
香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播 event 09 Nov, 2022

Accelerating investments in SDG14 and the Sustainable Blue Economy

The ocean is at the crossroads of all major challenges facing humanity today, and climate change and biodiversity loss are no exception. It is a key to the sustainable world we must build as it ensures food security, human well-being, decent jobs, energy transition, a fruitful economy, healthy ocean ecosystems ecosystems and a protected climate.

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Photo: Anastasia Taioglou on Unsplash

In response to the 2nd United Nations Ocean Conference's many calls for greater financial support for SDG14's implementation, this side-event will bring together governments, financial institutions, regional development banks, private sector entities, philanthropy, and science experts to discuss how to increase investment flows in support of the sustainable blue economy to achieve SDG14.