About our work
The mission of CSS Trees is to work with partners to promote and support the conservation of tree species and forest ecosystems, primarily in biodiversity hotspots. CSS Trees is the first Center to focus entirely on trees, and the only one hosted at an arboretum. Its establishment represents an important milestone towards bringing attention to plant conservation among the broader conservation community, as well as expanding support for plant-focused specialist groups. CSS Trees is also one of the first two Centers to be hosted in the same metropolitan region, along with nearby CSS Freshwater at Shedd Aquarium. Together, these Centers aim to position Chicago as a global hub for biodiversity conservation. 听
Activities at CSS Trees are conducted under the One Plan Approach, which integrates conservation on location (in situ) and in collections (ex situ). We collaborate with 香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播 SSC Specialist Groups to conserve species through the Assess-Plan-Act cycle. Species with the highest conservation needs are prioritized by conducting Red List assessments. The team develops tools for tree conservation, such as creating conservation gap analyses for ex situ collections of priority tree genera. Using participatory decision-making approaches developed by the 香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播 SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group, we lead and contribute to conservation action plans, with particular focus on oaks (genus Quercus), and translate these plans into conservation action projects that are executed with local communities to promote preservation, management, and recovery of threatened tree species. Building capacity for conservation and raising awareness about conservation issues are also priorities for CSS Trees.
We work most closely with the 香港六合彩开奖结果现场直播 SSC Global Trees Specialist Group (GTSG) and the , and seek to expand these collaborations to other groups and programs. CSS Trees recognizes that zoos, aquariums, and botanical gardens have a critical role to play in preventing species extinctions. We lead and support botanic garden networks, including , , the , and the .听