
Jointly published

Options for strengthening action on Ocean and Coasts under the UNFCCC, 2023

A summary of the key entry points within existing UNFCCC processes and negotiations where management actions concerning coastal and marine ecosystems can play a productive role in climate action. Report recommendations focus primarily on opportunities for advancing coastal Nature-based Solutions (NbS), including blue carbon.

Steps and recommendations are identified for advancing ocean-based climate action under these four key areas of opportunity, as well as other relevant ongoing processes and negotiations under the UNFCCC (listed on page 4 of the report).


Within negotiations and processes related to climate finance, work to increase funding availability, increase access to financing, and mobilize new and additional finance flows for coastal and marine Nature-based Solutions. 

Global Stocktake

Ensure the Global Stocktake (GST) fully reflects the critical role of nature, including coastal and marine NbS, in realizing the goals of the Paris Agreement.

NDCs – mitigation and adaptation

Call for increased technical support, knowledge exchange, and financing for the inclusion of coastal and marine NbS, such as blue carbon ecosystems, in updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Synergies across UN processes

Support synergies for coastal and marine NbS across international policy processes.
