ࡱ>  c bjbjss 1* <'9$G&d(((3(3(3(8k(,D3(/X ;0 Q9"s999:L$QHWJWJWJWJWJWJW;Z\tJWQ(:":JW''993W&CCC 'R9(9HWCHWCCFA'"6O9c _{3(dF4WWn/XFQ]Q]6O6O^Q](PXTd Cpt &zeXTXTXTJWJWXTXTXT/XQ]XTXTXTXTXTXTXTXTXT ":   FINAL REPORT FINAL EXTERNAL EVALUATION ECOLOGICALLY AND SOCIO-ECONOMICALLY SOUND COASTAL ECOSYSTEM REHABILITATION AND CONSERVATION IN TSUNAMI AFFECTED COUNTRIES OF THE INDIAN OCEAN PROJECT A project funded by the Bundesministerium fr wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)  Report submitted on 31 March 2010 to ϲʿֱֳ Asia Regional Office Report submitted by Mr Willie Bourne (External Evaluation Consultant) Mr Anshuman Saikia (Deputy Regional Programme Coordinator, ϲʿֱֳ Asia)  Table of Contents I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY II MAIN TEXT  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109354" 1 INTRODUCTION  PAGEREF _Toc259109354 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109355" 1.1 Background to the Final External Evaluation of the BMZ project  PAGEREF _Toc259109355 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109356" 1.2 Evaluation Methodologies  PAGEREF _Toc259109356 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109357" 1.3 Comments on the Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc259109357 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109358" 1.4 Report structure and content  PAGEREF _Toc259109358 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109359" 2 BACKGROUND TO PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN  PAGEREF _Toc259109359 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109360" 2.1 Project Preparation and Design  PAGEREF _Toc259109360 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109361" 2.2 Project Objectives, Purpose and Outputs  PAGEREF _Toc259109361 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109362" 2.2.1 Objectives and Purpose  PAGEREF _Toc259109362 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109363" 2.2.2 Expected Outputs  PAGEREF _Toc259109363 \h 28  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109364" 2.3 Comments on Project Design  PAGEREF _Toc259109364 \h 28  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109365" 3 RELEVANCE OF PROJECT DESIGN IN RELATION TO NEEDS  PAGEREF _Toc259109365 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109366" 3.1 Relevance to the Target Group  PAGEREF _Toc259109366 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109367" 3.2 Relevance of the Project LogFrame  PAGEREF _Toc259109367 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109368" 3.3 Relevance of Project Components (Objectives)  PAGEREF _Toc259109368 \h 31  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109369" 3.4 Relevance of Project Implementation Arrangements  PAGEREF _Toc259109369 \h 31  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109370" 3.5 Relevance of Cross Cutting Issues  PAGEREF _Toc259109370 \h 33  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109371" 3.6 Relevance of M&E arrangements  PAGEREF _Toc259109371 \h 33  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109372" 4 THAILAND PROJECT  PAGEREF _Toc259109372 \h 34  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109373" 4.1 Background to Thailand Project  PAGEREF _Toc259109373 \h 34  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109374" 4.2 Relevance issues of the Thailand project  PAGEREF _Toc259109374 \h 36  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109375" 4.3 Thailand Project Efficiency  PAGEREF _Toc259109375 \h 36  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109376" 4.3.1 Targeting Efficiency  PAGEREF _Toc259109376 \h 36  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109377" 4.3.2 Efficiency of Project Timing  PAGEREF _Toc259109377 \h 37  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109378" 4.3.3 Efficiency of Assessment activities (Objective 1)  PAGEREF _Toc259109378 \h 38  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109379" 4.3.4 Efficiency of Project Planning and Implementation (Objective 2)  PAGEREF _Toc259109379 \h 38  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109380" 4.3.5 Efficiency of Project sustainability, local benefit sharing and financing (Output 3)  PAGEREF _Toc259109380 \h 46  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109381" 4.3.6 Financial Management Efficiency  PAGEREF _Toc259109381 \h 47  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109382" 4.3.7 Efficiency of Project M&E  PAGEREF _Toc259109382 \h 47  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109383" 4.3.8 Efficiency of ϲʿֱֳ Thailand Country Management, staff and TA  PAGEREF _Toc259109383 \h 48  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109384" 5 SRI LANKA PROJECT  PAGEREF _Toc259109384 \h 49  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109385" 5.1 Background to Sri Lanka Project  PAGEREF _Toc259109385 \h 49  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109386" 5.2 Project Efficiency  PAGEREF _Toc259109386 \h 52  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109387" 5.2.1 Targeting Efficiency  PAGEREF _Toc259109387 \h 52  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109388" 5.2.2 Efficiency of Project Timing  PAGEREF _Toc259109388 \h 52  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109389" 5.2.3 Efficiency of Assessment activities (Objective 1)  PAGEREF _Toc259109389 \h 53  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109390" 5.2.4 Efficiency of Project Planning and Implementation (Objective 2)  PAGEREF _Toc259109390 \h 53  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109391" 5.2.5 Efficiency of Project sustainability local benefit sharing and financing (Output 3)  PAGEREF _Toc259109391 \h 60  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109392" 5.2.6 Efficiency of ϲʿֱֳ Sri Lanka Country Management, Staff and TA  PAGEREF _Toc259109392 \h 60  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109393" 5.2.7 Financial Management Efficiency  PAGEREF _Toc259109393 \h 61  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109394" 5.2.8 Efficiency of Project M&E  PAGEREF _Toc259109394 \h 62  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109395" 6 EFFICENCY OF OTHER IMPLEMENTING PARTIES  PAGEREF _Toc259109395 \h 63  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109396" 6.1 Efficiency of ELG-2 and the Regional Project Manager  PAGEREF _Toc259109396 \h 63  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109397" 6.1.1 Efficiency of ELG2  PAGEREF _Toc259109397 \h 63  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109398" 6.1.2 Efficiency of Regional Project Manager  PAGEREF _Toc259109398 \h 65  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109399" 6.2 Efficiency of Regional Programme Coordination unit  PAGEREF _Toc259109399 \h 66  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109400" 6.3 Efficiency of monitoring by BMZ  PAGEREF _Toc259109400 \h 67  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109401" 7 PROJECT EFFECTIVENESS, IMPACT, SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICABILITY  PAGEREF _Toc259109401 \h 68  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109402" 7.1 Effectiveness  PAGEREF _Toc259109402 \h 68  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109403" 7.2 Impact  PAGEREF _Toc259109403 \h 71  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109404" 7.3 Sustainability and Replicability  PAGEREF _Toc259109404 \h 71  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109405" 8 CONCLUSIONS  PAGEREF _Toc259109405 \h 73  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109406" 8.1 Conclusions with regard to Project Design  PAGEREF _Toc259109406 \h 73  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109407" 8.2 Approaches to Ecosystem Rehabilitation and Conservation piloted  PAGEREF _Toc259109407 \h 73  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109408" 8.3 Conclusions with ϲʿֱֳ and the provision of livelihood support  PAGEREF _Toc259109408 \h 73  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109409" 8.4 Conclusions with regard to stakeholder participation in BMZ projects  PAGEREF _Toc259109409 \h 74  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109410" 8.5 Conclusions with regard to institutional and policy development  PAGEREF _Toc259109410 \h 74  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109411" 8.6 Conclusions for Monitoring Learning and Evaluation  PAGEREF _Toc259109411 \h 74  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109412" 8.7 Conclusions with regard to ϲʿֱֳ management of Regional Projects  PAGEREF _Toc259109412 \h 75  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109413" 8.8 Conclusions with regard to ϲʿֱֳ recruitment of ex-Government staff  PAGEREF _Toc259109413 \h 75  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109414" 8.9 BMZ lessons for MFF  PAGEREF _Toc259109414 \h 75  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109415" 8.10 Exit Strategy for BMZ project  PAGEREF _Toc259109415 \h 76  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc259109416" 8.11 Conclusions with relation to BMZ project Phase II  PAGEREF _Toc259109416 \h 76  Tables Table 1: Financial breakdown by grantee in the TH country project Table 2: Management phases within the SL country programme Table 3: ELG-2 budget and expenditure (USD) at 28 Feb 2010 Annexes  EMBED Word.Document.8 \s  LIST OF ACRONYMS ADB Asian Development Bank AI Appreciative Inquiry AIG Alternative Income Generating ARD Asia Regional Directorate ARO Asia Regional Office of ϲʿֱֳ, Bangkok BMZ Bundesministerium fr wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBO Community Based Organisation CCD Coast Conservation Department, Sri Lanka CRMG Coastal Resources Management Group, ϲʿֱֳ, Sri Lanka DA Department of Agriculture DAC Development Achievement Committee DFAR Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Sri Lanka DFID UK Department for International Development DFO District Fisheries Office DLCC District Level Coordinating Committee DMCR Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, Thailand DS Divisional Secretariat DSD Divisional Secretariat Division FEE Final External Evaluation EAG Emerald Andaman Group ELG-2 Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group 2, ϲʿֱֳ, Asia ET Evaluation Team GA Government Agent GIS Geographical Information System IA Internal Agreement ϲʿֱֳ International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ϲʿֱֳ-SL ϲʿֱֳ Sri Lanka Country Office ϲʿֱֳ-TH ϲʿֱֳ Thailand Country Office KMK Khao Me Nang Khaow KKK Kor Khor Khao LFA Logical Framework Approach LLS Livelihoods and Landscape Strategy M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MBA Masters in Business Administration MEA Millennium Ecosystem Assessment MFF Mangroves for the Future Initiative MNK Me Nang Khaow MSC Most Significant Change ML&E Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation MP Marine Police MTR Mid-Term Review NCB National Coordinating Body NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NSC National Steering Committee OAPN Organismo Autnomo Parques Nacionales OECD Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development ONEP Office of National Environmental Planning PM Project Manager PMBC Phuket Marine Biological Center POW Programme of Work PPM Project Planning Matrix PS Pradeshiya Sabha RFD Royal Forest Department RPM Regional Project Manager RPMU Regional Project Management Unit RPC Regional Programme Coordination Unit SGP Small Grants Project SL Sri Lanka TA Technical Assistance TAC Technical Advisory Committee TAO Tambon Authority Organisation TEI Thailand Environment Institute TH Thailand THB Thai Baht TOR Terms of Reference UN United Nations WI Wetlands International WP&B Work Plan and Budget WQM Water Quality Monitoring ZOPP Zielorientierte Projektplanung I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Ecologically and socio-economically sound coastal ecosystem rehabilitation and conservation in tsunami-affected countries of the Indian Ocean Project funded by the Bundesministerium fr wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ). The project was formulated in response to interest shown by BMZ the in supporting ecosystem restoration and conservation activities, at the MFF donor meeting of October 31 2006. A proposal was submitted by IUCN in November 2006, and a grant of 1,500,000 was made available for this project, via an agreement signed between BMZ and IUCN in December 2006. The project runs over a three year period, from January 1 2007 to March 31 2010. This report covers the findings, conclusions, lessons learnt and recommendations of a Final External Evaluation (ET) undertaken in March 2010. The Evaluation Team has followed established evaluation methodology and criteria used in formal evaluation (that includes relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and replicability). This report presents the main evaluation findings, conclusions, lessons learnt and recommendations for future use in the Ecological Protection and Rehabilitation work. 1. Project design The Project Proposal was notable for its brevity and lack of detail in terms of cross cutting issues, beneficiaries and stakeholders, organisational and implementation aspects, financial details and M&E framework (although a project planning matrix is presented) and M&E arrangements. A timeframe of 3 years is considered far too short for a project of this nature. The opportunity to use the Inception Workshop to further develop the LogFrame and prepare a full Implementation Plan was missed. Internal Agreements drawn up in early March were not signed until mid 2007. It also took time to agree on which countries and specific coastal areas to work on. Insufficient time committed to project design prior to project approval resulted in these important issues being resolved in the first 6 months of the project life. Effectively, the project only had a life of 2.5 years. Lessons Learnt (i) Project documents provide the guidance in all aspects of project implementation from start to finish. They must be comprehensive and clear beyond doubt of what the project should achieve and how, through what mechanism and with what resources. Sufficient time must be allocated to project design activities. Specialist(s) in Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation should be recruited to assist in the project design process. 2. Relevance of project design to need 2.1 Target Group: Although not clearly identified, the intended beneficiaries and stakeholders including Government Agencies, Local Government Authorities, NGOs, CBOs, private sector participants and not least, the households from communities in coastal and watershed areas. All are highly relevant to the project goals. 2.2 Project Logframe: The Project Planning Matrix did not provide the necessary framework for M&E. Objectives 1 to 3 were not actually results. Instead, they represented the development process. Immediate and specific results mentioned under Beneficiaries and Results section in the Project Proposal are somewhat confusing and overlapping, with an apparent attempt to catch-all possible output / outcome scenarios. The Objective areas should have emphasised institutional and local or national policy development; empowerment of relevant stakeholder groups; participation in information gathering, sharing and analysis and decision making; partnerships with Government, private sector participants and local communities. The piloting nature of integrated coastal management should have been reinforced particularly as a learning platform for MFF. 2.3 Project Components: The project components were poorly defined as the PPM described a process rather than presenting key result areas. 2.4 Project Implementation Arrangements: Regional projects have complex management arrangements in ϲʿֱֳ. BMZ is not different. The lead management role was undertaken by the Regional Project Manager (RPM) based in the Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group 2 (ELG-2) unit in Colombo. Internal Agreements were signed with the ϲʿֱֳ-SL and ϲʿֱֳ-TH to implement the country programmes and also with the Regional Programme Coordination Unit (RPC) based in Asia Regional Office, Bangkok for M&E and planning services. These IAs were based on ϲʿֱֳ Secretariat Protocols but did not clearly identify the RPM having overall responsibility for use of funds and full executive powers to guide the project. Unfortunately, the ϲʿֱֳ-SL management interpreted the IAs differently. As a result the RPM was not allowed to steer the SL project at a critical time in early 2008. In spite of commendable corrective action by the ARO in October 2008, following the Mid Term Reviews (MTR) recommendation to strengthen executive powers for the RPM, it was not until September 2009 that the relations and lines of communications between the RPM and SL programme normalised. The reluctance of ϲʿֱֳ-SL to be guided by the RPM has, in the ETs opinion, reduced the effectiveness of the SL programme. Lessons Learnt (i) Identification of beneficiary groups and their intended involvement must be clearly stated in the Project Proposal, especially in such a project as this where people, their empowerment and their participation in ecosystem and habitat management and protection take center stage. (ii) The LogFrame must be reviewed in the Inception Period and improvements made. The opportunity to modify project design early in project was unfortunately not taken. It was not until after the MTR that any revision to the LogFrame was made. (iii) The RPM must have direct control of the overall management of any regional project. To be placed in a situation of being entirely responsible and accountable to the donor (and ϲʿֱֳ) for the achievement of project goals and outputs and the use of funds, but unable to direct and influence strategy and choice of investment plan in country programmes is most untenable. No manager should ever be placed in such a predicament. (iv) M&E arrangements at different levels were allowed to evolve by themselves, without the guidance of an overall framework. Without proper guidance in M&E from the beginning, it is difficult to make it clear to everybody what the project hopes to achieve and how and with what resources. This is particularly the case with Regional Projects, where cost or management centers are spread in 4 locations, as is the case with BMZ. 3. Thailand Project 3.1 Background: Thailand was prioritised but only selected in March 2007 as a BMZ country. Following presentation to the MFF National Coordinating Body (NCB) the Kuraburi Ranong stretch was endorsed. The ecosystem approach pursued by the TH programme focused on the Reef to Ridge approach as a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. The BMZ project had a good initial platform to work from with CBOs already formed and organised around conservation issues. The Field Project Manager had previous experience from similar work in the region. The strategy employed by the TH programme followed 3 steps: The Assessment Stage: Use of biological, socioeconomic and institutional assessments gathered and analysed with relevant community level groups, thus combining scientific and local knowledge processes. The entry point for the assessments was degraded ecosystems requiring rehabilitation, restoration and improved conservation management. Management Framework and Investment Plan: This process involved a review of existing national, regional, provincial, local and community plans and policies. The outcomes and knowledge gained were then applied through a participatory Reef to Ridge process in Kuraburi and Kapoe watershed areas linked to local issues enabling the identification of suitable partners and CBOs to help achieve desired goals. Investment plans were appraised through a rigorous evaluative review process using the investment guidelines provided by RPMU. Small Grant Investments: Implementation agreements were drawn up with 17 partners including CBOs, Government agencies, NGOs and approved by a review committee based in the NCB of the MFF, in early January 2009. As recommended by the MTR, the TH programme provided direct support in capacity building and set up a grantee based monitoring system. It retained the flexibility to provide additional grants to performing grantees for activities previously not envisaged. By linking different CBOs to a Government partner as a backstopping arrangement from the outset, the TH programme was able to integrate sustainability aspects from the outset. Monitoring, feedback workshops and information sharing activities: During 2009, three experience sharing/monitoring workshops were held for the grantees. In November 2009, a CBO learning workshop was organised followed by a joint meeting of BMZ and MFF grantees to identify synergies between each others activities in the area. 3.2 Relevance issues of the Thailand project: The TH project was found to be very relevant to the projects intended goals and purpose, in terms of stakeholders selected and the ecological, rehabilitation and conservation reef to ridge development process applied. 