
Story 06 Feb, 2019

WCEL remembers Bradnee Chambers

By Elizabeth Mrema - It is with deep sorrow and sadness that we have to inform you all that our friend, partner, colleague and learned brother, Bradnee Chambers, then Executive Secretary, Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) Secretary passed on January 23, 2019 in Canada. It is indeed very sad news that we share so early in the year but God also has chosen our best to be with him this early and at his young age.

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Photo: CMS

Sadly that we will miss Bradnee’s visionary and strategic mind in carrying the work of the conservation and management of migratory species of wild animals which he had begun since 2013 to the time of his departure and which has witnessed many developments in the global sphere. He was keen to ensure the importance of migratory species conservation is fully recognized in the ongoing debates for the Post 2020 Biodiversity Agenda, the work he unfortunately left incomplete. He had been a devoted ally and instrumental in the discussions and implementation of common issues among the Biodiversity related Conventions as part of the synergies among biodiversity instruments agenda. It should be our commitment to carry on these agendas to honour him as we prepare for China Biodiversity Conference for next year as well as the CMS Conference of the Parties also next year which he had already initiated preparatory process for its success. We will for sure miss Bradnee’s vision and wisdom in these processes which were very important for him.

We will further remember Bradnee for his outspoken manner on matters very dear to him especially those related to international environmental governance as well as interlinkages and synergies among different international environmental treaties. You may recall how instrumental he was when working with the then Division of Environmental Law and Conventions (currently Law Division) as the Head of Law and Governance Branch of the Division on the debates which led to the major achievements made at Rio + 20 Conference on strengthening the role of UN Environment Programme as well as establishment of its universal governing body, the UN Environment Assembly. For several year before joining UN Environment Programme, we will remember him for the instrumental and visionary role he played while at the UN University Institute of Advanced Studies on sustainable development governance, in particular, his work on interlinkages and synergies among multilateral environmental agreements and the books he wrote on this subject just as he did for other subjects.

We will miss you Bradnee! We nonetheless pray that you and your soul be rested in eternal peace as we trust you are now in a better place with the Lord.

WCEL Steering Committee
Elizabeth Mrema
Director, Law Division, UN EnvironmentÌý
Steering Committee Member, WCELÌý
