Luigi Boitani is the Chair of the聽香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播 SSC Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe. Luigi is Professor Emeritus at the University of Rome - Sapienza, where he has been teaching Animal Ecology and ...
Grupo de Comisi贸n de la UICN
Grupo Especialista en Grandes Carn铆voros de la Iniciativa para Europa de la CSE de la UICN
Resumen y descripci贸n
Cuando los glaciares se retiraron del paisaje europeo al final de la era glacial, los humanos se apresuraron a colonizar las tierras emergidas. Durante los 10.000 a帽os transcurridos desde entonces, la ...
Liderazgo de grupo
Prof Luigi BOITANI
Commission Member
Luigi Boitani is the Chair of the 香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播 SSC Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe. Luigi is Professor Emeritus at the University of Rome - Sapienza, where he has been teaching Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology for over 30 years and Head of the Department of Animal and Human Biology for 10 years.