
Article 08 Mai, 2012

Analysis of possible indicators to measure impacts of REDD+ on biodiversity and on indigenous and local communities

The CBD Secretariat have released a report written by CEESP Members Tristan Tyrrell and Janis Alcorn for the CBD on Analysis of possible indicators to measure impacts of REDD+ on biodiversity and on indigenous and local communities

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A report to the Convention on Biological Diversity

The report offers a potential framework of indicators, organized and presented under thematic areas that correspond to the UN-REDD Programme Social and Environmental Principles and Criteria.

The framework also accommodates indicators that have been proposed to monitor progress against the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the Aichi Goals and Targets, in particular relating to Targets 5, 7, 11 and 15, and indicators on land use planning, status of biodiversity, and ILC well-being associated with ecosystem health. The proposed indicator framework is complementary to, and compatible with, the Safeguards Information System (SIS) required under UNFCCC.

The eleven thematic areas (see below) should be seen as requisite for providing information required in forming programming and management decisions, although the proposed indicators framework should be considered flexible to allow for adaptation to take into account national or sub national circumstances.

Proposed headline indicators for monitoring the biodiversity and ILC impacts of REDD+:

  • Policy support for REDD+
  • Recognition of rights
  • Conflicts
  • Free, prior and informed participation
  • Present and future well-being linked to forest and ecosystem health
  • Carbon market and finance
  • Forest economies
  • Land use and forest planning
  • Freshwater biodiversity
  • Forest biodiversity
  • Population densities, trends, and demands

A full copy of the Report can be located at :

Tyrrell, T.D. & J.B. Alcorn. 2011. Analysis of possible indicators to measure impacts of REDD+ on biodiversity and on indigenous and local communities. CBD SBSTTA 16 Information Document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/16/INF/21. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Montréal, Canada.
