
Informe de política

Halfway to 2030: getting back on track to achieve the nature-related SDGs

Marking the halfway point to 2030 since the SDGs were adopted, the Secretary-General’s recent Progress Report shows that we are significantly off track to achieving the Goals.

Despite gains across many of the Goals, the acute and lingering effects of the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the associated food, energy, and debt crises have halted or reversed progress in many areas. Issued in April, the Report notes progress on the SDGs is insufficient, and in many cases, deteriorating altogether. For the Goals most directly relevant to nature, as for other Goals, there is great urgency to correct course. As part of that effort, the Report calls for the SDG Summit in September to mark a turning point, and to deliver a “Rescue Plan for People and Planet.”

This brief provides a reaction to the Secretary-General's Report. It reviews the state of play of four SDGs directly related to nature (6, 13, 14, 15), and proposes several priority actions looking towards the SDG Summit.