
Líneas de acción

Líneas de acción 

Nature-based Solutions and Climate change

Nature-based Solutions implemented in the Mediterranean through restoration and improving the conservation of ecosystems can help communities to address the climate and biodiversity crisis and societal needs.

Current projects:MedConectaIMPETUS

Marine Biodiversity and Blue Economy

Developing and spreading a governance framework in the Mediterranean basin to better manage deep-sea ecosystems, coastal areas, and also lowering fisheries impact on threatened species and vulnerable ecosystems.

Current projects: |ѱ⳦ٳ2 | | Mediterranean Islands Collective

Conservation activity Tunisia Ecotourism experience
Ecosystem Resilience and Spatial Planning

ϲʿֱֳ aims to safeguard and enhance ecosystem multi-functionality by promoting biodiversity conservation, integrating climate intelligence into spatial planning and influencing decision making.

NATOUR4CCHANGE GreenList4MMPAs | Achieving 30x30 |

Photo for food system strategics' page
Nature Conservation and Food Systems

ϲʿֱֳ-Med is working towards promoting and maintaining agricultural practices that preserve native biodiversity and ecosystem services. The goal is to aim human intervention to contribute to the conservation of natural resources.

Current projects: AMNCMedArtSal

Lizard Formentera Ibizacat
Biodiversity Knowledge and Action

Protecting Biodiversity standards with tools such as theԻKey Biodiversity Areas (KBA's) while preventingthe unintentional introduction of Invasive Alien Species and mitigating their negative impacts.

Current projects: KBA for North Africa

Regional Focus: North Africa

Since 2009, a specific ϲʿֱֳ Programme has been regularly developed and implemented every four years, with ϲʿֱֳ members and partners in the region. The regional focus refers to the ϲʿֱֳ North Africa programme goals.

Current projects:PPI-OSCAN 3| |

Topics of Interest


There are other urgent topics that the ϲʿֱֳ Med has focused on over the years. Two topics of special concern are thein the region and the amount ofaffecting wildlife, ecosystems, and humans.

Current Projects F2PA BeMed: Closing the Plastic TapPlastic Free Islands in the Mediterranean

Monachus monachus (Mediterranean monk seal)

Emergent topics refer to time-sensitive issues that require immediate attention. Two emergent topics that ϲʿֱֳ is focusing on is theand the endangered Monk Seals in the Mediterranean.

Emergent Topics:

Since 2001, ϲʿֱֳ-Med is applying a unique approach which bridges between science, policy, management, and action to conserve nature and accelerate the transition to sustainable development.

"Our Approach"was created in order to maintain its value proposition among national and international organisations supporting the advancement of nature and people while establishing areas ofSpecial Focusthat highlight the programmes and activities in the region.

ϲʿֱֳ-Med addresses the goals in its approach by focusing on different sectors of special focus that are broken down between topics and a regional focus.

Agriculture, fisheries and tourism in the Mediterranean specifically depend on the sustainable use of natural resources. ϲʿֱֳ-Med’s work focuses on mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into agricultural and fishing practices, as well as into tourism planning.

ϲʿֱֳ-Med is looking forPARTNERSHIPSto build alliances, fund and implement projects regarding:

  1. Coastal AreaClimateChange Resilience throughNature-based Solutions
  2. Enhancing biodiversity inagricultural landscapes
  3. Building theMediterranean Ecological Network
  4. Assessingtourism impactson ecosystem services in coastalareas
  5. Capacity Buildingnitiative for conservation
  6. Reducetheimpactofplastic pollutionin the Mediterranean islands
  7. Reducing theimpactoffisherieson vulnerable species and ecosystems
  8. Supporting conservation actions throughyoung environmental organisationsinNorth Africa
  9. MitigatingInvasive Alien Speciesimpacts in the Mediterranean region
  10. Mainstreaming criticalfreshwater biodiversitydata into Mediterraneanriver basinsmanagement
  11. DevelopingConservation plansfor imperiled marine (sharks, rays, corals), and terrestrial (raptors) species