3.3 Thailand Project Efficiency: Targeting was found to be very efficient indeed. An inclusive range of stakeholders including CBOs, civil society organisations, NGOs, government agencies and local authorities were identified and targeted from the outset. The use of the Reef to Ridge process approach enabled the project to target an array of degraded natural habitats in a wide, diverse yet linked and dependent natural resource landscape. Livelihood related investments identified were largely linked to the ecosystem/habitat conservation perspective including specifically targeting around 150 stateless people in the Ka Poe watershed. Collaboration between Buddhist and Muslim communities occurred through networking these groups in conservation management. Timing Efficiency: The timeframe for Objective 1 (assessments) was unrealistic in project design if assessments are to be completed in a participatory and exhaustive manner with considerable scientific rigor. Assessment reports were completed in March 2008. Objective 2 was completed by December 2008 leaving one year (2009) for grantees to implement their projects. The TH management overcame initial delays in funding in 2007 by securing resources from the ϲʿֱֳ Livelihoods and Landscape Strategy (LLS) Project. Regular monitoring of grantees enabled managers to identify delays on the ground and take action to improve timing efficiencies of grants. Efficiency of Assessment activities (Objective 1): The institutional and governance analysis undertaken identified the various laws, policies and regulations governing the management of natural resources in the area. The assessments were undertaken through a scientific, rigorous and integrated approach and were found to be very efficient. Some 57 different meetings were held at community, Tambon or local authority level, district, provincial and national levels engaging all stakeholders at different levels. Wetlands International was recruited to conduct the migratory bird assessment which, in turn, involved the communities around the Ka Poe Ramsar site in data collection and analysis or environmental monitoring at their doorstep. Assessment studies were made available in Thai and used extensively in publications and guides for use by the public. Efficiency of Project Planning and Implementation (Objective 2) A: Planning and Approval Process Efficiency: The TH programme with assistance from RPCU and ELG-2 produced a document entitled Investment Management Framework: BMZ Thailand Component. The overall efficiency of the process to screen, formulate and develop appropriate plans for investment grants for the two watershed areas in an all inclusive participatory manner, was found thorough and meticulous. The result was a clear strategic plan of action with agreement from all parties concerned. The TH project is a good example of when sufficient staff, financial and project resources are applied to a carefully well thought out planning process, resources are well spent. The decision to have a 2nd stage round of grants based on efficiency of money spent was a true reward to those grantees who used their funds well. Project proposals were written by the proponents with assistance from BMZ TH and submitted to the NCB of the MFF for final approval. This created an important link between the MFF and BMZ project as anticipated in project design. Standard contract formats between ϲʿֱֳ and the project proponents were used effectively. B: Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration project efficiency: Guided by the conceptual framework which is based on the Convention on Biological Diversitys 12 ecosystem approach principles, implementation in terms of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management in the two watersheds was found generally efficient. The total investment for 18 grantees in Kuraburi was $72,006 and for Ka Poe, $101,221. C: Conclusions of investment plan efficiency: Reef to Ridge: watershed approach: The Kapoe estuary was a good example of how individual grants given to various CBOs for specific conservation management and environmental monitoring or awareness efforts can through networking of groups lead to significant cumulative or snowball effect in terms of impact on the ground. The Na Ca river in the upper and middle watershed levels was another great example. Implementing Grantees: CBOs were more efficient at delivery of outputs from their small projects and with no overhead costs were cheaper compared to the NGOs (WI, TEI, MAP and EAG). The 4 NGOs were given around 50% of the total budget. TORs for NGOs were however more comprehensive and had a wider geographical coverage and degree of complexity. Timeliness was also an issue with all NGOs. Government grantees performed efficiently and benefited from the network in terms of reaching out and collaborating closely with community level stakeholders, some for the very first time. Institutional issues: Regular internal reviews of the efficiency of institutional arrangements were undertaken by the TH management in order to ensure it engaged local Government and other partners correctly. The project worked well with many local departments, national parks and village authorities but was less successful with elected officials in tambon and Governor offices, who were more interested in their political agenda. Land disputes, demarcation of forest areas involving the use of maps and ground truthing efforts with local communities are critical issues that take time, effort and patience, but can have dramatic results in rights and land use for conservation purposes. Livelihoods: The BMZ demonstrated the efficiency of linking livelihoods to the natural resource use as a key element in sustainable management and conservation e.g. venus Shell sanctuary, nypa palm management in Kapoe Bay, cockle protection and harvesting and increased protection of seagrass beds and use. Although mixed in results generated, the organic agriculture and agroforestry initiatives in the upper watershed to reduce pollution of the rivers seem to have generated some benefit. There were examples where no direct link was made with the livelihood option and natural resource management (e,g Bang Lampoo bakery). Bang Lampoo and Ba Na Conservation groups both had multiple mini-projects included in their grants, many of which supported livelihoods. Although useful in terms of generating experience in new aspects of livelihood development, some were not well conceived or designed and may not sustain. It would be more efficient to approve fewer activities in a grant that is in proportion to the absorption capacity of the group to implement effectively. Providing inputs for livelihoods as a grant is also questionable, unless revolving schemes set up require full repayment of the value of the grant. Rather than giving physical inputs, it is better to link groups to sources of finance, but continue to provide technical assistance. Of particular importance, insufficient attention was given to marketing aspects of livelihoods options supported to increase incomes through increased sale prices or volumes sold. Networking: The effort to bring grantees together in local meetings and through the 3 monitoring workshops held during 2009 has been efficient in its goal of information sharing and learning. Communication, Knowledge Management and Awareness: The project has used information gathered from the assessment reports and subsequent research to produce up to 20 knowledge products for information sharing and conservation awareness and management in Thai and English. It also supported public education centers. The knowledge management agenda was well integrated into the overall framework of the project. Gender Considerations: The project was efficient in targeting women with ecosystem restoration and related livelihood interventions. Many of the livelihood projects were run by women groups. Efficiency of project sustainability, local benefit sharing and financing (Output 3): The TH team specifically linked every CBO grantee to a relevant government department to strengthen sustainability linkages. The reflow schemes introduced through community level revolving funds were reasonably well designed with most demonstrating reflow of funds for onlending, but more is required to consolidate and strengthen reflow schemes. Many grantees already charge visitors (e.g. Na Ca Conservation Group, Ba Na Conservation Group) or planned to do so in the future (MNK Conservation Group). A private concern, the Andaman Discovery was engaged to provide marketing support and to assist those grantees wishing to develop financing mechanisms. Some examples were found of Government agencies able to secure financial support through their regular budgets (PMBC) for future work. Financial Management Efficiency: The TH programme allocated its budgets efficiently for both administration and operational expenses. Financial planning for grantees was efficient as all investment options were drawn up together with participation of grantees and, with a cohesive ecological strategy in mind and approved according to merit. The average grant size for CBOs was $7,061 each. CBOs received 37% of the total investment grant. Four NGOs received the lion share (50%) of grant money ($93,895). Two government agencies received 5% ($8,721) of the total investment grant. With lower administration costs, CBOs demonstrated a more efficient use of funds than NGOs. The TH programme also utilised funds ($60,860 in 2008 and 2009) from the Livelihoods and Landscape Strategy for networking purposes, which demonstrated efficient use of partnerships with other ϲʿֱֳ programmes. A further $57,429 will be drawn from the LLS in 2010 to help sustain BMZ networks after project closure. Efficiency of Project M&E: Three levels of monitoring were undertaken: (1) regular progress monitoring of grantees; (2) watershed level or ecosystem level monitoring by grantees themselves and (3) the overall results monitoring at the higher immediate results level based on the framework developed by RPMU and RPC in June 2009. Participatory monitoring, learning and evaluation was integrated into the investment grant planning. Cross fertilisation of ideas and learning was achieved through the conduct of joint planning sessions held in each of the watersheds involving all stakeholders. The TH team together with RPC unit in Bangkok, developed what looks like a complex and detailed results based monitoring system, but was suitable for their monitoring needs. Efficiency of ϲʿֱֳ Thailand Country Management, staff and TA: The TH project was blessed with a team of high quality and dedicated staff, all of whom excelled and worked hard on the project from start to finish. A close dynamic relationship existed between the Country Manager and the Field Coordinator, who managed between them (with the RPMs assistance) to develop the conceptual approach and find a means to apply this at the field level. The Field Coordinators ability to converse and work with partners at all levels and persist in engaging stakeholders in decision making was a real asset. Lessons Learnt from BMZ THAILAND : (i) The Reef to Ridge watershed approach was proven successful as an efficient means of targeting individual investments in different natural resource or ecological habitats and stakeholder groups that when linked and consolidated en masse lead to an impressive culminating effect on the watershed environment. These information sharing, networking and partnerships processes enable individual grantee projects to link together to provide a platform for cumulative impact. (ii) CBOs were found to be far more efficient in terms of cost as many of their work was voluntary as compared to NGOs who charge overheads. CBO lead activities were implemented timely without delays and involved efficient and sparing use of funds. Although weak in capacity and experience, specific targeting of CBOs from the outset, whose members are most likely to benefit from improved outcome from investments, should be an essential feature of future work of this nature. The rewards for the time and effort expended in involving community stakeholders are significant. (iii) A three year project is too short a timeframe to undertake rigorous assessment studies, complete a comprehensive participatory planning process with a multitude of stakeholder or interest groups and then implement a full programme of investments of this nature. (iv) Local people, whatever their level of understanding and experience must be involved and genuinely participate in all aspects of the ecosystem identification, problem analysis, planning, approval, implementation and monitoring, in order to achieve a viable and functioning rehabilitation and conservation programme. Prior to any investment to grantees, it is critical that local people understand WHAT the ecological conservation issues are and WHY they are important in the immediate area, as well as upstream and downstream areas. (v) The application of sufficient time, budgets and resources spent to carefully plan actions in participatory processes usually translates into the delivery of well implemented and monitored projects and outcomes. The opposite also holds true. (vi) Any ecosystem management project in the ϲʿֱֳ should adopt the 12 CBD ecosystem approach principles as standard practice, as it provides an integrated basis for addressing conservation management. The TH project applied these principles efficiently. (vii) CBOs, whatever their capacity and if prepared and motivated properly, are efficient grantees. In TH, these CBO grantees have proven themselves to implement and monitor their projects well when empowered to do so. The promotion of a broad stakeholder base including CBOs and Government partners in the design, planning or implementation of any future ecosystem and conservation project should be an essential ingredient. (viii) The BMZ TH project has achieved much to develop a network of community based managers and an appreciation for the Reef to Ridge approach. It made less progress with regards to influencing or convincing district and provincial officials of the need to support community based ecosystem management. Perhaps this is unrealistic given the project timeframe and considerable challenges of influencing elected officials with short term mandates. (ix) Good examples of linking livelihoods to the natural resource use were generated. It is considered more expedient to implement less livelihood projects with one grantee and only support those most likely to have an impact on the natural resource use and/or have a wider beneficiary coverage and impact. (x) Providing grants to recipients for livelihood activities is questionable and undermines the self-reliance nature that underpins sustainable livelihood. (xi) ML&E processes, when put at the heart of a people orientated ecology and conservation driven approach, provide powerful outcomes in terms of knowledge sharing and people empowerment. 4. Sri Lanka Project 4.1 Background: It took time in the first half of 2007 to select the final site. Eventually, the ϲʿֱֳs Technical Advisory Committee decided on the Puttalam to Gangewadiya stretch in June 2007 from the three pre-selected sites. A decision was made by the ϲʿֱֳ-SL prior to the investment strategy in 2008 to also work in the Chilaw to Kalpitiya area previously rejected, due to the recognition of the significant potential impacts of tourism development and the thermal power plant in Norachallai. Once the project started in earnest in June 2007, the ϲʿֱֳ-SL and ELG2 teams produced a detailed report Ecological and socio-economic assessments of selected sites of the Puttalam lagoon finalised by June 2008 which covered 15 study sites using rigorous criteria. However, it appears that the Investment Strategy then developed followed a visit by a group of consultants and ϲʿֱֳ-SL staff. Rather than focusing on the rehabilitation of a sensitive or critical ecosystem area (e.g. a mangrove area or a riverrine estuary approach) as the priori approach, the team instead decided on an approach based on a Model Village that took alternative livelihood development as its center piece, with the goal of reduced pressure on resources (fishing). No overall investment plan was finalised for review by others. It also appears that investment priorities, activities and outcomes shifted during the project life. Directly linked to this, the management of the ϲʿֱֳ-SL project was affected by frequent changes of personnel over the three years, which has had a bearing on the efficiency and effectiveness of the project. It is possible to identify three phases as follows: Management Phase I from January 2007- March 2008 characterised by the start up and assessment phase of the project; Management Phase II from March 2008 May 2009 characterised by livelihoods focus and Management Phase III from May 2009 present characterised as being the catch up phase and focus on institutional development. 