
Grupo especialista en hongos acu谩ticos de la CSE de la UICN
Grupo de Comisi贸n de la UICN

Grupo especialista en hongos acu谩ticos de la CSE de la UICN

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Resumen y descripci贸n


Los hongos acu谩ticos son un grupo polifil茅tico relacionado por sus caracter铆sticas ecol贸gicas (crecen y se reproducen principalmente en aguas marinas o dulces) m谩s que por su taxonom铆a. Pertenecen ...

Los hongos acu谩ticos son un grupo polifil茅tico relacionado por sus caracter铆sticas ecol贸gicas (crecen y se reproducen principalmente en aguas marinas o dulces) m谩s que por su taxonom铆a. Pertenecen principalmente a los filos Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Chytridiomycota y Microsporidia, pero incluyen representantes de 13 filos en total. Las actividades clave del Grupo de Especialistas en Hongos Acu谩ticos (AFSG) se centrar谩n en la creaci贸n de una "columna vertebral" taxon贸mica y biogeogr谩fica de los hongos acu谩ticos a partir de las bases de datos disponibles, y en la integraci贸n de aquellos grupos que a煤n no est谩n cubiertos en las bases de datos de especies. Esta columna vertebral constituir谩 la base para elaborar una estrategia de evaluaci贸n de los hongos acu谩ticos, promover y apoyar la planificaci贸n de la conservaci贸n y cuantificar el solapamiento entre las comunidades de hongos acu谩ticos y terrestres. El AFSG tiene la visi贸n de desarrollar la base cient铆fica y de coordinaci贸n para los primeros esfuerzos de evaluaci贸n, planificaci贸n y acci贸n para la conservaci贸n de los hongos acu谩ticos.

Liderazgo de grupo

Dr Sally FRYAR

Sally's main research interests are the ecology, evolution, systematics, and conservation of microfungi. She completed a PhD at Flinders University in 1997 on the taxonomy and ecology of wood decay fungi, examining indirect effects of multi-species interactions. In 1998 she moved to Hong Kong as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hong Kong where she was introduced to the fascinating world of freshwater and marine fungi under the supervision of Professor Kevin Hyde. Her research took her to various peat swamp forests, mangroves and streams in Borneo where she was a visiting fellow at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam. While studying the competition between microfungi on wood in aquatic ecosystems as well as their succession and natural distribution she also discovered new taxa of microfungi and became increasingly concerned about the threats to aquatic fungal diversity. Her research now involves documenting microfungi from marine and freshwater habitats around Australia. This includes the identification of ascomycetes, culturing, DNA extraction, PCR for DNA sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis. Sally maintains a strong interest in fungal conservation.

Sally's main research interests are the ecology, evolution, systematics, and conservation of microfungi. She completed a PhD at Flinders University in 1997 on the taxonomy and ecology of wood decay ...


I am a freshwater ecologist particularly fond of aquatic fungi. I want to understand how global changes can determine microbial communities diversity and activity and how that impacts freshwater ecosystem functioning. My interests include the effects of biodiversity changes, temperature, nutrient enrichment, drought, fungicides, multiple stressors... My work range from lab to field work, from small tubes to mesocosms and streams. I use microscopy- and molecular-based techniques to assess microbial diversity.

I am a freshwater ecologist particularly fond of aquatic fungi. I want to understand how global changes can determine microbial communities diversity and activity and how that impacts freshwater ...