
Article 04 Déc, 2018

Global Pact Gap Report released by UN Environment

Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Director of the Law Division for United Nations Environment (UNE), announced today the release of the report “Towards a Global Pact for the Environment.”

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Photo: WCEL

The report is “a technical and evidence-based report that identifies and assesses possible gaps in international environmental law and environment-related instruments with a view to strengthening their implementation. The report reviews and analyses the corpus of international environmental law and environment-related instruments as well as the governance structure and implementation of international environmental law. It reveals gaps and deficiencies at multiple levels.”

The gap analysis report is a major milestone in UNE’s leadership on the Global Pact for the Environment process that formally started in May 2018 when the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution setting in motion a process to discuss and potentially reach agreement on a new international environmental law instrument.

This UNE “advanced” report is in English and subject to technical revisions, in accordance with standard UN Practice.  Final version of all six UN language will be released later in December.  The first substantive session on the Global Pact will be held at UNE headquarters in Nairobi 14-18 January 2019. 

The Global Pact for the Environment is a signature initiative of WCEL and further updates will soon be posted and shared with WCEL members.

WCEL Steering Committee
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Director of the Law Division for UN Environment, serves as a member of the WCEL Steering Committee.