4.2 Project Efficiency Targeting Efficiency: In spite of detailed and rigorous Assessment Studies undertaken, it appears that little use was made of the findings in planning Objective 2, in terms of beneficiary targeting or to select a specific coastal area for rehabilitation of conservation management. The decision in mid 2008, following the visit of an Investment Study Team, to take the Three Village approach with alternative livelihoods as the centerpiece is not considered relevant or an appropriate development approach and was poorly conceived. Without proper planning or full participation of CBO members in the choice of projects or in beneficiary selection, the targeting of livelihood options in villages through CBOs would most likely skew benefits towards the better off or those with more social capital. Efficiency of Project Timing: With all the start up delays, the Assessment Studies were not produced until March 2008. Virtually all planned activities for Objective 2 were delayed in the Management Phase II of the SL project. With the arrival of the new project manager in Phase III in May 2009, the project was jump started in order to catch up. The manager worked hard to implement a whole range of projects and increase budget disbursement. However, with no proper exit plan in place, the danger of this rush to implement late in the project is that newly implemented projects will come to an abrupt end without the important mechanisms in place to sustain activities. It would have been more prudent to have taken a strategic review of proposed activities in the last 6 months of the project rather than rush to implement what had been agreed or previously approved. Efficiency of Assessment activities (Objective 1): Assessment activities, involving good partnership between ELG-2 and SL office, although somewhat delayed against the original and adjusted timeframes, were comprehensive and found sufficient for their purpose in identifying critical stretches of degraded coastline for management under the project. The Assessment Study teams made good use of existing information sets including the ADB funded Regional Environmental Technical Assistance project data sets in Puttalam Lagoon, the ϲʿֱֳ Red List, the ϲʿֱֳ Wilpattu National Park Resource Inventory and the Wetlands Directory. Efficiency of Project Planning and Implementation (Objective 2): The efficiency of investment planning and implementation has been very poor indeed. ϲʿֱֳ-SL failed to utilise the Assessment Studies and conclusions correctly to guide its investment strategy. The Village Model approach was completely inappropriate. There were serious delays in the Phase II (March 2008 May 2009) of the project, when only some $54,000 against a budget of $280,000 odd was spent. In spite of the solid advice repeatedly provided by the RPM, later reinforced by the MTR, the decision by the ϲʿֱֳ-SL senior management not to change its approach as advised or complete a comprehensive investment plan, has seriously undermined the potential success of the project. A multitude of many isolated and seemingly unrelated activities were earmarked in an Investment Plan without a true ecological focus or goal in mind. Of particular concern, genuine stakeholder involvement in developing investment options were found quite limited. Economic analysis/ feasibility of investment options was not done as it was perceived to be too complex. A: Education Awareness Campaigns: Some 20 workshops were undertaken by the Small Fisheries Federation and other Government partners covering a multitude of villages and stakeholders in subjects ranging from fisheries ordinance, protection of Puttalam ecosystem, agricultural chemical use and harm to the environment, alternative livelihoods, etc.. Target groups and subject matter was found generic in nature and not specific for a particular habitat conservation site. In phase III, unused budget for awareness campaigns was well re-allocated in June 2009 for 10 workshops to raise awareness of local people in Kalpitiya regarding solid waste and environmental degradation that then led to environmental clean up activities by residents. The BMZ SL produced very few information or educational materials for the public or key stakeholders. No materials were prepared in Sinhala or English on factsheets for endangered species, e.g. Scyphiphora Hydrophyllacea (Black mangrove) and Cynometra Iripa (Upulu) or other field guides. The BMZ SL did share GIS maps with the District Land Use section and provided training in their use, with good effect. B. Sustainable Livelihoods Development: With the exceptions of crab fattening or fish processing and marketing projects, all other Alternative Income Generating (AIG) projects were not directly linked to the natural resource use. There is much evidence in the global arena that unless AIGs in coastal areas are thoroughly researched from a technical, economic and financial and marketing perspective, the risk of failure or non-performance or ability to sustain or replicate is high. All these factors apply in the case of drip irrigation, sewing machines and poultry projects, which were not well researched. Sewing machine and drip irrigation projects were good examples as to how not to do livelihoods. According to beneficiaries met, the choice and design of the livelihood projects was decided by the project and not by them. The understanding of the rationale between receiving a grant in a livelihood activity and conservation activities was partly understood by beneficiaries met, but there was no commitment found that beneficiaries were obliged to reduce fishing, plant mangroves or conserve a local ecosystem habitat in return. In Soththupitiya, farmers applied to join the Fisheries CBO so that they too could benefit from BMZ projects. Conflicts arose between those members who received inputs and those bypassed. Home gardens introduced later in Phase III learnt from the experience of the drip irrigation project and utilised more appropriate technologies. C. Sustainable Fisheries Management: Of the range of activities for the Sustainable Fisheries Management, just $5,000 of the $85,277 budget allocated was spent on the formation of the Puttalam Lagoon Management Authority and the preparation in December 2009 of the Puttalam Fisheries Management Plan to declare a special fisheries management area, sent for gazetting at the national level. Instead, the lion share of the budget was spent on infra-structure (e.g. community halls, fish landing sites, toilets etc) and equipment or furniture for CBOs. These activities were agreed in Phase II of the project were rolled out in Phase III at a rapid pace, without serious consideration of what the CBOs would do in return. It was not part of a larger development picture. Likewise, the District Fisheries Office was recipient of motorbikes, laptop computer, projector, a fast boat and other equipment in late 2009, with the purpose to enable it to operate more efficiently. The principle of the expectation (as with the livelihood projects) that there will be no return from stakeholders unless you give them something first prevailed. There was insufficient linkage by the project on the empowerment, social capital development or organisational aspects that would assist these organisations to network, share information and perform better in the future. D. Ecosystem restoration and bio-diversity conservation: Progress in the Solid Waste Management project at Kalpitiya was well conceived but only took hold in Phase III of the project. The Kalpitiya Pradeshiya Sadha will develop its own land fill area and sorting station and expand to other areas soon. The concept to undertake ecological restoration of shrimp farms at Thirikapallama was sound, but it focused on just 4 small shrimp ponds in a large area of abandoned shrimp ponds. The main task involved seeking the release of 4 abandoned shrimp ponds from tenants who had leased the land on a 30 year lease from the Government. Unfortunately, they refused to return the land even though it remained unproductive. The project took the case to the Supreme Court whose judgment was favourable. Unfortunately, funds earmarked for their rehabilitation were reallocated for poultry projects, and it is unlikely that much more will happen. The Mangrove Park planned at Ettale, which was the one project that had the hallmarks of the type of conservation management that was expected in the BMZ project, regrettably did not materialise due to lack of support or agreement with the DS Forest Department. Greening human settlements and nature park in schools was undertaken mainly in Phase III and involved the use of more appropriate technology in the use of clay pots for irrigation needs and live fences. Efficient use of GIS maps generated by ϲʿֱֳ was noted in Phase III. The maps have been used for demarcation purposes of coastal, forest, elephant conflict and lagoon areas together with local residents, to the extent that local action was taken to stop land encroachment in Soththupitiya. Some 75 sign boards were erected together with the District Forest Department as part of the demarcation process. With regard to ecosystem and bio-diversity rehabilitation activities, the ET was quite taken aback to learn that the SL Team had managed to overlook the protection of two nationally endangered species Scyphiphora Hydrophyllacea (Black mangrove) in Thirikapallama village and Cynometra Iripa (Upulu) in Sevanthivu/ Anakuttiya villages, both highlighted in the Ecological and Socio-Economic Assessment reports as critical species, as a catalyst for conservation and protection work. None of the drip irrigation or crab beneficiaries asked knew about the existence of this rare species. E. Institutional strengthening: The District Level Coordinating Committee (DLCC) chaired by the Government Agent now meets frequently and has representation from a wide range of government, CBO and NGO stakeholders to discuss multi-disciplinary issues with regard to environmental protection in the Lagoon. After a slow start, its raison detre has emerged over the last 6 months with a re-orientation of its functions as the DLCC, and with its strong leadership, has become a genuine platform to discuss lagoon related environmental issues with the potential to become the Lagoon Management Authority. The Government Agent (GA) is a staunch supporter of the DLCC, which bodes well for the future. Efficiency of Project sustainability, local benefit sharing and financing (Output 3): In SL, given the delays and degree of inactivity in Phase II, there was little opportunity to develop work on finance schemes. The rush of activities in Phase III came too late. Reflow schemes at CBO level with livelihood projects should have been better designed as only a small portion of money is returned for on-lending. Efficiency of ϲʿֱֳ Sri Lanka Country Management, Staff and TA: Frequent change of personnel in key project management positions has had a bearing on the efficiency of the SL project. It is fair to say that the quality and skill sets of managers and TA has been variable, from poor to good. The Assessment Study work was well managed and implemented. It is evident that the Phase II project manager lacked the experience or vision necessary to rise to the challenge of driving a state of the art pilot project of this nature. By the time the MTR left, it must however, have been clear that a replacement should be found, but no decision was made. The incoming project manager in May 2009 had the energy, drive, understanding and experience to engage stakeholders in a more pro-active manner. He was burdened with the brief to implement and disburse money before the project end. He introduced and inspired some positive initiatives (GIS maps, home greening, waste management etc), but was saddled to implement previous commitments (e.g. poultry projects, infra-projects with CBOs, equipment for DFO etc) that could not be avoided. The ϲʿֱֳ-SL office did recruit their own TA to assist with the critical activity of Investment Planning, which may have contributed to the decision to take a model village rather than an ecological approach. Finally, the approval process for investment options in the SL country programme raises concern. Rather than follow a transparent process of review and approval by a regional project committee (e.g. MFF National Co-ordination Body or other mode) as recommended, the approval process was in-house involving the local staff. The RPM was allowed to comment, but had no sway on the final decision, in spite of executive powers given to her in October 2008. The reluctance on the part of the ϲʿֱֳ-SL management to engage in a more open approval process has meant that the appropriate checks and balances were not in place to ensure that projects approved contributed towards the achievement of the overall objectives. Financial Management Efficiency: The financial and accounting system set up in ϲʿֱֳ-SL as the main financial accounting center for the BMZ project was efficiently managed. Against a budget of $288,014 for Subcontracts for Ecosystem Rehabilitation, only $174,230 (60%) has been spent to date. This implies that quite significant sum of money still has to be accounted for by the end of June 2010. The rush to spend against commitments automatically raises the question of quality of works and capacity to deliver inputs efficiently. Very little expenditure was made against budget heads Documentation of Lessons Learnt or Printing and Publication. Efficiency of Project M&E: There appears to be limited use of participatory M&E amongst local stakeholders. There also appears to be limited degree of self-reflection and information sharing between project partners of issues arising and learning. The SL project did work with the RPCU to develop its own Results Based Monitoring Framework late on the project, more out of obligation than for practical use. Lessons Learnt in SRI LANKA (i) Targeting must focus on the protection and rehabilitation of a coastal ecosystem and not just one village; (ii) With livelihood projects, care must be taken to target the poorest households who are most likely to depend more on the natural resource base for their livelihoods. (iii) As recommended by the MTR, a carefully thought out orderly exit plan should have been developed and followed. (iv) The failure of the ϲʿֱֳ-SL management in 2008 to develop a Conservation Management Plan or Investment Plan involving the full participation of stakeholders for conservation or rehabilitation of a specific ecosystem has reduced the effectiveness and therefore impact of the project. The inability to fully involve stakeholders in decision making processes is an opportunity lost to empower people and engender a feeling of ownership to manage and care for local ecosystems. (v) Full consensus building with stakeholders, the definition of specific priority conservation objectives, the proper use of a process orientated approach, solid partnership development and a common vision and leadership are all essential and vital ingredients in conservation management and sustainability. (vi) Awareness and education programmes must be undertaken with a strategic goal in mind. The benefits of raising awareness must be integrated directly as part of an overall plan. Such campaigns are not an end in itself, but a means to an end. (vii) Thorough assessments of livelihood options must be undertaken with beneficiary groups (viii) Improved livelihood options selected must be linked to natural resource use that results in the sustainable management of that resource (e.g. shell sanctuaries, nypa harvesting, fish processing and marketing). By doing so, it is possible to instill a stronger sense of ownership and appreciation of the value and need to sustain the use of that resource. (ix) If livelihood activities are supported, their rationale must be part of a conservation strategy and not as a carrot to encourage and engage stakeholders to collaborate with the project. (x) Given that 90% of the livelihood budget of $58,000 was used on AIGs with no link to the natural resource use in conservation areas and whose future impact is in doubt, the focus on livelihood development was found a distraction to what the SL programme should have worked on (i.e. rehabilitation, conservation and management). It is regrettable that development organizations such as CARE InternationalSL, whose focus is livelihood development and has a partnership with ϲʿֱֳ, were not approached to partner BMZ to implement livelihood development work instead. (xi) Work started too late in the project life (Phase III) to federate the Fishery CBOs into a Lagoon Management Authority or to prepare the Puttalam Fisheries Plan, but achievement to date in this regard stands out as one of the more significant achievements of the BMZ SL project. (xii) It is quite extraordinary that ϲʿֱֳ-SL, given its mandate, managed to overlook the importance of protecting critically endangered mangrove species, but this serves to reinforce the argument that the ϲʿֱֳ-SL management got their strategic priorities all wrong from the beginning. (xiii) Land ownership issues in coastal areas are complex and need time and continuous follow up to resolve. The rewards for concerted effort to re-allocate abandoned shrimp pond ownership for rehabilitation purposes, given the large tracts of coastal land affected in SL and the region, could be immense. The SL project was correct to target this issue, but was unable in the time available to bring the issue to a conclusive end in a scale large enough to have any lasting impact. (xiv) Issues regarding long term sustainability of coastal ecosystem rehabilitation and benefit sharing should be integral as part of the design of all associated activities. (xv) All investment approval decisions should have been made by a Regional Review Committee as recommended in the Guide to Developing Investment Options (Feb 2008). A learning opportunity was lost because when projects from Thailand and Sri Lanka are reviewed together, it is possible to benefit from experiences gained and processes followed. Regular meetings of this committee would have provided the information sharing platform that this regional project has lacked, whilst pulling the two country projects together as a BMZ project. 5. Efficiency of other Implementing Partners Efficiency of ELG2 :In terms of financial and progress reporting (quarterly and annual reports) and submission of the annual WP&Bs, the ELG-2 has been efficient. Except during the implementation of Objective 1 (assessment studies) when particularly SL and to some extent the TH project benefited from TA services, the unit ELG-2 was generally under-utilised. There was some positive collaboration between ELG-2 and the TH programmes to provide TA in 2008 and 2009, evident by the work carried out to document and application to add the Water Onion to the Red List; a study to assess or build stakeholder collaboration and documenting lessons learnt. The technical quality of most of this work was found proficient and of value to its users. In SL, there was close collaboration and use of TA from ELG-2 during the Assessment Study work. Thereafter, apart from a monitoring field report and a publication on Prawn Farms and some assistance to the Greening project, the ELG-2 was not requested to assist with much else. The ELG-2 developed the BMZ local Benefit Sharing and Financing Mechanisms as part of their obligations in Objective 3. The report is brief indeed, somewhat academic and unfortunately lacks the practical guidance as to HOW to do local benefit sharing or other finance mechanisms. Eventually, country level benefit sharing and financing reports were produced for each country. From a financial perspective , the ELG-2 unit had the highest portion of budget allocation (34%) in the project ($688,699) compared to $595,530 in SL (29%); $621,110 in TH (31%) and $85,400 for the Regional Programme Coordination unit (RPC) in Bangkok (4%). The ELG-2 budget allocation was mainly for technical assistance and management, without direct responsibility for implementing at the ground level. Some 44% of the ELG-2 budget was for the salary of the RPM, who also worked on other ϲʿֱֳ related work. In conclusion, it appears that the difficulty in establishing an effective SL / ELG-2 working relationship was just part of the answer to explain the general under-utilisation of the ELG-2 services. It also seems that the efficiency of the ELG-2 unit in providing technical assistance, encouraging exchange, publishing technical documents, arranging regional information exchange and visits was low, in view of the financial resources it was provided and the amount of budget it expended. Lessons Learnt (i) Project managers must utilise fully all the technical expertise at their disposal (ii) Regional projects must ensure that information exchange and visits are held between partner countries. (iii) Getting the balance in terms of budgets between a regional management unit (in this case ELG-2) and country programmes right is very important. Efficiency of Regional Project Manager(s): The inception period failed to re-direct and clarify the project design, functions and M&E framework and arrangements. More should have been done by the original RPM then to overcome delays. When allowed to, the incumbent RPM has provided solid guidance and oversight to the project. The ET is convinced that the RPM tried her best to guide SL in investment planning and development of workplans. The Guide to Development of Investment Options produced in February 2008 was practical and explicit and clearly had a good impact in the design of TH investment options. The RPM has worked closely with the TH programme over the last 2 years. The inability to set up a Regional Project Review Committee, despite her best efforts, was a lost opportunity to bring both countries together to share experiences and learn from each other. This aspect of Regionality and learning from each other had a limited outcome. Although exchange visits were made, it appears that SL management was unable to take on board the emerging experience from the TH project and integrate these learnings into its programme. The two country projects remain just that. Individual programmes within the umbrella of the BMZ project. Lessons Learnt (i) Many projects based within Regional offices (including ϲʿֱֳ) are set up in different countries with the explicit purpose of being able to pilot, share information and lessons learnt. Unless special effort or organisational mechanisms (e.g. Regional Project Review Committee or regular visits) are specifically put in place to foster the exchange and interface between parties as intended, it is likely that, as in the case of BMZ, the intended impact will be bypassed. This is costly given the degree of complexity in management arrangements, additional cost in staff, office space and particularly travel as compared to projects targeting just one country. (ii) Had the RPM been allowed more access and influence in the SL programme, or had other technical staff in the SL country office been involved during Phase II, she would have made a great difference to the SL strategic approach, the quality of projects approved and the efficiency and effectiveness of the project. Efficiency of Regional Programme Coordination unit: The RPC unit based in Bangkok, was responsible primarily to develop the Monitoring and Evaluation framework, together with ELG-2s facilitation. It helped develop the Inception Report, assisted with country assessments and prepared reports and plans. Assistance was given to ELG-2 for the development of investment guidelines. The BMZ project failed to establish within its lifetime a practical, manageable or useful M&E system. The original ML&E plan produced sometime in 2007 was a re-jig of the Project Planning Matrix with timelines. It was not until June 2009, almost a year later, that the unit, with the help of the RPM, developed the revised monitoring plan. Both countries have tried to use the new framework with varying results. The unit did assist the TH programme in refining its investment plans and setting up beneficiary level monitoring plans for individual projects by providing formats for monitoring progress and risk management. It specifically facilitated both the countries in developing their results monitoring frameworks by September 2009 which were reported against. Lessons Learnt (i) M&E formats must be simple to facilitate ease of reporting and use. Efficiency of monitoring by BMZ: As the donor, it is fair to say that the BMZ has taken a relatively passive role in the management of this project. Once the agreement was signed in December 2006 until now, it has kept its working arrangements purely financial with seemingly little interest in progress or eventual outcome. As far as the ET is aware, no field or project visits were made by the BMZ. The BMZ were invited to join both the MTR and Final Evaluation, but politely declined. The person in charge at BMZ changed three times during the course of the project, which may have had a bearing. It is only just recently that it suggested ϲʿֱֳ to prepare a follow up project. 