
Information brief

The Role of Law in Enabling a Just Transition

This brief focuses on the international, regional, and national legal and policy developments on “Just Transition”, and particularly the importance of optimising the relevant legal instruments for accelerated and equitable climate action in the context of fossil fuels phase-out.

Key messages

  • Just Transition aims to distribute the burdens and benefits of decarbonisation more equally.
  • It is gaining increased prominence in international, regional, and national policy, as well as in academic literature.
  • Climate change policy and legislation should incorporate just transition principles at the national, regional, and international levels.
  • Regional and local contexts matter for producing tailored Just Transition legislation and policy.
  • Managed phase-out of fossil fuels would help make progress towards a Just Transition through setting expectations for the workers, communities, industry, local and national governments.
  • A Just Transition will require positive action, policy and legislation reform across many sectors (e.g., labour, energy, climate, public participation, planning) as well as building public-private partnerships.