
Article 22 Juil, 2012

Green purchasing guidelines for office paper in Georgia

This brochure provides guidance on reducing the ecological footprint of paper use in anoffice. The document analyses paper production related issues and providesrecommendations on how to plan and make green purchases.

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Specifically, these guidelineswill help develop a green purchasing policy, define criteria, choose the appropriate productsand assess suppliers. The document is designed for easy use and is aimed at anyorganization or company that purchases paper for its office needs. The publicationoriginated from the report “Paper Use Study in Georgia” carried out by the Georgian Centerfor the Conservation of Wildlife (GCCW) in 2010, which aimed to explore consumers’attitudes towards responsible use of paper. The study is part of the USAID project “Forestryin Georgia: Sustainable Production, Sustainable Consumption”. The document wasdeveloped based on existing guidelines and literature. The decision to publish “A GreenPurchasing Guideline for Office Paper in Georgia” was initiated by the International Union forConservation of Nature (ϲʿֱֳ) in the framework of the ENPI FLEG Program aiming atreducing illegal logging and promoting sustainable management of forest resources.

You can find the complete report (in Georgian) .