6. Effectiveness Effectiveness is treated using key results defined in the 2009 Results Based Monitoring framework: Result 1: Critically threatened and degraded coastal ecosystems are rehabilitated & conserved Thailand: The application of the Reef to Ridge approach based around the rehabilitation and conservation in two watershed areas was found most effective. There are numerous examples from the 18 different grantee projects of effective ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation successes. The positive effects are due to detailed planning efforts with all concerned. All individual projects had a purpose in mind, but collectively, through networking and regular information sharing, outcomes from each project now emerging contribute to achievement of the larger goal. Sri Lanka: Some emerging effects are generated from latter activities implemented (e.g. greening home gardens programme, distribution of efficient stoves, compost bins, etc). However, they are widely spread to have an impact on a critically threatened or degraded coastal ecosystem. The signboards to demarcate forest areas are a start, but signboards alone are not enough. More stakeholder conservation management with the Forest Department assisted by the District Land Use Section is needed. Solid waste collection in Kalpitiya is progressing well now with the result that roadsides, urban areas and hopefully coastlines will be cleaner in the future. With no specific attention given to their conservation, critically endangered mangrove species (upulu & black mangroves) remain so. Result 2: Livelihoods are strengthened and vulnerability is reduced among coastal populations; Thailand: Livelihoods linked to forest or mangrove planting, cockle, seagrass, nypa palms and venus shell protection or conservation efforts all had strong linkages to sustainable natural resource management, underpinned by good understanding of participants as to why conservation was important. In the Stakeholder Evaluation workshop held in day 2 of this evaluation, the ET saw for itself the numerous and varied product types produced for sale by different grantees. However, some enterprises assisted were not linked to the resource use, were not found profitable nor relevant to the project purpose. Insufficient emphasis was placed on market linkages which meant that opportunity was lost to increase income or decrease costs. Sri Lanka: Livelihood options supported have limited tangible effects in increasing incomes nor in decreasing pressure on natural resources, particularly fishing. Vulnerability of fishing households was not significantly reduced, as intended. Those with sewing machines lack orders and machines lie idle. Many drip feed irrigation farmers have lost money and ceased activities, although others have joined together in a communal plot and enjoy reasonable income now, although water expenses are still subsidised. Non participants were unable to replicate the technologies. However, an emerging positive effect was the adaptation of the drip technology to use cheaper local pitcher-based systems. Poultry projects are newly established, but it is anticipated that few will continue, based on past village experience with poultry. Result 3: Local stakeholders are empowered to better participate in and benefit from coastal conservation planning and decision-making; Thailand: Positive emerging effects were registered in the enhancement of community participation and empowerment in planning, implementing conservation and ecosystem restoration related activities. Stakeholder groups were thoroughly involved in each step of the planning and decision making process. Women were involved in the capacity of leaders of different conservation groups. In addition, marginalized stateless people were empowered to participate in watershed level conservation forums. People of different religious backgrounds interacted closely. Sri Lanka: In contrast, community level stakeholders were not able to participate in planning and decision making processes in SL. Many of the project options were decided or approved by project management and ground level activities organised through the CBO chairmen and their assistants, resulting in little empowerment of targeted beneficiaries. Result 4: Dialogue, partnerships and joint actions undertaken in support of conservation are strengthened among coastal stakeholder groups (local communities, government and private sector); Thailand: The TH team was more effective in establishing multistakeholder mechanisms at the watershed level comprising of CBOs, government and NGOs than it was in engaging formal partnership for coastal ecosystems management between local tambon authorities and communities. Sri Lanka: Apart from the positive recent efforts to engage fishing CBOs in more decision making in the Lagoon area through the activities of the DLCC, the BMZ mainly supported these organisations in terms of infra-structure / buildings and equipment rather than in capacity building to engage in conservation and rehabilitation management of specified ecosystems. Positive recent effects were registered with the Land Use Department and local communities to prevent encroachment. Result 5: Improved institutional and policy framework environment developed for local ecosystem conservation, protection and rehabilitation of coastal resources. Thailand: The project had limited success in addressing the improved policy and institutional framework environment for local ecosystem conservation as it relied on the promulgation of the River Basin Organisation Act and the Coastal Zone Act which was delayed. Ecosystem approaches were demonstrated, but supporting policy aimed at decentralisation of management to local level was absent. The water lily conservation effort has influenced policy at the national level related to endemic species conservation in the country and ban of exports. The national database of the Phuket Marine Biology Center has now adopted community knowledge systems on seagrass and other biodiversity into its fold. Sri Lanka: Some very significant positive effects are emerging from the SL project in this regard. With strong leadership, the DLCC has emerged as the focal point for a multi-dimensional platform for Lagoon Management, with wide stakeholder representation. An application to the authorities to gazette the Puttalam Lagoon Management Authority is almost complete. In recent months, with good facilitation from the BMZ project, the DLCC has grown in stature and purpose. Efforts with the DFO to amend the Fisheries Act at the national level to allow fisheries co-management rather than CBO based management (which enables local elites to capture most of the benefits) has progressed well. The recent efforts to build local capacity at the district level for land use mapping using BMZ maps, together with ground truthing of conservation areas has empowered local people to resist encroachment into coastal conservation and mangrove areas. Result 6: Sustainable financing and local benefit sharing mechanisms met to provide for direct / indirect costs of coastal conservation Thailand: There were some examples of local mechanisms to generate funds from eco-tours, rafting and education centers. The recruitment of a private company to promote and market eco-tourism activities developed by grantees, was a positive move. The PMBC has obtained budget allocation for 2011 for seagrass monitoring and protection. Some reflow schemes within CBOs were working well. Sri Lanka: Reflow schemes in Fishing CBOs were only designed to capture around 20% of initial cost of livelihood related grants, so this may only encourage limited on-lending to other members. The Kalpitiya PS will allocate its own resources to develop the solid waste management project to collect, sort and manage waste. Result 7: Awareness and knowledge for coastal conservation management improved Thailand: The degree of awareness raised of local stakeholders had been very high as a result of their inclusion in the BMZ project from the start in assessment study work. The collection, analysis and sharing of monitoring information with other stakeholders in rivers and coastal areas by CBOs was an effective means of building awareness. The water lily conservation efforts in particular had attracted attention from the local to provincial to national levels. Promotion through radio and TV media was successful. The TH team put special effort into showcasing BMZ results at national and regional conferences through the presentation of papers. Sri Lanka: Apart from recent awareness work specifically targeting solid waste management and clean up activities, the programme of general awareness raising campaigns was not found effective. 7. Impact Thailand project impact: If the degree of networking, information sharing and collaboration monitored so far can continue to flourish, there is considerable potential for impact in the broader ecological landscape through this watershed / ridge to reef ecosystem approach. Ingredients for success include backstopping by agencies as the DMCR, the PMBC and Marine Police working collaboratively with communities on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management aspects. Sri Lanka project impact: Apart from the development of institutional arrangements developed in the late stage of the SL project, it does not seem to have the correct ingredients to have a lasting impact on target groups. Considerable inputs are still required to achieve any impact from an ecological perspective. Impact of regional aspects of BMZ : It transpires that very few meetings were held involving all project teams and this was mainly in 2007 and early 2008. Apart from one visit at the end of the MFF Symposium in November 2009 and after the Regional Meeting in April 2009 when SL staff visited the TH project, no other field exchange visits were undertaken. It appears that any benefits or impact from a regional programme for information, experience or knowledge sharing and learning did not materialise. A regional committee to review and approve investment options from each country could have increased learning and information sharing. Impact of MFF & BMZ interaction: In Thailand, linkages between MFF and BMZ were well developed. The BMZ grantees and MFF SGPs proponents were brought together for experience sharing and lessons learned workshop. The MFF NCB was involved in endorsing the investment plan for the BMZ project. Exposure visit from Sri Lanka by officials from Eastern Province to the BMZ TH project was organised and financed using MFF funds. In contrast, it appears that little effort was made in Sri Lanka to link SGPs implemented under the MFF to the achievement of BMZ goals and vice versa. The proponents of the 8 SGPs approved and implemented in the Puttalam Lagoon area were not networked together and like the BMZ projects were isolated but seemingly unconnected events. The likelihood of these small investments then to have a collective impact on ecosystem conservation and management is considered low. 8. Sustainability and Replicability Thailand: There is anecdotal evidence that some grantee activities may be sustained beyond the project life: The Reef to Ridge / Watershed development process piloted during the BMZ Thailand project may easily be replicated elsewhere, with necessary adaptation in Thailand or in the Region. Sri Lanka: Apart from progress achieved with institutional and governance aspects (DLCC, Lagoon Management Authority, Fisheries Co-management Act) that will be continued under the auspices of the Improving Natural Resource Governance for Poverty Reduction project funded by the DFID, and possibly the Solid Waste Management programme with the support of the Kapitiya DS, not much else will be sustained. The sustainability of many of the livelihoods activities is already in doubt. It is not advised that the Village Approach promoted in the BMZ project should be replicated elsewhere. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Conclusions with regard to Project Design A three year timeframe is insufficient time for a project of this nature. A proper LFA should be developed as part of project design and implementation arrangements and financial plan must be clearly specified. Recommendation 1: Project documents provide guidance in all aspects of project implementation from start to finish. They must be comprehensive and clear beyond doubt. Sufficient time must be allocated to project design. If necessary, the start date of an approved project should be delayed until all internal agreements are made. If not then the resulting timeframe of the project (like the BMZ which effectively had only 2.5 years and not 3 year life) is reduced. 2. Approaches to Ecosystem Rehabilitation and Conservation piloted The overall systematic and scientific approach for ecosystem rehabilitation and management in the context of Thailand based on multi-stakeholder partnerships, information sharing and participation was well demonstrated with many positive emerging effects and lessons learnt. The village approach based on the premise to reduce pressure on the natural resource base founded on alternative livelihoods applied in Sri Lanka was poorly conceived as the main focus to rehabilitate or conserve coastal ecosystems and habitats. Recommendation 2: The TH team should produce a guideline and lessons learnt document for the Watershed/ Reef to Ridge Conservation and Rehabilitation Approach for use in other regions. 3. Conclusions with ϲʿֱֳ and the provision of livelihood support Livelihood interventions for ecosystem management projects must be directly linked to the natural resource use to ensure they are sustainably managed. Only where grant assisted livelihood projects are linked to internal schemes where funds are fully recouped by CBOs for onlending to other beneficiaries in subsequent cycles to ensure full benefit sharing, should grants for livelihoods be supported. Otherwise grants will be considered as hand outs and serve to undermine the self-reliance aspects in peoples own development. Local conflicts between those supported and those not supported will arise. Usually it is those better off households with good social capital that will be selected in grant schemes. It is more prudent to link beneficiary groups to sources of credit to fund their enterprises. Finally, livelihood development is complex, requires a long timeframe and large resources beyond the scope of most ϲʿֱֳ project resources. ϲʿֱֳ should partner with other national and international agencies that specialise in large scale livelihood development rather than attempt to do itself. The concept or belief that before beneficiaries will engage in your activities, they must be given something first, is misguided. It will only lead to further dependency. Recommendation 3: ϲʿֱֳ, given its strengths and mandate in conservation of critical habitats, should not engage in livelihood development, unless it is closely linked to sustainable natural resource use. In both country projects, some livelihood related activities was viewed as a distraction to what the project should focus on and invest in. ϲʿֱֳ is not a specialist organisation in integrated rural and livelihood development and nor should it be. Partners with this mandate should be sought instead. Recommendation 4: Any livelihood supported activity must be linked to the sustainable management of the natural resource in question or help generate income for self-financing of operations (e.g. monitoring water quality, upkeep of nature trails etc). An essential pre-condition, if livelihood activities are supported, is that participants fully understand the ecological conservation and rehabilitation principles that underpin the need for livelihood development activity in question. Recommendation 5: ϲʿֱֳ conduct an internal review of a range of regional or country projects in which livelihood sub-projects are implemented to assess their effectiveness in terms of producing valuable outcomes. Lessons learnt arising should guide future ϲʿֱֳ policy and strategies. 4. Conclusions with regard to stakeholder participation in BMZ projects The TH project demonstrated that the best results in conservation management arise when local people are involved from the start. Existing and new formed CBOs were involved in the assessment stage which enabled a fusion of scientific information together with a local resource use perspective. Planning with a plethora of stakeholder groups supported partnership building and efficiency in investment planning that reduced overlap and purpose of grantees. Recommendation 6: CBOs are an effective mechanism through which investment may be made in coastal ecosystem protection and management. CBOs should be the priori focus and be involved from the outset. Regular monitoring and information sharing workshops and meetings inspire networking and collaboration. Advocacy development should be supported from early on. 5. Conclusions with regard to institutional and policy development Projects that aim to influence policy and institutional arrangements at the national level often lack local evidence to substantiate their case. BMZ is proof that conservation issues of local importance can, with the correct degree of Government and ϲʿֱֳ pressure, result in policy changes. Recommendation 7: Policy changes can result from the lobbying of local conservation issues through projects like BMZ. ϲʿֱֳ is perfectly placed to support requests to Government for policy changes. 6. Conclusions for Monitoring Learning and Evaluation Monitoring and Learning processes were shown by the TH project as an integral part of its Reef to Ridge strategy approach. This puts people at the center and their ability to monitor and learn from their efforts is an essential ingredient to its success. Recommendation 8: ML & E should be integrated into People Orientated approaches to coastal ecological and conservation management interventions. 