
Story 19 Mar, 2018

Lessons learned from five years of nature conservation and development in South Pacific Islands

CEESP NEWS - byScherl, L.M and Hahn, R.

This 2018 publication presents condensed “Lessons Learned” from five years implementation of a project across four countriesinthe SouthPacificIsland Region(Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu and Nuie)aimed atstrengthening biodiversity conservation and reduction of forest and land degradation.

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Photo: © Conservation International/photo by Ginny Farmer

Developing new protected areas to contribute to theachievement of Aichi target 11 and enhancing sustainable livelihoods of local communities living in and around existing or potential protected areas was acentralobjective.

The shares the experiences of working with a range of stakeholders whilst implementing this project within the SouthPacific Islands' socio-economic and cultural/traditional context.

Cover - Lessons learned from five years of nature conservation and development in South Pacific Islands

The Lessons Learned aim at GEF, UN, Government and NGO officers and practitioners and project implementers in order to assist with the planning and implementation of successful projects and activities in the Region.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) under thePacificAlliance for Sustainability implemented this project “Forestry Conservation and Protected Area Management” in cooperation with the Governments of those four countries.