
础谤迟铆肠耻濒辞 12 Ago, 2024

New Footprints Towards a Regenerative Tanga-Pemba Seascape

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Photo: 香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播 Tanzania

Participants of the Workshop on a group photo with facilitators.

Beneath the clear, azure waters of the Tanga-Pemba Seascape, a team of committed technical experts engaged in enhancing their expertise and understanding of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS). This call to action brought together a diverse group of stakeholders not limited to policy makers and local government officials but also civil society organizations, and coastal communities. Their mission was clear: to uncover how nature-based solutions could shield coastal communities from the escalating threat of climate change.

The Tanga-Pemba Seascape is experiencing significant challenges due to environmental changes, including rising sea levels, intense storms, and shifting weather patterns. These conditions are causing stress on coral reefs, threatening mangroves, and leading to a noticeable change in fishing yields. These developments are creating substantial challenges for the local communities, particularly affecting women. Recognizing the urgency of these issues, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播) and Mission Inclusion (MI), with support from Global Affairs Canada, have responded by training 27 technical actors on the Global Criteria for Nature-Based Solutions for Adaptation. This initiative aims to address these challenges and promote sustainable solutions.

Aboard the eventful training was a group of technical experts from various sectors including policy makers, local technical experts and representatives from like-minded civil society organizations embarking on a transformative journey. Among them were Dr. Hamza, a marine expert and policy maker from the Ministry of Blue Economy Zanzibar, Mr Juma Said Ali, community representative whose passion for mangroves knew no bounds; and Mr Carol Mango, a feminist whose vision for women鈥檚 inclusion ran through his blood veins.

It began with an immersive training session led by 香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播 trainers Ms. Wendy and Mr. Christopher. This wasn't just any training it was an engaging, hands-on experience designed to kindle passion and innovation. The experts delved into the criteria鈥檚, understanding of how to restore ecosystems, enhance biodiversity, and engage local communities, especially women and youth, in conservation efforts.

The Tanga-Pemba Seascape itself became their classroom. Participants absorbed different examples from the ground on Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) projects that are Nature-Based Solutions, such as the active coral reef restoration work done by Mwambao CSO. Community driven initiatives of the likes of Mr. Said Omary Ally, CFMA representative who shared inspiring stories about tireless mangrove restoration efforts in Pemba and the need to know how the efforts fit on the spectrum of Global Standards for NbSA.

The trainers emphasized the need to integrate the 香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播 global criteria into practices during project planning and development while blending traditional knowledge with cutting-edge technology. This integration was seen as the key to sustainable adaptation.

As the training unfolded over the week, deep discussions emerged on how to ensure that Nature-Based Solutions implemented would not offset more effects on communities and ecosystems and how to balance the two. Boniventure Mchomvu from Climate Action Network Tanzania stood among the participants, his gaze fixed among participants explained further, "It's not just about proposing and implementing ecosystem solutions," he said out loud, "it's about seeking a partnership with nature."

The beginning of this story in the Tanga/Pemba Seascape is one of transformation and unity. Through engaging training, experience sharing, and a deep connection to the 香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播's Global Criteria for Nature-Based Solutions, technical experts and local communities have forged a path toward resilience in the face of climate change. Their efforts provide glimpses of new footprints of working hand in hand with nature, for a sustainable future for generations to come.

In the end, a regenerative seascape isn't just a phrase, it is a testament to what will unfold throughout the implementation of the ReSea Project and achieving the overarching goals of the pillars of The Great Blue Wall Initiative. It speaks to the power of collaboration, the wisdom of nature, and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to dream for Tanga/Pemba regenerative seascape.