
Getting to Zero

Getting to Zero: Climate Change Mitigation and Land Use – A Study of Policy Options for Balancing Emissions and Removals

Martin Adams

This CCSG project explores and discusses the legal aspects of achieving the long-term goal of holding global average temperature increase according to the Paris Agreement’s commitment to “net zero emissions” (a balance of anthropogenic emissions and removals; art. 4.1) by 2050. This goal requires not only the rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, but also the simultaneous protection of sinks and the significant enhancement of removals.

In this context, the land sector plays a crucial role. The capacity of soils and forests to sequester and store greenhouse gases, as well as the adoption of practices and processes in the use/management of land (e.g. agriculture land) to limit emissions from this sector, will be key for achieving this goal. In this regard, this project gathers jurists and specialists from around the world to understand and analyze legal and policy options that will support the achievement of these goals at international and national levels. In particular, the project’s efforts focus on highlighting experiences with national legislation that can provide lessons learned and insights to other jurisdictions.

Expected outputs and timeframes

This project is envisioned for 3 years (2019-2022), having as main output the production of an ϲʿֱֳ report to be published by the end of its activities. Other interim outputs are envisioned, such as publications (e.g. policy papers and contributions to other academic debates), events in related policy arenas (e.g. UNFCCC COPs and ϲʿֱֳ congresses) and collaborations with other institutions working in this topic.

A first output of the project will be a special edition of the  featuring contributions from several members of this group, to be published in the first quarter of 2021.

For more information, please contact the project coordinator Mr. Fabiano de Andrade Correa
