
Story 27 Jun, 2018

New Addition to WCEL Country and Region Reports: Operationalizing the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

The "WCEL Country and Region Reports" webpage continues to grow. A new report is now posted in French detailing the current status of the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Maputo Convention).

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Photo: WCEL

With many thanks to Mohamed Ali Mekouar, the webpage "WCEL Country and Region Reports" now includes a French-language article titled "La Convention africaine sur la conservation de la nature en vigueur mais non opérationnelle: l’urgence de convoquer la première Conférence des Parties" (The African Convention on the Conservation of Nature in force but not operational: The urgency of convening the first Conference of the Parties). WCEL looks forward to providing regular updates to this section from its members highlighting interesting environmental law developments in their countries and regions.