
Article 22 Juil, 2020

ϲʿֱֳ India’s Leaders for Nature (LfN) In-company session for TATA Steel Limited on “Importance of Urban Biodiversity”

An online in-company session on “Importance of Urban Biodiversity and Role of Individual Contribution and Nest Building Workshop” was conducted on 29th June 2020 for TATA Steel Limited.

India, Members organization, Leaders for nature
@ϲʿֱֳ India

Changes in Earth's climate are accelerating, prompting increasing calls to ensure that investments in ecological restoration and nature conservation, both rural and urban, accommodate such changes. The private sector plays a critical role in determining how biodiversity is used and conserved. Leaders for Nature member TATA Steel Limited acknowledges business dependencies and impacts on natural capital.

TATA Steel Limited and ϲʿֱֳ India partnership dates back to 2013 with Dhamra Port engagement and development of biodiversity management policy for Tata Steel’s mining operations and membership under Leaders for Nature program since 2015. The partnership has been successful in promoting sustainability and nature based solutions, directly impacting managerial decisions and impacts of company’s operations on environment.

The ongoing global pandemic has been an eye-opener (as more than 60% of new infectious diseases now originate in animals) and led to the need to prioritize well-being (humans and nature) in response to COVID-19 and to re-built an environment that would embrace the kind of world we need to thrive, not just survive. Therefore, with an aim to create a knowledge base and providing an enabling environment for its employees and the company to make more informed decisions and adopting nature based solutions to the extent possible, an online in-company session on “Importance of Urban Biodiversity and Role of Individual Contribution and Nest Building Workshop” was delivered. Dr. Faiyaz A. Khudsar, Scientist, Biodiversity Parks Program, CEMDE, University of Delhi delivered his talk on “Importance of Urban Biodiversity and Role of Individual Contribution” followed by nest making workshop by Mr. Rakesh Khatri, Founder, Eco-roots Foundation. The session was inaugurated by Ms. Madhulika Sharma, Chief Corporate Sustainability, TATA Steel Limited and Mr. Chanakya Chaudhary, Vice President- Corporate Services, TATA Steel Limited who highlighted the initiatives of the organization towards biodiversity conservation. Dr. T.P Singh, Deputy Regional Director, Asia Regional Office, ϲʿֱֳ joined in to discuss the work done by ϲʿֱֳ in urban biodiversity across countries and key take aways from those projects. Dr. Vivek Saxena, Country Representative, ϲʿֱֳ India iterated the need for capacity building and the benefits of Leaders for Nature membership.

Protection of urban biodiversity can offer a range of benefits to human society, including providing cleaner water, clean air, storing carbon and aesthetic value. Hence, ϲʿֱֳ and TATA Steel Limited agreed that equipping employees with knowledge and know-how, businesses and individuals can make better decisions that benefit themselves, society and the planet as a whole. The session was attended by more than 350 employees across India and was concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Hishmi Jamil Hussain, Head Biodiversity- Corporate Sustainability, TATA Steel Limited. The session was organized and shaped by Ms. Aanchal Saxena, LfN Coordinator.