
Building Climate Resilient Green Infrastructure - Enhancing ecosystem services of planted forests in China through forest landscape restoration and governance innovation
Project Apr, 2016 - Jan, 2024

Building Climate Resilient Green Infrastructure - Enhancing ecosystem services of planted forests in China through forest landscape restoration and governance innovation

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Overview and objectives

The Project seeks to strengthen the policy, practice and evidence base of forest landscape restoration in China as an approach to reducing land degradation, conserving biodiversity, and adapting to…
The Project seeks to strengthen the policy, practice and evidence base of forest landscape restoration in China as an approach to reducing land degradation, conserving biodiversity, and adapting to climate change. Specifically, the Project will enable China’s National Forestry and Grassland Administration to develop and test new standards of planning, implementation, monitoring and ecosystem service valuation, building expertise and awareness to support longer term and broader restoration initiatives far into the future.
Outcome 1.1 Forests in selected landscapes provide relevant ecosystem services (water, soil, and carbon sequestration), maintain and improve biodiversity, increase climate resilience, reduce land…
Outcome 1.1 Forests in selected landscapes provide relevant ecosystem services (water, soil, and carbon sequestration), maintain and improve biodiversity, increase climate resilience, reduce land degradation, and generate local benefits;
Outcome 1.2 Ecosystem services valuation and monitoring methodologies in place and measuring the results; Monitoring of planted and restored forests and SFFs in China is adequate;
Outcome 1.3 Clear and quantified environmental improvements sustained by local institutional, policy and financing mechanisms;
Outcome 2.1 New policies, legal and regulatory frameworks which facilitate and promote, with strong evidence, the implementation and enforcement of forest landscape restoration and sustainable forest management;
Outcome 2.2 The SFFs reform fully considers the roles of SFFs in providing ecosystem services and develops appropriate supporting legal, regulatory and financial instruments and policies;
Outcome 2.3 Increased area of landscapes and afforestatedafforested lands protected by new policies;
Outcome 3.1 Stakeholders in China (national stakeholders and stakeholders of 3 pilot landscapes) have improved knowledge of new financial mechanisms, accounting system and best practices on sustainable forest management;
Outcome 3.2 Knowledge-sharing and international cooperation mechanisms further promote transfer and scaling up of project results, especially the collaboration with international initiatives such as Bonn Challenge/GPFLR, CBD, UNCCD, and the South-South cooperation between China, Brazil and African countries;
Outcome 3.3 Information and knowledge gaps identified and addressed to better inform the policy and practical endeavors;
Outcome 3.4 Improved awareness and understanding among key decision-makers and stakeholders of forest services and SFM;
Outcome 4.1 A Project M&E framework is designed and implemented throughout the project life;
Outcome 4.2 Project outcomes are communicated in an efficient manner.

Members and partners

Ministry of Natural Resources,
National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China

Thank you to our donors

Project documents

GEF IDÌý9518, China


For the complete set of project documents, consult the the .


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