Manifesto for National Integrated Legal Frameworks for Water Resources Governance launched
In the context of the 9th World Water Forum (Dakar, Senegal 21-26 March 2022), the International Association for Water Law (AIDA), in collaboration with the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), has developed and launched a Manifesto for National Integrated Legal Frameworks for Water Resources Governance, whose normative value and thrust WCEL will contribute to refining and promoting.
The Manifesto for National Integrated Legal Frameworks for Water Resources Governance calls the attention of lawmakers, policymakers, and of civil society to the central importance for the future of our Planet's freshwater endowment of laws and institutions that advance the sustainable and equitable management of water resources, and that promote integration across the land-water-environment continuum, and across the spectrum of human actions that impact freshwater. The scope of integration is elaborated on, within and also without the water sector with regard to the typology of freshwaters and to the principal water resources management functions, and in the pursuit of a set of key discrete policy goals that shape the direction, scope and contents of an integrated legal environment reaching out to land laws, environment laws, and forestry laws first and foremost. The Manifesto concludes with a call to countries around the Globe to (a) diagnose where the issues are in the legal framework for freshwater that need attention, including implementation and enforcement of the laws that are already on the statute books; and (b) review and revise the laws that are already on the statute books, including adopting new laws that are politically, institutionally and legally feasible and adapted to each country. The Manifesto is set to promote the achievement of SDG 6 鈥淓nsure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all鈥, and of Targets 6.5 鈥淏y 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate鈥 and 6.6 鈥淏y 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes鈥, in particular. The WCEL Water and Wetlands Specialist Group is expected to contribute to the promotion of the Manifesto in its work plan 2022-2025, through a commentary project of the Manifesto and of its normative contents and features.聽
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