remarkable species, which can regenerate its limbs, has an extremely restricted distribution, living in just a few high mountain streams and lakes in the Lagunas de Zempoala National Park. It also has strong cultural importance.

The loach and the axolotl provide examples of how local action is at the forefront of sustaining wetland species.

The name axolotl comes from the Nahuatl: atl (water) and xolotl (monster): aquatic monster. In Nahuatl mythology, axolotls are the aquatic representation of the god Xolotl, the twin brother of Quetzalcoatl, who looked like a monster because of his birth as a twin. Xolotl is associated with the idea of movement and life. The cultural importance of this species comes from the Aztecs, who used them as medicine (some local people still do for respiratory illness), food and ceremonies, and they were later adopted as pets.

Currently the species faces threats from habitat degradation and from invasive species. Non-native trout and carp that have been introduced to the lakes are putting the species at risk by eating axolotl eggs, young and adults. The Autonomous University of Morelos (which includes representation from the SSC Freshwater Conservation Committee) and the non-profit are working with the local indigenous community to eradicate non-native fishes so that the culturally important axolotl can flourish.

Both the loach and the axolotl represent examples of how local action is at the forefront of sustaining wetland species. These projects bring awareness to the biodiversity of our wetlands and drive actions to conserve it. Groups like the SSC Freshwater Conservation Committee can bring together examples of conservation success from around the world to present unified messages for the protection of ecosystems.

© Juan Antonio Reynoso Moran

The way forward

This year, 2020, is an especially important year for biodiversity, including wetlands and their species. The Convention on Biological Diversity meets in China in October to agree on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, a process in which ϲʿֱֳ has been , as have the . Freshwater ecosystems are included in the for post-2020, and ϲʿֱֳ Commission members are reviewing those documents and identifying where recommendations can be made to ensure that freshwater ecosystems are effectively monitored as part of these global policies.

In this important year for biodiversity, we urgently need local and global action to conserve wetlands and save their unique wildlife, from efforts on the ground to policy-making in international fora.

䱷’s will be held in Marseille in June, and one of its themes focuses on . Just before the ϲʿֱֳ Congress, on May 16, will celebrate the importance of free-flowing rivers to migratory fishes, but also to others species that rely on these healthy ecosystems, including the people who rely on the resources they provide.

So, February 2, World Wetlands Day, is an important day to draw attention to wetlands and their biodiversity. But this should just be the start. In this important year for biodiversity, we urgently need local and global action to conserve wetlands and save their unique wildlife, from efforts on the ground to policy-making in international fora.

Ian Harrison (Co-Chair ϲʿֱֳ SSC Freshwater Conservation Committee; Co-Chair, ϲʿֱֳ WCPA Freshwater Specialist Group),Topiltzin Contreras MacBeath (Co-Chair ϲʿֱֳ SSC Freshwater Conservation Committee),Matt Gollock (Chair, ϲʿֱֳ SSC Anguillid Eel Specialist Group),Harmony Patricio (Co-Chair, ϲʿֱֳ WCPA Freshwater Specialist Group)

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