
Article 11 Mar, 2007

SEIC (Sakhalin Energy Investment Company) provides informal briefing to WGWAP Members

On 5-6 February 2007, four members of the Panel (Reeves, Tsidulko, Vedenev and Yablokov) met for two days in Vladivostok (Russia) with staff and scientific team members from SEIC.

The meeting, an informal briefing organised by SEIC, provided Panel members with an update on how work was progressing and on what has been planned for 2007 – as part of the preparations for the upcoming WGWAP meeting in St Petersburg. This ‘intersessional’ briefing also provided Panel members with an opportunity to evaluate responses to the recommendations arising from the first WGWAP meeting and to comment on SEIC’s 2007 scopes of work well in advance.

Although discussions were informal, the Panel have prepared a set of five intercessional recommendations which have been transmitted to SEIC and will be considered as additional to those recommendations arising from the Panels last meeting.