
Grupo de Especialistas en Garzas de la CSE de la UICN
Grupo de Comisi贸n de la UICN

Grupo de Especialistas en Garzas de la CSE de la UICN

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Resumen y descripci贸n

Promueve la conservaci贸n de las garzas y sus h谩bitats en todo el mundo fomentando la investigaci贸n, el inventario, el seguimiento y las acciones de conservaci贸n. Para lograr su misi贸n, el HSG mantiene ...

Promueve la conservaci贸n de las garzas y sus h谩bitats en todo el mundo fomentando la investigaci贸n, el inventario, el seguimiento y las acciones de conservaci贸n. Para lograr su misi贸n, el HSG mantiene v铆nculos de comunicaci贸n a nivel mundial entre los especialistas en garzas, eval煤a el estado de conservaci贸n de las poblaciones de garzas, proporciona s铆ntesis de informaci贸n y planes de acci贸n para la conservaci贸n de las poblaciones de garzas, y facilita de otro modo las acciones de conservaci贸n en nombre de las garzas y su h谩bitat.

Liderazgo de grupo


Clay Green is a Professor within the Department of Biology, Texas State University and Associate Dean, The Graduate College, Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Clay鈥檚 dissertation research focused on the ecological significance of plumage coloration in herons and egrets. Since then, he has been involved in various aspects of waterbird research including the ecology and evolution of plumage dimorphism, evaluation of colonial waterbird survey techniques, and the ecology and conservation of several waterbird species including Reddish Egrets, Green Herons, Little Blue Herons, Black Rails, American White Pelicans and American Oystercatchers. Since 2000, Clay has published numerous peer-reviewed publications, written the status report and conservation action plan for the Reddish Egret and co-chaired the Working Group for Reddish Egret, and given numerous presentations at professional meetings and for local groups. Clay鈥檚 research is primarily focused in the U.S., Caribbean and Mexico. Clay is Past President of Waterbird Society and previously served as Secretary and Councilor for the Society. 

Clay Green is a Professor within the Department of Biology, Texas State University and Associate Dean, The Graduate College, Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Clay鈥檚 dissertation research ...