
香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播 event 15 Dec, 2022

Mainstreaming nature actions into business and key economic sectors

This session will explore experiences and challenges related to the mainstreaming of biodiversity at the national level in key economic sectors and at global level in key value chains.聽

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WWF and WBCSD will provide an update on multi-stakeholder progress towards a Nature Positive global goal and 香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播 will show how the BIODEV2030 approach is supporting governments, the private sector and civil society to transform those sectors of the economy with a strategic impact on development and biodiversity. Invited speakers will then share their perspectives on challenges and solutions of mainstreaming biodiversity across business value chains and within key sectors at national level. Event participants will be invited to reflect and connect with the speakers.


Gavin Edwards, Director, Global Nature Positive Initiative, WWF

Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President, WBCSD

Eva de Keyser, Sustainability Manager Plant-based Europe, Alpro

Vivian Chao, Senior Advisory Consultant & Project Manager, Arup聽

Isabel Tom茅 Esteban, Head of biodiversity, Iberdrola

Nadine McCormick, Manager Nature Action, WBCSD

Involved in BIODEV2030

Romy ANDRIANARISOA, President of the Commission for Sustainable Development and Business Ethics of the Groupement des Entreprises de Madagascar

Luis FORTUNATO LIFANISSA, Chief of staff of the President and focal point for Environment and Biological Diversity at Federation of Agrarian Association of Mozambique (FENAGRI)

Antonin VERGEZ, Senior expert for natural resources economics at 香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播