
Grupo de Especialistas en Pangolines de la CSE de la UICN
Grupo de Comisi贸n de la UICN

Grupo de Especialistas en Pangolines de la CSE de la UICN

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Resumen y descripci贸n

Lidera los esfuerzos para asegurar un futuro a los pangolines silvestres a trav茅s del trabajo en colaboraci贸n para avanzar en el conocimiento sobre el estado de los pangolines, las amenazas y las ...

Lidera los esfuerzos para asegurar un futuro a los pangolines silvestres a trav茅s del trabajo en colaboraci贸n para avanzar en el conocimiento sobre el estado de los pangolines, las amenazas y las prioridades de conservaci贸n, y catalizando acciones para conservarlos. Los pangolines son los mam铆feros salvajes con los que m谩s se trafica. Se calcula que en la 煤ltima d茅cada se han capturado un mill贸n de pangolines, es decir, uno cada cinco minutos. La captura insostenible es uno de los principales factores que contribuyen a la disminuci贸n de las poblaciones de pangolines en Asia y 脕frica, y las ocho especies est谩n ahora en peligro de extinci贸n.

Liderazgo de grupo


Keri Parker is a multifaceted wildlife biologist with more than 25 years of experience. A systems thinker, she works to identify and fill critical gaps in global pangolin conservation and create the conditions necessary for collaborative initiatives to succeed. She Co-Founded Save Pangolins in 2008 to raise global awareness of pangolins and drive support to pangolin conservationists. She has invested particular emphasis in encouraging conservationists within the countries where wild pangolins occur, building connections between experts, and fostering peaceful collaboration among stakeholders. She served as a PSG Vice Chair from 2012-2021 and became Co-Chair in March, 2021, and also serves as the PSG Conservation Planning Focal Point.

Keri Parker is a multifaceted wildlife biologist with more than 25 years of experience. A systems thinker, she works to identify and fill critical gaps in global pangolin conservation and create the ...

Dr Matthew SHIRLEY

Dr. Shirley is an applied species conservation ecologist working at the interface of species ecology, trade policy and sustainability, and applied conservation through capacity building and reinforcement with local partners, mostly in West and Central Africa. His work relies on flagship species to advance conservation and ecology research in tropical forests and wetlands, focused on pangolins, crocodilians, and other charismatic but largely ignored species. His work with pangolins began in 2018 and he runs a comprehensive program on pangolin ecology, health, and trade in West Africa focused on better understanding pangolin-environment interactions, pangolin abundance, and factors affecting distribution, local harvest, trade and trade composition. Dr. Shirley is keen to advance conservation planning for pangolins in West and Central Africa through key synergies with regional stakeholders. He is Co-Chair of the PSG since 2021.

Dr. Shirley is an applied species conservation ecologist working at the interface of species ecology, trade policy and sustainability, and applied conservation through capacity building and ...

Red List Authority Coordinator