7. Conclusions with regard to ϲʿֱֳ management of Regional Projects Disparities in understanding of management arrangements between the RPM and country programmes arising from Internal Agreements had a major bearing on the strategic approach taken and outcome achieved of the SL BMZ project. The benefits from implementing a regional focused project is the exchange and learning that may arise between country programmes. In BMZ, such benefits were notably limited. Recommendation 8: It is recommended that an internal study of ongoing regional projects is undertaken to assess the suitability of ϲʿֱֳ Internal Arrangements for project management; to identify what type of arrangements works well and why and vice versa; and to determine whether regional projects really do generate the information and experience exchange that is intended (if not why and how could it be done better). Recommendation 9: If Technical Assistance or specific expertise may not be found internally within ϲʿֱֳ due to non-availability, then these skills should be sourced from outside otherwise delays may occur. 8. Conclusions with regard to ϲʿֱֳ staffing and recruitment It is common for the ϲʿֱֳ to recruit the services of recently retired senior government officials to work, sometimes in senior positions, with the rationale that they know the Government system well and would have some sway and gain influence of projects in Government circles. The contrary is also true. A lifetime of government service conditions the way of thinking and in many cases, is not likely to inspire new and creative ideas to the complex challenges in ecological restoration and rehabilitation required. It is true that some retired officials are very capable, but these persons must be screened for their forward innovative thinking. As proof of point, the promotion of the village model approach in SL was the output of a small team led by two senior retired Government officials. Recommendation 10: Instead of turning to retired senior Government officials for additional expertise, the ϲʿֱֳ may do better to pursue a human resource strategy or policy that assists young, educated, enthusiastic staff members to rise to the challenges of ecological and social management. 9. BMZ lessons for MFF BMZ Thailand project demonstrated that small investments in a localised area with different proponents within different layers of the landscape can contribute cumulatively to the achievement of a large goal. These small investments are similar in nature to the MFF Small Grants Projects. Experience in most MFF countries, SL being a good example, SGPs are isolated investments that may have some benefit locally, but fail, unless networked or aggregated into a larger landscape, to contribute much to the achievement of ecological goals. A more holistic approach is required. Recommendation 11: Small grant investments in MFF should be made as part of a larger local ecosystem investment plan so that effects produced collectively may achieve the wide goal through a multiplier effect. Approved as individual investments, SGPs will remain as isolated cases of good practice. 10. Exit Strategy for BMZ project Despite MTR recommendations, neither country prepared an exit or hand over strategy. Both projects will end shortly, but some linkages to outside (other project) funds has been secured that may help sustain important activities further. Exit Strategy Thailand: LLS funds for 2010 have been committed. Feedback from the Workshop (3rd March) indicated that the two watershed networks were prepared to continue their interaction and information sharing activities. LLS funds should be utilised to strengthen these networks and their interaction. In future, more focus should be made on terrestrial and upper watershed conservation aspects including buffer zone management, than coastal work which has already shown significant progress. This involves stronger links with the Royal Forest Department and other agencies with jurisdiction on the upper watershed areas. Influencing policy at the local authority or TAO level and the provincial level should also be emphasised. Exit Strategy Sri Lanka: It is recommended that no new financial commitments are made after 31st March 2010. The project is advised to complete and account for all outstanding expenditure and complete all outstanding works by 30 June 2010. In the last 3 months, work to consolidate field activities for sustainability purposes should be undertaken. Develop linkages to DFID project with stakeholder groups for sustainability purposes. This would include the establishment of the Fisheries Management Authority and follow-up on the declaration of the Puttalam Lagoon as a fisheries management area. Work should also be undertaken to consolidate and if possible upscale the Solid Waste Management activities to possibly cover the entire Lagoon area. Given the support offered by the DFID project, it is not recommended here that the Puttalam Lagoon is included in any further phases of the BMZ project. Conclusions with relation to BMZ project Phase II: It transpires that ϲʿֱֳ has already submitted a proposal for a second phase of funding to BMZ entitled Coastal Ecosystems Conservation for Sustainable (Long Term) Benefits with an emphasis on integrated coastal zone management. To provide an additional list of recommendations at this point in time, given this situation, may be redundant, as it is unlikely to influence the outcome of this proposal much. However, in conclusion, the ET would like to reinforce its recommendations mentioned in the Conclusions section above with regard to design, timing, M&E, internal ϲʿֱֳ management for regional projects and that lessons learnt from both TH and SL projects are considered in the further stages of project design and particularly in the inception period. Recommendation 12: Conduct a Regional Lessons Learnt Workshop involving all that reviews experiences generated through the project, together with findings of the MTR and this Final Evaluation and highlights important lessons for future work. II MAIN TEXT INTRODUCTION Background to the Final External Evaluation of the BMZ project The Evaluation Team (ET) was mobilised on 1st March and started its work with a visit to the Kuraburi field site in Thailand between 2nd 4th March and meetings in the Asia Regional Office Bangkok on 5th March. A trip to Sri Lanka and the Puttalam Lagoon was undertaken in the following week and included visits to the ϲʿֱֳ SL office and the ELG-2 office. This draft report was written in the third and fourth weeks of March in Bangkok. A de-briefing meeting was held in Colombo (12 March) to present findings, lessons learnt and recommendations with project staff and other key stakeholders. It was hoped to replicate the activity in Bangkok on 18th March, but most key staff were abroad. The TOR of the Evaluation is presented in Annex 1. The detailed schedule and itinerary is given in Annex 2, the persons consulted and met by Team members is presented in Annex 3 and documents consulted in Annex 4. Evaluation Methodologies With minor alterations, the Evaluation Team followed the methodology presented in Annex 5. In summary, the evaluation criteria fall under the following headings: Relevance of project design in relation to needs Efficiency of project implementation Effectiveness (emerging effects at the time of evaluation) Impact and Sustainability / Replicability Comments on the Terms of Reference On the whole, the Evaluation Team found the TOR comprehensive and clear regarding evaluation objectives, expected outputs and methodologies and other modalities. Report structure and content This report focuses on the conclusions, lessons learnt and recommendations arising from the evaluation and follows the standard Project Cycle Management evaluation criteria headings commonly used and established in the Evaluation TOR, including relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and replicability. Because of the differences found in the nature of country selected sites and approaches followed by Thailand and Sri Lanka, findings are split into Section 4 (Thailand) and Section 5 (Sri Lanka). Effectiveness, impact and sustainability are covered in section 7. Final Conclusions and recommendations are given in Section 8 covering the whole project. The Evaluation Team (ET) would like to thank all those who have helped it in its investigations - whether by advice, providing information or through logistical support - and have made this Mission (it is hoped) productive and useful. BACKGROUND TO PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN Project Preparation and Design The project, Ecologically and socio-economically sound coastal ecosystem rehabilitation and conservation in tsunami-affected countries of the Indian Ocean was developed to ensure that coastal ecosystems are conserved and restored in tsunami-affected countries. This project was formulated in response to interest shown by the Bundesministerium fr wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) in supporting ecosystem restoration and conservation activities, at the MFF donor meeting of October 31 2006. A proposal was hurriedly drafted in October 2006 by the Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group 2 (ELG2) in Sri Lanka, reportedly over a period of 3-4 days and submitted by IUCN to BMZ in November 2006. A grant of 1,500,000 was then made available. The project had a duration of just over three years, from January 1 2007 to December 31 2009 and with a zero budget extension till March 31, 2010. It formed a component of the Mangroves for the Future Initiative (MFF), a multicountry, multi-sector programme involving tsunami-affected countries of the Indian Ocean. The project addresses a number of programmes of work with a focus on the second Programme of Work specified under MFF: designing ecologically and socio-economically sound coastal ecosystem rehabilitation. Of significance, the project was viewed by many met as well as the MTR, as a pilot project, a forerunner to the main MFF initiative, from which lessons and experience could be generated, learnt and incorporated into the MFF programme. As a regional project, experience gained and shared between two countries would also add value in terms of knowledge sharing. This project aims to address these needs, and to rehabilitate and conserve degraded and threatened coastal ecosystems in tsunami-affected countries of the Indian Ocean, using ecologically and socio-economically sound methods. Two out of 6 Tsunami affected countries, Sri Lanka and Thailand, were finally selected for implementation of activities. Of particular interest, the final site chosen in Sri Lanka (Puttalam Lagoon) was not affected directly by the Tsunami. Its inclusion was because other more seriously affected Tsunami damaged coastal zones had already received much donor support already. In Thailand, Ban Nam Khem off Koh Khoa in Kuraburi province was at the heart of the Tsunami damage along the west Thailand coast. Despite many efforts to identify an easy to remember and identifiable project title, the project has always been known as the BMZ project. Project Objectives, Purpose and Outputs Objectives and Purpose The long-term goal of the project is to conserve and restore coastal ecosystems as key assets which support human well-being and security in the Indian Ocean Region. Its immediate purpose is that degraded and threatened coastal ecosystems in tsunami-affected countries of the Indian Ocean are rehabilitated and conserved using ecologically and socio-economically sound methods. The Project Planning Matrix is presented in Annex 5. Expected Outputs Four objectives contribute towards this purpose and goal, and will be achieved through delivering a series of concrete outputs and activities as described together with Activities below: Priority coastal ecosystems that require rehabilitation and conservation are identified, based on ecological and socio-economic importance, suitability and needs 1.1.1 Assessment of ecological, socio-economic, institutional status, vulnerability, threats & needs 1.1.2 Production of land use-zone based GIS maps and other decision-support tools summarising assessment findings 1.2.1 Facilitation of pilot site selection through multi-stakeholder dialogue and negotiation 1.2.2 Technical, economic and institutional appraisal of rehabilitation investment options 1.2.3 Approval of investment plans for ecosystem rehabilitation Coastal ecosystem rehabilitation and conservation measures are undertaken in pilot sites, using ecologically and socio-economically sound approaches 2.1.1 Develop site ecosystem rehabilitation and conservation plans as part of integrated land use planning 2.2.1 Stakeholder and institutional mapping to identify mechanisms and arrangements for implementing rehabilitation and conservation plans 2.2.2 Establish contracts to undertake rehabilitation and conservation activities 2.3.1 Implement ecosystem rehabilitation and conservation plans The long-term sustainability of coastal ecosystem rehabilitation in pilot sites is strengthened through local benefit-sharing and financing mechanisms 3.1.1 Assess needs and opportunities for local benefit-sharing and sustainable financing The project is managed and operating successfully. 4.1.1 Establish and maintain project management and technical support unit 4.1.2 Project work-planning, reporting and monitoring Comments on Project Design The Project Proposal was notable for its brevity and lack of detail in terms of cross cutting issues, beneficiaries and stakeholders, organisational and implementation aspects, financial details and M&E framework (although a project planning matrix is presented) and M&E arrangements. As pointed out by the Mid Term Review (MTR): The design of the BMZ Project needs to be understood by reading the original Project Proposal submitted to and approved by BMZ and ϲʿֱֳ Headquarters in the agreement dated 18 December 2006, the Inception Report of the project dated March 2007 and the three internal agreements, between ϲʿֱֳ Asia Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group (ELG-2 based in Sri Lanka) and ϲʿֱֳ Asia Regional Program Coordination Unit (RPC), ϲʿֱֳ Thailand Country Program and ϲʿֱֳ Sri Lanka Country Program, which were all finalized by June 2007. The ET found all 4 documents cited by the MTR as all relevant to the project design against which project outcomes should be judged. The ϲʿֱֳ BMZ agreement was brief, focusing on obligations and financial arrangements. With regards to project objectives, the only notable addition was under section 5.3 which stated that ϲʿֱֳ will pay attention to what appears to be Programmes of Work from the Mangroves for the Future (MFF) Programme. No further clarification was made to project design. The Inception Report of March 2007 made small revisions to the workplan and timeframe, especially for Objectives 1 and 2. Critically, no budgets were included or description of implementation arrangements made. Internal Agreements (IAs), which specify the operational and financing conditions for project implementation between the lead internal partner ELG-2 and other partners ϲʿֱֳ-SL, ϲʿֱֳ-TH and Regional Programme Coordination Unit (RPC) in Bangkok were drafted in early March but not signed off until 30 May 2007 (SL) and June 2007 (TH), almost 5 6 months after the project started. Under Annex 1 in the Country IAs (specific responsibilities for the Country Office), it states under point 9 that the Office will manage the budget and report on budget expenditures. Unfortunately, at this point, the IAs did not specify how individual projects in Investment Plans would be approved. This omission was to cause difficulties later in the project. It was not until the Regional Planning workshop in December 2007 and the development of contractual guidelines on investment options produced in February 2008, that progress was made in providing clarity in how to implement the project. This should have been done in the Inception Period. Conclusions: The Project Proposal was found too brief with insufficient details regarding essential elements of the project (e.g stakeholders, organisational and implementation arrangements, financing and M&E). The opportunity to use the Inception Workshop and further develop the LogFrame and prepare a full Implementation Plan was missed. Internal Agreements drawn up in early March were not signed until late May. It also took time to agree on which countries and specific coastal areas to work on. Insufficient time committed to project design prior to project approval resulted in these important issues being resolved in the 6 months of the project life. Effectively, the project only had a project life of 2.5 years. Other issues with project design include: The Project Planning Matrix was not a LogFrame (see Annex 5) and as such did not provide the necessary framework for M&E. The relationship between activities, outputs (described here as Objectives) and purpose were somewhat confused. Activities, however, are clearly elaborated in the Project Proposal. Beneficiaries and key stakeholders are identified but not fully described, particularly in how they were to be involved in the project. Countries and sites should have been selected as part of the Project Design process. The project timeframe of 3 years is considered far too short for a project of this nature. The timeframe for completing Objectives 1 and 2 as was in the Project Proposal was unrealistic, although deadlines were extended as a result of the Inception Workshop, but these were also surpassed. Internal implementation and financial arrangements should have been clearly identified in the Project Proposal. Although it was assumed that IAs would be developed based on ϲʿֱֳ Secretariat protocols, these subsequently took a long time to develop and agree. No financial breakdown or budgeting was included in the Project Proposal. Had budgets by ϲʿֱֳ partners been identified from the outset, delays may have been avoided later as a result of disputes in budget allocation. It is surprising that the donor, given that the ZOPP process for Logical Framework development originated in Germany, did not insist on a more thorough LFA in its project design. Lessons Learnt (i) Project documents provide the guidance in all aspects of project implementation from start to finish. They must be comprehensive and clear beyond doubt of what the project should achieve and how, through what mechanism and with what resources. Sufficient time must be allocated to project design activities. Specialist(s) in Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation should be recruited to assist in the project design process. RELEVANCE OF PROJECT DESIGN IN RELATION TO NEEDS Relevance to the Target Group Conclusions: Although not clearly identified or fully described, the intended beneficiaries and stakeholders including Government Agencies, Local Government Authorities, NGOs, CBOs, private sector participants and not least, the households from communities in coastal and watershed areas are all highly relevant to the conservation and ecosystem rehabilitation and management goals of the project. Lessons Learnt (i) Identification of beneficiary groups and their intended involvement must be clearly stated in the Project Proposal, especially in such a project as this where people, their empowerment and their participation in ecosystem and habitat management and protection take center stage. Relevance of the Project LogFrame Conclusions: The Project Planning Matrix did not provide the necessary framework for M&E. Terminology used for the different levels in the hierarchy were incorrect with the term Objectives being used instead of the term Outputs. Objectives 1 to 3 were not actually results. Instead, they represented the development process. Paraphrased these objectives do the following: conduct baseline / assessment studies, develop and implement an investment plan and then try to sustain activities and outcomes. Specific results under Beneficiaries and Results section in the Project