
Literatura gris

Waste Segregation Guide to Prevent Pollution

This inspirational guide for source-segregated waste streams is designed to show innovative, low-tech recycling examples for source-segregated waste streams that are well suited for island economies.

Purpose of this guide:

1. Show innovative, low tech recycling examples for source segregated waste streams that are well suited for island economies:

鈥 Organics
鈥 Sanitation and hygienic items
鈥 Tyres (rubber)
鈥 Focus on circular solutions
鈥 Focus on unlocking the value of waste - and providing alternatives to plastics

2. Why is this guide needed?

鈥 Source segregated waste streams are easier to recycle - and to move economies towards circularity
鈥 Achieve a cleaner plastic waste stream for more efficient processing
鈥 Optimising waste management creates economic and livelihood opportunities on small island developing states