Burkina Faso aims to adopt sustainable production methods in its cotton, livestock and gold sectors by 2030
The BIODEV2030 project, launched in early 2020 supports the country's development ambition, while promoting the adoption of voluntary sectoral commitments that incorporate ambitious biodiversity conservation and restoration measures.
The project's national technical monitoring committee recently reviewed the two years of progress of BIODEV2030 in Burkina Faso. It praised the contributions of the BIODEV2030 approach which facilitates multi-actor dialogues based on shared scientific data and assessments to mobilize all stakeholders.
Chaired by the Permanent Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development (SP/CNDD), the National Technical Monitoring Committee met in May to review the progress of BIODEV2030 since 2020.
Assessments support decisions by all actors
Two following studies have been conducted by teams of national consultants:
- An "Assessment of threats to biodiversity in Burkina Faso: prioritisation of the main threats impacting biodiversity," led by Dr Amada Oueda highlighted the strongest pressures impacting biological diversity and the economic sectors - agriculture and mining - that are at the origin of these pressures, which in turn helped identify the priority sectors to mobilise.
- A study on "Scenarios of commitment and strategy for mobilising stakeholders in the cotton, livestock and gold sectors for biodiversity conservation in Burkina Faso"听 provides an analysis of the sectors and their actors and identifies sustainable practices and possible scenarios for sectoral commitments, taking into account the opportunities and constraints.
Dialogue involving society and stakeholders
National Workshops were organised to mobilise and collect comments from participants on the different studies:
- The workshop on 15-16 October 2020 was an opportunity to present the BIODEV2030 project, before launching the assessment of threats to biodiversity;听
- The workshop of 9-10 December 2020 held in Koudougou, provided an opportunity to discuss the results of this first study and shared recommendations for national action, such as: initiating a policy of restoration of natural habitats, as well as promoting the adoption of sustainable production methods in the development sectors of agriculture and mining in order to reduce pressures;
Finally, the workshop of 16-17 December 2021 allowed participants to reflect on the context and actors of the cotton, livestock and gold sectors. Their contributions enriched the conclusions of the second study and the sectoral commitments.
BIODEV2030 also supported the establishment of the multi-sectoral Working Group for the Integration of the Biodiversity in the development sectors in Burkina Faso (GTMIBE-BF), which has adopted a three-year action plan. All stakeholders are represented in this multidisciplinary and inclusive working group: government technical services, universities and research institutes, civil society, women's organisations, the private sector, national and local elected officials, farmers' organizations, regional bodies, the national press and technical and financial partners.
Finally, in collaboration with the National Coordination of the Great Green Wall Initiative,
BIODEV2030 rewarded two documentary productions dealing with the restoration of biodiversity in the mining and agricultural sectors on the occasion of the National Tree Day presided over by the President of the Republic. The winners were:
- Mr Dimitri Ouedraogo, Journalist at lefaso.net: "Gold mining in Poura: an environmental disaster that threatens the waters of the Mouhoun River".
- Mr Mahamadi Sebogo of Editions Sidwaya: " Gestion durable des terres : une th茅rapie endog猫ne venue des p茅rim猫tres bocagers de Gui猫鈥.
Next steps
By the end of 2022, additional dialogues will be organised within the cotton, livestock and gold sectors with the objective of reaching voluntary commitments negotiated between all actors.