Proposal, but unfortunately not as part of the Project Planning Matrix included the following, which were used in the revised Results Based Logframe in mid 2009: Critically threatened and degraded coastal ecosystems in two tsunami-affected Indian Ocean countries are rehabilitated and conserved; Livelihoods are strengthened and vulnerability is reduced among coastal populations in two tsunami-affected Indian Ocean countries; Local stakeholders in two tsunami-affected Indian Ocean countries, especially more marginalised groups, are empowered to better participate in and benefit from coastal conservation planning and decision-making; Dialogue, partnerships and joint actions undertaken in support of conservation are strengthened among coastal stakeholder groups, including local communities, government and the private sector; More accessible, practical and policy-relevant information and methods on coastal ecosystem status, management and monitoring approaches are made available to coastal planners and managers in Indian Ocean countries. Awareness and knowledge for coastal conservation management improved The ET concurs with most of the findings of the MTR with regard to project design, except its comment of the Immediate Purpose being considered a result because it cannot be achieved by itself. Had a proper Logical Framework Approach (LFA) been used to design the project and appropriate output or result areas identified (as suggested above), then the Immediate Purpose, with some small alterations to include institutional aspects, could have been workable. What is defined in the Project Purpose is the vision of what should be in place and measured (in an Evaluation such as this) at the end of the project life. This includes the identification of emerging effects and whether these may be sustained that may, in turn, lead to eventual impact. Immediate and specific results mentioned under Beneficiaries and Results section in the Project Proposal are somewhat confusing and overlapping, with an apparent attempt to catch-all possible output / outcome scenarios. Immediate Results appear to be more like conditions applied to the project (e.g. at least 50% womens involvement or at least 25% of cost in benefit sharing schemes). There is no reference to any cross cutting issues. Verifiable indicators in the Project Planning Matrix are found not particularly useful or relevant in monitoring outcomes or Change, as they relate mainly to activity level achievements (e.g. plan, appraisals, strategies). Lessons Learnt (i) The LogFrame must be reviewed in the Inception Period and improvements made. The opportunity to modify project design early in project was unfortunately not taken. It was not until after the MTR that any revision to the LogFrame was made. Relevance of Project Components (Objectives) Conclusions: As discussed in 3.2 above, the Objectives should have been Result areas rather than a development process. The Objective areas should have emphasised institutional and local or national policy development; empowerment of relevant stakeholder groups; participation in information gathering, sharing and analysis and decision making; partnerships with Government, private sector participants and local communities. The piloting nature of integrated coastal management should have been reinforced particularly as a learning platform for MFF. Relevance of Project Implementation Arrangements Conclusions: The lead management role was undertaken by the Regional Programme Manager (RPM) based in the ELG-2 unit in Colombo. This person was ultimately responsible to the BMZ for use of funds and achievements of outputs. Internal Agreements were signed with the ϲʿֱֳ-SL and ϲʿֱֳ-TH to implement the country programmes and also with the Regional Programme Coordination Unit (RPC) based in Asia Regional Office, Bangkok for M&E and planning services. These IAs were based on ϲʿֱֳ Secretariat Protocols. However, the agreements failed to clearly identify that the RPM had overall responsibility for use of funds. Although implicit in the spirit of the letter embodied in the IA that the RPM has full executive management powers to guide the project and put it back on track when necessary, this was interpreted, particularly in the case of ϲʿֱֳ-SL, differently. This is partly explained by Annex 1 of the Agreements which specifies that the country office is responsible (pt 9) to manage the budget. The country office was then only required to keep up to date reporting and ensure good coordination, collaboration and harmonious relations with other partners, including the RPM. It is regrettable that this situation was allowed to occur, as the RPM was not allowed to steer the ϲʿֱֳ-SL management around June 2008 to change its developmental focus away from the village model livelihood approach to instead focus on selected degraded ecological areas or sites as the main project objective. It was also difficult, in the absence of agreements regarding approval of sub contracts for grantees, for the RPM to ensure that investment plans were in line with overall project goals. The MTR picked up on the miscommunications and even disruptions in relationships as a result of unclear management lines arising from interpretation of the IAs, and recommended the need to reinforce the roles, responsibilities and chains of command and control. In response, as part of its regular Asia Regional Directorate (ARD) meeting (28-30 October 2008) the Asia Regional Office organised a session to review management lines with the BMZ project in mind. Two slides of a powerpoint seen by the ET stated that: The PM, as the budget holder, has full authority and responsibility ............ for achievement of project deliverables, reporting, financial management and compliance with the donor guidelines and ϲʿֱֳ rules and Where implementation/outputs vary from the approved workplan and budget, or are not achieved (variation), the Project Manager has the authority and responsibility to vary, not approve, or cancel IAs and the associated WP&B as may be required to protect the interests and reputation of ϲʿֱֳ. Together, these principles agreed in that meeting, unequivocally gives the Project Manager full management powers, not just in approval processes but importantly giving far reaching powers to take whatever remedial action necessary to put programmes back on track. The ARO is commended for taking prompt action following the MTR to reinforce the management rules. However, given the degree of impasse between the SL Country Programme and the RPM at that time, it was quite unlikely that, without further outside assistance from the senior management or indeed the Head of ELG-2 who was close by in SL, to enable the RPM to fully exercise her rights as RPM, a quantum shift in management arrangements and prerogatives would not occur. By all accounts, the situation muddled along and was allowed to drift and only recently has the RPM been allowed to interact on a more normalised basis with SL project staff who have sought her advice. The reluctance of ϲʿֱֳ-SL to be guided by the RPM has, in the ETs opinion, reduced the efficiency, effectiveness and potential impact of the SL programme. Lessons Learnt (i) The RPM must have direct control of the overall management of any regional project. To be placed in a situation of being entirely responsible and accountable to the donor (and ϲʿֱֳ) for the achievement of project goals and outputs and the use of funds, but unable to direct and influence strategy and choice of investment plan in country programmes is most untenable. No manager should ever be placed in such a predicament. Relevance of Cross Cutting Issues Gender, poverty focus and specific targeting of households are mentioned, albeit briefly. Implicit are the issues of governance, advocacy and partnerships, but no details are expressly mentioned, or indeed, how these were to be addressed. Relevance of M&E arrangements Conclusions: No mention was given in the Project Proposal regarding M&E arrangements. Reporting formats were reviewed and agreed during the Inception Workshop. A short report regarding Operational Modalities of the BMZ Results Management Framework was produced early in 2007 and briefly describes roles and responsibilities, but lacks specific detail regarding what to monitor and how. Participatory M&E and use was developed by the different country programmes in varying degrees, as the project progressed. The TH programme developed a monitoring framework with objectives, activities, indicators and outputs for each of its grantee projects. The Assessment/baseline studies produced through Objective 1 was designed to provide a situational analysis of priority coastal ecosystems for rehabilitation and conservation. These would broadly suffice in any impact assessments undertaken to note specific changes. Although not explicitly stated in the Project Proposal, budgets were assigned for use with the RPC unit to undertake a MTR and final external evaluation. Lessons Learnt (i) M&E arrangements at different levels were allowed to evolve by themselves, without the guidance of an overall framework. Without proper guidance in M&E from the beginning, it is difficult to make it clear to everybody what the project hopes to achieve and how and with what resources. This is particularly the case with Regional Projects, where cost or management centers are spread in 4 locations, as is the case with BMZ. THAILAND PROJECT Background to Thailand Project Thailand was prioritised but only selected in March 2007 as a BMZ country. Consultations were then held with the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR) on Krabi or the Kuraburi-Ranong stretch as potential project sites. It was recognised that Krabi had received considerable support on mangrove and other ecosystem restoration efforts after the Tsunami already. Following presentation to the MFF National Coordinating Body (NCB) the Kuraburi Ranong stretch was endorsed. The BMZ would build on restoration work done by the Green Coast Project and the Spanish Government (OAPN) funded mangrove restoration initiative in the Ranong area. There was additional delay due to squabbles over budget allocation as TH had higher costs for personnel and operations than Sri Lanka, which was finally put to rest by small re-allocations of the budget. The TH component started in May 2007 relying initially on funds from the Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy (LLS) project. The initial screening for project intervention was undertaken within Ranong and Phang Nga provinces, spanning a coastline of 130 kms, 3 watershed areas, a population of 6,500 people in 1,800 households, including 150 stateless persons from Burma. There were 3 national park areas, 1 wildlife sanctuary, 1 Ramsar site and one area with no hunting allowed in the site area. The ecosystem approach pursued by the TH programme focused on the Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) framework and the Reef to Ridge approach as a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. This included mangrove, swamp and beach forests, coral reefs, seagrass beds, rivers and estuaries, evergreen or tropical forests in watersheds and agricultural and residential areas. The TH team wanted to achieve the following goals: To develop management frameworks incorporating current plans/ strategies in which everyone has a role and responsibility Support establishment of sustainable management partnerships and mechanisms Deliver on the ground investments or interventions in line with agreed management priorities Further undertake research, learning and knowledge exchange with all stakeholder groups The BMZ project had a good initial platform to work from. Previous conservation work in the area had resulted in several groups already organised around conservation issues, some as long as 10 years ago. Others had been supported by the Southeast Asian Network on Participation that arose from the decentralisation process of the Government of Thailand. The Field Project Manager had previous experience from similar work in the region and developed good rapport with the communities, civil society organizations and the local government especially the DMCR. The strategy employed by the TH programme followed 3 steps (adapted from the Project Proposal): The Assessment Stage: This involved some collaboration with ELG-2 in the development of guidelines and involved biological, socioeconomic and institutional assessments gathered and analysed with relevant community level groups, thus combining scientific and local knowledge processes. The entry point for the assessments was degraded ecosystems requiring rehabilitation, restoration and improved conservation management. Subsequently the stakeholder groups including communities within these ecosystems were identified and their socio-economic and ecosystem dependencies researched in detail, with the stakeholder groups themselves. The assessment work involved the participation of the DMCR and the Phuket Marine Biology Centre (PMBC) as well as community groups. The project undertook intensive and interactive consultation starting at the ecosystem-community level and took it all the way up to the national level, feeding back each levels thoughts to the ones below. In early 2008, the assessment findings were converted in the form of guides, brochure, posters and other communication and awareness materials for use by the communities. The assessment stage was not completed until March 2008. Management Framework and Investment Plan This process involved a review of existing national, regional, provincial, local and community plans and policies. The outcomes and knowledge gained were then applied through a participatory Reef to Ridge process in Kuraburi and Kapoe watershed areas. Linking this information with local issues enabled the identification of suitable partners and CBOs to help achieve desired goals. Investment plans were appraised through a rigorous evaluative review process using the investment guidelines provided by RPMU. The project developed a strong rationale for working with CBOs including the importance of involving people in ecosystem management; the local impact of humans on changes to local ecosystems; the need for strong network of stakeholders representing different groups; a situation of weak law enforcement and a recognition that the capacity of CBOs had been greatly strengthened following the Tsunami disaster. ϲʿֱֳ also worked with the NGO partners both local, national and international including TEI, Wetlands International, MAP and Emerald Andaman Group (EAG). The planning process was completed by December 2008. Small Grant Investments Implementation agreements were drawn up with 17 partners including CBOs, Government agencies, NGOs and approved by a review committee based in the NCB of the MFF, in early January 2009. As recommended by the MTR, the TH programme provided direct support in capacity building and set up a grantee based monitoring system. It also retained the flexibility to provide additional grants to well performing grantees to cover activities previously not envisaged in the original scheme, if required. By linking different CBOs to a Government partner as a backstopping arrangement from the outset, the TH programme was able to integrate a degree of sustainability at the start. Technical and scientific backstopping agreements were developed with Kasetsart University and the King Mongkut University on the water lily and other scientific areas. Monitoring, feedback workshops and information sharing activities: During 2009, three experience sharing/monitoring workshops were held for the grantees. In November 2009, a CBO learning workshop was organised followed by a joint meeting of BMZ and MFF grantees to identify synergies between each others activities in the area. Continued policy advocacy was undertaken on issues including river dredging, water lily conservation, amongst others. Papers were presented by staff of the TH project at national and international scientific foras including the MFF Regional Symposium held at Ranong in October 2008. A detailed timeline for TH project is presented in Annex 7. Relevance issues of the Thailand project The TH project was found to be very relevant to the projects intended goals and purpose, in terms of stakeholders selected and the ecological, rehabilitation and conservation reef to ridge development process applied. Thailand Project Efficiency Targeting Efficiency During its work, the TH programme managed to work with 20 Government Agencies and different experts, 9 Tambons (sub districts) in 4 districts, 32 villages, 170 community leaders and engaged some 240 school students. Conclusions: Targeting was found to be very efficient indeed. An inclusive range of stakeholders including CBOs, civil society organisations, NGOs, government agencies and local authorities were identified and targeted from the outset. These stakeholders groups played significant roles in the analysis of assessment information merging scientific data with local knowledge to develop truly relevant socio-economic and institutional outcomes to ecological constraints. The degree of trust building developed through frequent meetings, information sharing and networking processes and specific targeting of CBOs in the choice and management of their own projects has yielded significant results in increased comprehension of ecological related issues and local conservation and protection monitoring and management. Target groups were taken through a journey from needs identification culminating in the achievement of results from their specific investments. The Reef to Ridge process approach employed enabled the TH programme to target an array of degraded natural habitats in a wide, diverse yet linked and dependent natural resource landscape. Other than a couple of exceptions, the targeting of specific activities was found to be relevant as well as efficient as it was all based around conservation management. Livelihood related investments identified were largely linked to the ecosystem/habitat conservation perspective, although some activities were less well targeted. Some 150 marginalised and asset poor stateless people in the villages of Bang Lampoo and Ban Hin were targeted through a stateless revolving fund aimed to support their livelihoods needs linked to sustainable resource management of nypa palms (Nypa Fruticans). Inter-faith collaboration between members of Buddhist and Muslim communities occurred through networking these groups in conservation management. Lessons Learnt (i) The Reef to Ridge watershed approach was proven successful as an efficient means of targeting individual investments in different natural resource or ecological habitats and stakeholder groups that when linked and consolidated en masse lead to an impressive culminating effect on the watershed environment. These information sharing, networking and partnerships processes enable individual grantee projects to link together to provide a platform for cumulative impact. (ii) CBOs were found to be far more efficient in terms of cost as many of their work was voluntary as compared to NGOs who charge overheads. CBO lead activities were implemented timely without delays and involved efficient and sparing use of funds. Although weak in capacity and experience, specific targeting of CBOs from the outset, whose members are most likely to benefit from improved outcome from investments, should be an essential feature of future work of this nature. The rewards for the time and effort expended in involving community stakeholders are significant. Efficiency of Project Timing Conclusions: The wrangling over budget allocation at the start of the project was regrettable and led to quite unnecessary delays. It should have been nipped in the bud earlier by the ϲʿֱֳ / ARO. The timeframe for Objective 1, even with the adjustment in timeframe during the Inception period, was unrealistic. This is especially so if proponents are expected to complete assessments in a participatory and exhaustive manner with considerable scientific rigour. The assessment reports were finally completed in March 2008. Objective 2 was completed by December 2008 leaving one year (2009) for grantees to implement their projects. Recognising a