Grupo de Comisi贸n de la UICN
Grupo de Especialistas en Marsupiales del Nuevo Mundo de la CSE de la UICN
Resumen y descripci贸n
En Australia hay al menos 39 especies amenazadas y vulnerables y 55 especies potencialmente vulnerables, de las cuales 2 son monotremas, que necesitan alg煤n tipo de acci贸n de conservaci贸n. El Grupo ...
Liderazgo de grupo
Red List Authority Coordinator
I work with Neotropical mammals, especially the small mammals, including the marsupials, rodents, and bats and I am most concerned about their systematics, biogeography and conservation. I have been studying and publishing data on these issues, working mostly with field work and specimens housed at scientific collections.
I work with Neotropical mammals, especially the small mammals, including the marsupials, rodents, and bats and I am most concerned about their systematics, biogeography and conservation. I have been ...