
Groupe de spécialistes des hippopotames de la CSE de l'UICN

Groupe de spécialistes des hippopotames de la CSE de l'UICN

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Vue d'ensemble et description

Promeut et soutient des actions scientifiquement fondées pour la conservation des hippopotames communs et des hippopotames pygmées.

Promeut et soutient des actions scientifiquement fondées pour la conservation des hippopotames communs et des hippopotames pygmées.

Leadership de groupe

Red List Authority Coordinator

Co-Chair/EEP coordinator for the common hippopotamus / Ostrava Zoo, Czechia

I perform research on hippos in captive environment, focusing on topics like suckling behaviour or sex ratio. In addition, I am keeper of the European studbook and coordinator of European breeding programme for common hippopotamus aiming to keep population viable and diverse.

Co-Chair/EEP coordinator for the common hippopotamus / Ostrava Zoo, Czechia

I perform research on hippos in captive environment, focusing on topics like suckling behaviour or sex ratio. In addition ...

Dr Rebecca LEWISON

Co-Chair/ Professor, San Diego State University, United States 

My area of research focuses on common hippo foraging behavior and population dynamics in response to changing environmental conditions. I have a particular interest in hippo telemetry. My current efforts focus on supporting collaborative and inter-institutional initiatives on hippos as well as compiling country-level data for Red List assessments.

Co-Chair/ Professor, San Diego State University, United States 

My area of research focuses on common hippo foraging behavior and population dynamics in response to changing environmental ...

Dr Gabriella FLACKE
Red List Authority Coordinator