tight framework for networking, the TH management had the foresight to request resources from the ϲʿֱֳ LLS Projects Andaman Coast Component to assist in this regard. Regular monitoring of the grantees enabled the TH managers to identify possible delays on the ground and take necessary action to improve timing efficiencies of individual grants. No exit plan was developed as such, despite the MTR recommendation to do so. This is partly because the TH team were engaged in making sure that investments were implemented within the timeframe allowed. Lessons Learnt (i) A three year project is too short a timeframe to undertake rigorous assessment studies, complete a comprehensive participatory planning process with a multitude of stakeholder or interest groups and then implement a full programme of investments of this nature. Sadly, it is not the first time that such a lesson has been expressed. It seems that donors and planners disregard this lesson in practice in project design, opting for shorter term financing periods. Efficiency of Assessment activities (Objective 1) The starting point was to identify the degraded ecosystem types and the communities dependant on their ecosystem functions in the form of goods and services. The institutional and governance analysis undertaken identified the various laws, policies and regulations governing the management of natural resources in the area. Two draft laws of significance due to the aim of decentralisation of management responsibilities and advocacy rights aspects include (1) the River Basin Management Act and (2) the Coastal Zone Management Act. The effect of these Acts if passed would be to bring conservation and environmental management to the lowest level. If enacted, this would bond together the outcomes of the parties in each watershed assisted. Conclusions: The assessments were undertaken through a scientific, rigorous and integrated approach and were found very efficient. Stakeholders and communities were involved in biophysical assessments including the seagrass assessments in Thung Nam Dam in collaboration with the PMBC. Some 57 different meetings were held at community, Tambon or local authority level, district, provincial and national levels engaging all stakeholders at different levels. Wetlands International was recruited to conduct the migratory bird assessment which, in turn, involved the communities around the Ka Poe Ramsar site in data collection and analysis. This process resulted in community groups actively getting involved in environmental monitoring at their doorstep. This was not only inclusive but also an investment in sustainability through ownership. Assessment reports were made available in Thai, accessible to all stakeholders. Particularly commendable were the efforts made to demonstrate good practice through the establishment of the CBO managed Kuraburi Pier learning centre and the production of a plethora of awareness materials from the Assessment Studies including pictorial guides to facilitate species identification and monitoring information and guides for different habitats (see Annex 4: list of documents produced). Lessons Learnt (i) Local people, whatever their level of understanding and experience must be involved and genuinely participate in all aspects of the ecosystem identification, problem analysis, planning, approval, implementation and monitoring, in order to achieve a viable and functioning rehabilitation and conservation programme. Prior to any investment to grantees, it is critical that local people understand WHAT the ecological conservation issues are and WHY they are important in the immediate area, as well as upstream and downstream areas. Efficiency of Project Planning and Implementation (Objective 2) Analysis of efficiency in this section falls under the following sub-headings: A: Planning and Approval Process Efficiency B: Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration project efficiency C: Conclusions of investment plan efficiency A: Planning and Approval Process Efficiency The culmination and final outcome of months of preparation and dialogue with stakeholders in the two watersheds in April 2008 using a two step process was a document entitled Investment Management Framework: BMZ Thailand Component produced with assistance from the RPCU and ELG-2 in December 2008. It was developed using the Guide to Investment produced by ELG-2 in February 2008. The first step was to use the outcomes of the consultative bottom up process to develop a framework used to select relevant stakeholders. The second process reviewed institutional aspects of policy, legal and regulatory from the national to the local level. The overall goal of the Investment Plan was: To protect and use the natural resources in the region in a sustainable manner by working cooperatively in a way that considers the needs of all stakeholders. This would be done by: Restoring areas of damaged ecosystems/ degraded habitats and identify sustainable management development opportunities (e.g. eco-tourism) Protection/ preservation of areas of high ecosystem value outside protected areas using CBNRM Supporting the enhancement of natural resource based sustainable livelihoods Given the plethora of existing strategies and plans, a review was undertaken of these. By doing so priority issues were identified for the natural resource and environment components and key strategies defined to address these (see p.6 of Investment Plan). The Ka Poe watershed included the Na Ca river, the Ban Na watershed, the Bang Lampoo village and the Ka Poe estuary. A list of major threats which the plan should address was presented. The Kuraburi Watershed include 3 sub watersheds of the Nang Yon, Bang Pong and Ta Pud rivers. Other areas included the Khao Mae Nang Khao which has a large forest area not protected of 22,000 rai (1,600 m2), the Kuraburi river mouth and the Kor Khor Khao (KKK) island. Many threats were listed. Each watershed elaborated its own objectives in its plan. Investment criteria were based on the needs of 3 identified ecosystems in the Reef to Ridge approach: forest ecosystems (upper watershed); riverine ecosystems (intermediate watershed) and coastal ecosystems (lower watershed). Investment was limited to a maximum of $25,000 per grantee and utilised a two-stage investment approach (1) Minimum investment approach to start activities and (2) grants to target successful grantees who had demonstrated good use of funds and generation of tangible outputs. Furthermore, additional criteria for identification of options was developed for Ecosystem and Livelihoods (species habitats, ecosystem services, conservation issues, opportunity to enhance livelihoods); Local implementation capacity (community mobilisation and local district interest and capacity); and Governance and Sustainability (value addition to existing projects; partnerships; political will to implement; feasibility of investments). The detailed investment plan identified 18 priority project ideas linked to the two watersheds. The Plan included columns for issues, objectives, activities, indicators, indicative budgets, beneficiary groups, together with a relevant plan and strategy. Conclusions: The overall efficiency of the process to screen, formulate and develop appropriate plans for investment grants for the two watershed areas was found thorough and meticulous. The level of dedication used to undertake this painstaking, demanding and often arduous work in an effort to be all inclusive and participatory is most commendable. The result was a clear strategic plan of action with agreement from all parties concerned. Contrary to the concerns of the MTR that the process was lengthy and raised questions regarding cost efficiency of effort, this ET is convinced that when sufficient staff, financial and project resources are applied to a carefully well thought out planning process in this manner, resources are well spent. The decision to have a 2nd stage round of grants based on efficiency of money spent worked well and was a true reward to those grantees who made most efficient use of funds at the first time of asking. Project proposals were written by the proponents with assistance from BMZ TH and submitted to the NCB of the MFF for final approval, thus creating an important link between the MFF and BMZ project as anticipated in project design. Standard contracts formats between ϲʿֱֳ and the project proponents were used effectively. Lesson Learnt: (i) The application of sufficient time, budgets and resources spent to carefully plan actions in participatory processes usually translates into the delivery of well implemented and monitored projects and outcomes. The opposite also holds true. B: Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration project efficiency Guided by the conceptual framework which is based on the Convention on Biological Diversitys 12 ecosystem approach principles (see Annex 12), implementation in terms of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management in the two watersheds was found generally efficient. A summary of investments and grantee projects are given below for each watershed area. Budget allocation details are given in Annex 8. The total investment for grantees in Kuraburi was $72,006 and for Ka Poe, $101,221: Kuraburi Watershed Investment Sea grass monitoring, Phuket Marine Biology Center: From the assessment phase, BMZ facilitated collaboration with the PMBC and communities in Thung Nam Dam island to undertake participatory sea grass monitoring. In the process, indigenous knowledge on seagrass management and other conservation aspects were highlighted and learnings incorporated into the PMBCs database. Outputs from the project include guidelines for seagrass monitoring and a field guide to identify species. The budget was THB 100,000 Budgetary resources have been allocated by PMBC for monitoring work in 2011. DMCR Kuraburi Unit 17: Livelihoods activities and voluntary patrol teams: A modest grant of THB100,000 ($2,907) was allocated to help develop a voluntary patrol group for mangrove protection in the coastal area around Kuraburi town. Livelihood training given for cockle raising and management undertaken. Kuraburi Watershed and Livelihood Restoration (Emerald Andaman Group): The EAG was recruited to establish demonstration sites for river conservation, demonstrate sustainable agriculture practices and promote community forestry and crab rearing by certain community group in Ma Due, which it was able to do. However their governance related work to target Tambon Authorities and influence local policy was less successful due to difficulties experienced in influencing provincial level policies where vested interests existed. The budget was THB 860,000 ($25,000) but outputs of policy related work were disappointing. Khao Menang Khao Conservation Network Rehabilitation of Forest Watersheds: A conservation network was already set up by Tung Rak Conservation Group which covers 7 villages where 50% of villagers are farmers. Two sub groups formed, one to focus on mangroves and the other on upland forests (600 m asl). Main activities are conservation of forests and biodiversity including identification of rare species. The BMZ project helped to support improved conservation of terrestrial biodiversity by creating awareness, training and supporting the development of an eco-tourism forest trail that also includes waterfalls. No plan exists to collect revenue from tourists, although this is recommended. There are strong links with the Royal Thai Forest department and CARE. Importantly a link to the Andaman Discoveries company has been established for marketing and future improvement to features. A grant of THB 300,000 ($8,721) was given, later increased by another THB 50,000, a reward for efficient use of funds from the first round of activities. Mangrove Investigation Network, Marine Police: A grant of $5,814 was provided to the Marine Police with the goal of facilitating an improvement to voluntary and local protection of coastal natural resources. Activities included training of community members on mangrove and illegal fishing policing. Now 3 voluntary teams cover a 60 km coastline in close collaboration with the MP. The main outcome is the positive collaboration fostered between the local communities and the Marine Police to protect the coastline. Previously, the MP had not built any lines of communication with local communities to assist their policing work. The incidence of illegal fishing has since reduced as an outcome of the improved patrolling. Mangrove for Community, Thailand Environment Institute: The TEI, who had existing ongoing activities, was recruited to survey and map coastal resources (baseline), establish community level conservation committees, undertake mangrove and beach forest conservation activities including clean up of beaches and support eco-tourism development in the Koh Kor Khao island. The island covers an area of 53 sq kms and is inhabited by people living in 5 villages. The TEI used a grant of 650,000THB ($18,895) for these purposes, but it transpires that there were long delays to develop and implement the coastal strategic plan. Evidently a project not so efficiently implemented. Thung Nam Dam Conservation Group: BMZ resources used for biodiversity assessments and surveys, mangrove and native orchid species nursery establishment, mobile plant and animal species awareness centre and youth programmes on conservation. The objective of the $7,762 grant was for awareness raising and visitor center for tourists. Last year 275 visitors enjoyed the trail. The Group has close partnership in its activities with MAP, Bang Soi, the Me Nang Khaow network, Wetland International and PMBC. Bang Soi Conservation Group Water Quality Monitoring: This sub-project involved youth groups in water quality monitoring activities (water quality, flow rate, depth, etc ) and research on the impact of dredging on rivers and salinity intrusion in mangroves. The grant of THB 100,000 ($2,907) paid for WQM equipment and a rubber boat and engine. The Group was trained in relevant research techniques. Research findings were fed into the Seagrass Monitoring project (PMBC) and the group works with the Water Lily project (NaCa) and rehabilitation of river bank activities with the EAG. The dinghy was used for monitoring work, but they plan to also develop eco-tourism raft trips between September and November, as part of their financing strategy. The project resulted in efficient use of monitoring data generated locally and shared with network partners. Ka Poe Watershed Investment Ba Na Conservation Group: The project supported 12-15 activities in Ba Na village including waste management, public health improvements, pig rearing and marketing. Some of the livelihoods related ones were not as efficient as the conservation focused activities. However, the focus was on water onion conservation and 3,000 seedlings were planted along the river. In addition, the Conservation Group was also involved in the Venus Shell conservation effort along the Ka Poe coast. Community Forestry Management and Livelihood development in Bang Lampoo: The stateless and Thai community in Bang Lumpoo had obtained management rights over 200 rai of forest land from the Royal Forest Department (RFD). However there was no demarcation and the project supported the communities in demarcating their community forestry area which also enabled them to resolve conflicts with certain landowners infringing on the forests. The BMZ project enhanced their collaboration with the RFD and also supported planting of native species as opposed to exotic species that had been planted earlier. The communities are now renewing their lease for another five years and also keen to expand the area for community management which lies on the buffer zone of one of the largest forest ranges in Thailand. The Bang Lampoo group was also involved in Venus Shell conservation and had an array of livelihood activities, some of which were not linked to resource use (bakery) nor efficiently implemented (e.g. organic farming). Ka Poe Conservation Group: The Ka Poe Conservation Group supported by the BMZ project played an instrumental role in bringing together the various conservation groups on the Venus Shell Conservation which established a conservation zone for breeding in a 5 ha coastal area. Catches have reportedly increased outside of the zone a good example of community based conservation and sustainable management of a natural resource. The BMZ funds ($8,886) were also utilized for mangrove restoration in 144 rai area which has been expanded to 500 rai through an MFF Thailand small grant. The different grants from MFF and BMZ were well facilitated so that the projects complimented each other rather than compete for planting areas. This Conservation Group was also involved with Wetland International activities. This grantee was found efficient in terms of conservation, livelihood development linked to the natural resource and its links with other grantees (WI, Bang Lampoo nypa utilisation, 1-2-3 group for education awareness and other groups for the Venus shell conservation area). Mangrove Action Project: Ecological mangrove restoration site,: This sub-project experienced efficiency problems due to difficulties to resolve a land tenure issue in the demonstration site and inability to use (according to the local land law) a mechanical digger to rehabilitate the shrimp pond, even though the ponds were dug by diggers illegally in the first place. Local villagers were paid to rehabilitate the pond instead. The demonstration was expensive ($25,000) and did not lead to a good pilot demonstration of mangrove restoration. Support from the DMCR was also not forthcoming. Although lessons were learned, it was not efficiently implemented. Na Ca Conservation Group: Thai Water lily( Thaianum Crinum) Naca river: The endemic water lily (or water onion) is endemic to only 2-3 watersheds (Na Ca, Ka Poe, Kuraburi) in this part of Thailand. Threats to its existence include water quality, pollution and river dredging. In the Ka Poe watershed, the Water Lily, as an endangered species in Thailand, has come to symbolise the conservation and rehabilitation work of the BMZ project. The collaboration amongst CBOs mobilised by the BMZ and led by the Na Ca Conservation Group has demonstrated the value of networking partners to advance conservation and protection efforts. The Conservation Group has utilised its budget of THB 317,000 ($9,215) to replant denuded stretches of the river (with the help of Ba Na Conservation Group through provision of nursery stock), establish a display and education center, undertake a youth camp for 40 participants and use of monitoring equipment, including a raft boat, also used in eco-tourism river rafting activities. The TH team initiated dialogue with the Office of National Environmental Planning (ONEP) and Department of Agriculture (DA). It used various media including TV to create awareness. The ELG-2 provided a Red Listing Specialist to ensure that the species was registered in the Office of National Environmental Plannings Thai Red List. The water lily conservation issue has become a rallying point for river conservation in Thailand and figured prominently in the National Water dialogue process held under the Mekong Water Dialogues Project. The DA organised a meeting with water lily exporters to stop the future export of the lily as an ornamental plant. A consultant was contracted to undertake an assessment of funding opportunities to continue CBO work after BMZ closure in October 2009. Wetlands International Kapoe Bay: The overall sub-project objective was to enhance the understanding of wetlands management in Kapoe Bay, covering 54 communities. A shorebirds survey and wetlands monitoring, development of wetlands management and livelihoods improvement strategy for the Ramsar site, student camps on wetlands held, production of communication materials to support wetland conservation, production of bird guides and maps were undertaken. Although final outputs were acceptable, progress was initially slow and delayed, to the extent that the BMZ TH team had to insist on the recruitment of additional consultant to ensure adherence to the agreed timeframe. The budget was high at THB 860,000 ($25,000). Key lessons include the need to involve the TAO in decision making and difficulties around land rights and legal issues, especially for the Mokken ethnic group. Ban Hin Organic Farm Group: A small grant of 60,000 Baht ($1,744) was given to make organic fertiliser for sale. To date it has made 21,600 Baht profit used to fund other conservation activities. The group conducts regular meetings, has developed a savings group and undertakes activities for IPM and organic farming promotion in the local villages. Muang Klong Conservation Group: A more recently approved grantee focused on awareness creation on mangrove management, promoting use of traditional fishing gear, mapping of resource base for resource management. Investment includes an education center. Budget of THB 110,000 ($3,198). The Group has a partnership with Rak Thai Foundation. 