
Groupe de spécialistes des hérons de la CSE de l'UICN

Groupe de spécialistes des hérons de la CSE de l'UICN

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Vue d'ensemble et description

Promeut la conservation des hérons et de leurs habitats dans le monde entier en encourageant la recherche, l'inventaire, la surveillance et les mesures de conservation. Pour mener à bien sa mission ...

Promeut la conservation des hérons et de leurs habitats dans le monde entier en encourageant la recherche, l'inventaire, la surveillance et les mesures de conservation. Pour mener à bien sa mission, le HSG maintient des liens de communication au niveau mondial entre les spécialistes des hérons, évalue l'état de conservation des populations de hérons, fournit des synthèses d'informations et des plans d'action pour la conservation des populations de hérons, et facilite par ailleurs les actions de conservation en faveur des hérons et de leur habitat.

Leadership de groupe


Clay Green is a Professor within the Department of Biology, Texas State University and Associate Dean, The Graduate College, Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Clay’s dissertation research focused on the ecological significance of plumage coloration in herons and egrets. Since then, he has been involved in various aspects of waterbird research including the ecology and evolution of plumage dimorphism, evaluation of colonial waterbird survey techniques, and the ecology and conservation of several waterbird species including Reddish Egrets, Green Herons, Little Blue Herons, Black Rails, American White Pelicans and American Oystercatchers. Since 2000, Clay has published numerous peer-reviewed publications, written the status report and conservation action plan for the Reddish Egret and co-chaired the Working Group for Reddish Egret, and given numerous presentations at professional meetings and for local groups. Clay’s research is primarily focused in the U.S., Caribbean and Mexico. Clay is Past President of Waterbird Society and previously served as Secretary and Councilor for the Society. 

Clay Green is a Professor within the Department of Biology, Texas State University and Associate Dean, The Graduate College, Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Clay’s dissertation research ...