
Article 26 Mar, 2013

Reaching Agreements Over Water _ Negotiate

Around the world people are involved in negotiations about water. This is a book for practi-tioners committed to negotiations which lead to fair agreements about how societies sensibly use water.  The book provides ideas, tools and inspiration.

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Photo: Reaching Agreements Over Water _ Negotiate

The book recognizes that water negotiation is often complex – socially, economically and envi-ronmentally. Too often in East Asia, the part of world with which I am most familiar, this complexity is ignored or reduced to simplifications. To deal with complexity the writers suggest focused exami-nation of Rewards and opportunities, Rights of different actors, Risks of action and inaction, and Responsibilities of all involved parties.

Too often, negotiation over-emphasizes bargaining and competition embedded in zero-sum thinking. In welcome contrast, this book has an emphasis on constructive engagement and encour-aging space in negotiations for deliberation, hearing multiple perspectives and consensus-building. Institutionalizing, or normalizing, this approach would lead to more informed and respectful nego-tiations and, hopefully, wiser and fairer choices.