1-2-3: Environmental Education: The organisation runs trips for school children on bicycles in 5 communities, collects rubbish from sensitive environmental sites and runs a floating education center for visitors and school groups in collaboration with the Ka Poe Conservation Group. Received THB 165,000 ($4,850) for these activities. It has close links with other Ka Poe Watershed network. Strategic Projects Andaman Discoveries Company Ltd: The project brought together the Andaman Discoveries responsible tourism enterprise into close collaboration with a large number of CBOs leading to development of eco-tourism opportunities. It provided a grant of THB 580,000 ($17,575) for the conduct of training and study tours, support to home-stay eco-tourism opportunities in villages covered by CBOs in the two watersheds. It assists the CBOs to market their eco-tourism ventures on the website  HYPERLINK "http://www.andamancommunitytourism.com" www.andamancommunitytourism.com and has already developed strong links with BMZ partners (e.g Me Nang Khaow Network, Thang Nam Dam Conservation Group). Womens Group and Financial Management: A consultant was recruited from early 2009 to the present time to build capacity amongst women groups for financial management with revolving funds. The consultant also assisted all grantees to write their proposals and establish monitoring plans. The activities cost $16,076. C: Conclusions of investment plan efficiency C.1 Reef to Ridge: watershed approach The Kapoe estuary was a good example of how individual grants given to various CBOs for specific conservation management and environmental monitoring or awareness efforts can through networking of groups lead to significant cumulative or snowball effect in terms of impact on the ground. The Na Ca river in the upper and middle watershed levels was another great example. This shows the efficiency of time and effort in participation and networking of stakeholder groups. Lessons Learnt (i) Any ecosystem management project in the ϲʿֱֳ should adopt the 12 CBD ecosystem approach principles as standard practice, as it provides an integrated basis for addressing conservation management. The TH project applied these principles efficiently. C.2 Implementing Grantees: CBOs were more efficient at delivery of outputs from their small projects and with no overhead costs were cheaper compared to the NGOs (WI, TEI, MAP and EAG). The 4 NGOs were given around 50% of the total budget. The TORs for NGOs were however more comprehensive and had a wider geographical coverage and degree of complexity of goals and activities. Timeliness was also an issue with NGOs. Government grantees (Marine Police, PMBC and DMCR), perhaps surprised at their inclusion as grantees in such a project, performed efficiently and benefited from the network in terms of reaching out and collaborating closely with community level stakeholders, some for the very first time. Lesson learnt (i) CBOs, whatever their capacity and if prepared and motivated properly, are efficient grantees. In TH, these CBO grantees have proven themselves to implement and monitor their projects well when empowered to do so. The promotion of a broad stakeholder base including CBOs and Government partners in the design, planning or implementation of any future ecosystem and conservation project should be an essential ingredient. C.3 Institutional issues Regular internal reviews of the efficiency of institutional arrangements were undertaken by the TH management in order to ensure it engaged local Government and other partners correctly. Best described as champion partners at the local level included the DMCR, DA, the Land Development Department, the National Parks representative at Laem Son National Park and local village authorities. The provincial offices of the MoNRE and the RFD were easy to liaise with although they did little. Less success was found with the Governors Office or in some local tambon offices, whose staff were more interested in other political agenda. Land disputes, demarcation of forest areas involving the use of maps and ground truthing efforts with local communities are critical issues that take time, effort and patience (e.g. MNK and TEI work in KKK) but can have dramatic results in rights and land use for conservation. Lesson learnt (i) The BMZ TH project has achieved much to develop a network of community based managers and an appreciation for the Reef to Ridge approach. It made less progress with regards to influencing or convincing district and provincial officials of the need to support community based ecosystem management. Perhaps this is unrealistic given the project timeframe and considerable challenges of influencing elected officials with short term mandates. C.4 Livelihoods The BMZ demonstrated the efficiency of linking livelihoods to the natural resource use as a key element in sustainable management and conservation. The Venus Shell sanctuary was a great success, involving 4 or 5 grantees in its management and use with increased production outside conservation zone reported. The nypa palm management in Kapoe Bay involving the stateless nypa producer group in Bang Lampoo in added value activities is another solid example, as are cockle protection (DMCR) and harvesting and increased protection of seagrass beds (PMBC). Although mixed in results generated, the organic agriculture and agroforestry initiatives in the upper watershed to reduce pollution of the rivers seem to have generated some benefit. The ET is convinced that in most cases, the beneficiary grantees understood the environmental and conservation principles that underpinned the activities they were supported to implement. There were examples where no direct link was made with the livelihood option and natural resource management (e,g Bang Lampoo bakery). The TH team argued that this project was approved to reduce social tensions in Bang Lampoo given the focus on stateless people in favour of Thais. Bang Lampoo and Ba Na Conservation groups both had multiple mini-projects included in their grants, many of which supported livelihoods. Although useful in terms of generating experience in new aspects of livelihood development, some were not well conceived or designed and may not sustain (e,g IPM farming at Bang Lampoo). It would be more efficient to approve fewer activities in a grant that is in proportion to the absorption capacity of the group to implement effectively. Providing inputs for livelihoods as a grant is also questionable, unless revolving schemes set up require full repayment of the value of the grant. Rather than giving physical inputs, it is better to link groups to sources of finance, but continue to provide technical assistance. Insufficient attention was given to marketing aspects of livelihoods options supported (e.g. cake sales, sale of nypa products) to increase incomes through increased sale prices or volumes sold. Lesson Learnt: (i) Good examples of linking livelihoods to the natural resource use were generated. It is considered more expedient to implement less livelihood projects with one grantee and only support those most likely to have an impact on the natural resource use and/or have a wider beneficiary coverage and impact. (ii) Providing grants to recipients for livelihood activities is questionable and undermines the self-reliance nature that underpins sustainable livelihood. C.5 Networking The extra effort to bring grantees together in local meetings and through the 3 monitoring workshops held during 2009 has been efficient in its goal of information sharing and learning. C.6 Communication, Knowledge Management and Awareness The project has used information gathered from the assessment reports and subsequent research to produce up to 20 knowledge products for information sharing and conservation awareness and management (see Annex 4) in Thai and English. It also supported public education centers (Kuraburi pier and 1-2-3 group in Ka Poe estuary for youths). Several grantees were supported to undertake regular monitoring activities of critical habitats and feed this information to others. The knowledge management agenda was well integrated into the overall framework of the project. The water lily has received much media attention and interest from senior government officials. More needed to be done, however, to engage Tambon level officials. C.7 Gender Considerations The project was efficient in targeting women beneficiaries with ecosystem restoration and related livelihood interventions. Many of the livelihood projects were run by women groups. Efficiency of Project sustainability, local benefit sharing and financing (Output 3) Conclusions: As sustainability and long term financing should be an integral part of all components in a project of this nature, its inclusion as an Objective is poorly conceived in the design. The guide to developing local benefit sharing mechanisms and sustainable financing strategies prepared by ELG2 arrived too late to have any significant impact. The ET were informed that BMZ TH had argued that the local benefit sharing work could be done by Thai experts as opposed to ELG2 experts given the cost implications and need to provide language services. However this was not accepted and therefore delayed significantly whilst ELG-2 recruited its own consultant. The TH team had thought of the sustainability as an integral part of its sub-projects from the outset. It specifically linked every CBO to a relevant government department to strengthen linkages as well as enhance possibilities of these government departments supporting continuation of the CBOs activities beyond the BMZ project period. The reflow schemes introduced through community level revolving funds were reasonably well designed with most demonstrating a degree of pay back for onlending, but more is required to consolidate and strengthen reflow schemes. Many Grantees visited were already charging visitors (e.g. Na Ca Conservation Group, Ba Na Conservation Group) or planned to do so in the future (MNK Conservation Group). The Andaman Discovery was supported to provide additional support to grantees wishing to develop financing mechanisms which was found efficient. Some examples were found of Government agencies able to secure financial support through their regular budgets for future work (e.g. PMBC) Financial Management Efficiency Conclusions: In general, the TH programme allocated its budgets efficiently for both administration and operational expenses. For operational expenses, it overspent its travel budget allocation, but made savings elsewhere (e.g. office rent). See Annex 9 Financial planning by the TH project was efficient as all investment options were drawn up together with participation of grantees and, with a cohesive ecological strategy in mind, approved according to merit. In its investment plan, the TH allocated grants as follows: Table 1: Financial breakdown by grantee in the TH country project GranteeNumberTotal budget (USD)Average grant size (USD)Percentage of grants allocatedCBO1070,6107,06137%GOV28,7214,3605%NGO493,89523,47450%Consultant116,07616,0768%Total189,302 The average grant size for CBOs was $7,061 each, but ranged from as low as $1,700 (Ban Hin organic Farming Group) to $13,227 (Ban Na Conservation Group). CBOs received 37% of the total investment grant. Four NGOs received the lion share (50%) of grant money ($93,895). Two government agencies received 5% ($8,721) of the total investment grant. With lower administration costs, CBOs demonstrated a more efficient use of funds than NGOs. However, CBO members worked voluntarily. The scope of work with NGOs was more complex and demanding in terms of staff skills and time than CBOs. The TH programme also utilsed funds ($60,860 in 2008 and 2009) from the Landscapes and Livelihoods Strategy for networking purposes, which demonstrated efficient use of partnerships with other ϲʿֱֳ programmes. A further $57,429 will be drawn from the LLS in 2010 to help sustain BMZ networks after project closure. Efficiency of Project M&E Three levels of monitoring were undertaken: (1) regular progress monitoring of grantees; (2) watershed level or ecosystem level monitoring by grantees themselves and (3) the overall results monitoring at the higher immediate results level based on the framework developed by RPMU and RPC in June 2009 (see summary of progress against this in annex 9). Conclusions: Participatory monitoring, learning and evaluation was integrated into the investment grant planning and was an integral part of the sharing, learning and information exchange strategy employed by the TH team. It has proven to be both efficient and effective. Cross fertilisation of ideas and learning was achieved through the conduct of joint planning sessions held in each of the watersheds involving the relevant stakeholders and partners. The TH team together with RPC unit in Bangkok, developed what looks like a complex and detailed results based monitoring system, which was found applicable to their monitoring needs. It has yet to prove useful for overall BMZ M&E needs in presenting achievement for the whole project. Lessons Learnt (i) ML&E processes, when put at the heart of a people orientated ecology and conservation driven approach, provide powerful outcomes in terms of knowledge sharing and people empowerment. Efficiency of ϲʿֱֳ Thailand Country Management, staff and TA The programme is overseen by the ϲʿֱֳ Asia Constituency Development Coordinator and implemented by a Bangkok based Project Country Manager/ϲʿֱֳ Thailand Programme Coordinator who was assisted by a Field Coordinator and his one field assistant - a marine biologist. A Consultant was recruited in early 2009 through the investment plan to develop revolving funds, help grantees write project proposals and assist with their monitoring plans. Conclusions: The TH project was blessed with a team of high quality and dedicated staff, that remained consistent from the beginning of the project throughout, all of whom excelled and worked hard. The results and outcomes of the TH project speak for themselves. The ET detected a close dynamic relationship between the Country Manager and the Field Coordinator, who managed between them to develop the conceptual approach and find a means to apply this at the field level. They have since jointly published research papers and made presentations at regional conferences on the outcomes and learnings of the BMZ project. The Field Coordinator had worked in the area on a similar job and the TH BMZ project was able to take good advantage of his experience, networks and organisational skills. His ability to converse and work with partners at all levels and persist in engaging stakeholders in decision making was a real asset. SRI LANKA PROJECT Background to Sri Lanka Project In the first half of 2007, initial assessments for the selection of a suitable stretch of coastline in Sri Lanka was undertaken in the North Western Province (2 sites including Puttalam to Gangewadiya and Chilaw to Kalpitiya in the Puttalam Lagoon area) and the South (Rekawa to Godawaya coastal stretch) . Eventually, the ϲʿֱֳs Technical Advisory Committee appointed to oversee the ϲʿֱֳs coastal sector projects, decided on the Puttalam to Gangewadiya stretch in June 2007 from the three pre-selected sites. Their decision was based on the wide range of ecological interventions possible and the lack of past investment in the area compared to other sites. A decision was made by the ϲʿֱֳ-SL prior to the investment strategy in 2008 to also work in the Chilaw to Kalpitiya area previously rejected, due to the recognition of the significant potential impacts of tourism development and the thermal power plant in Norachallai. The salient features of the Lagoon include: Administrative divisions around the Lagoon: Kalpitiya DSD, Puttalam DSD and Wanathawilluwa DSD Lagoon area 320 sq.km, with three associated river basins (Kalaoya, Mioya and Mungilaru) Population of 167,746 people, 6,043 fishing households and 1,059 fishing boats registered. Livelihood include fishing, shrimp farming, saltpan industry, agriculture and business Total area of shrimp farms include (1) Active shrimp Farm, 650 hectares and (2) Abandoned Shrimp Farm about 1,167 hectares Mangrove cover 2,197 hectares with two nationally endangered species Scyphiphora Hydrophyllacea (Black mangrove) and Cynometra Iripa (Upulu) Associated habitat sites include tidal flats, seagrass beds, coral reefs, sand dunes, dry monsoon forests, dry thorny scrub jungle, coconut and cashew plantations Home to 32 fish species, 22 reptile species, 71 bird and 25 mammal species Threats and current trends: mangrove destruction and over exploitation of fisheries resources, illegal and destructive fishing gears, large salt pans, abandoned shrimp farms, large agricultural investment in plantations, tourism development and solid waste dumping problems. Once the project started in earnest in June 2007, the ϲʿֱֳ-SL and ELG2 teams worked well together to undertake all data gathering exercises and screening work for ecological, socio-economic and institutional assessment work. This work culminated in the production of a detailed report Ecological and socio-economic assessments of selected sites of the Puttalam lagoon finalised by June 2008. The research covered 15 study sites using rigorous criteria. In its recommendations, it identified Thirikkapallama, Soththupitiya and Ettale as the most appropriate sites for intervention by the BMZ project (p.44), together with extensive awareness campaigns around the whole of the Lagoon area; a proper garbage collection system established; the declaration of Kala Oya and Dutch Bay harbour as a Sanctuary with links to eco-tourism and community empowerment and institutional strengthening. These reports presented the backdrop for decisions in investment planning (Objective 2) and implementation. However, it appears that the Investment Strategy then developed followed a visit by a group of consultants and ϲʿֱֳ-SL staff. Rather than focusing on the rehabilitation of a sensitive or critical ecosystem area (e.g. a mangrove areas or a riverrine estuary approach) as the priori approach, the team instead decided on an approach based on a Model Village that took alternative livelihood development as its center piece, with the aim of influencing a decrease in the pressure on fishing. No overall investment plan was finalised for review by others. The investment activities presented in April 2009 included the following: Ettale village: Mangrove park project (which did not materialise due to disagreement with the DS Forest Section concerned) Sothupitiya village: Womens livelihood project (sewing machines) and later chicken projects Thirikkapallama village: Home gardening project (drip feed irrigation); crab rearing; project to rehabilitate abandoned shrimp ponds involving the re-assignment of land from tenants to the Wanathawilluwa DSD. Entire Lagoon area: general awareness & education; networking of fisheries societies (CBOs) with Fisheries Department; cleaning lagoon areas; Kalpitiya Pradeshiya Sabha area solid waste management project Other activities introduced included Greening Home Gardens; school nature parks, compost bins, stoves, installation of 75 display boards in conservation areas. Other work included the development of the Department of Fisheries (equipment and motorbikes), Fishery CBOs (infra projects), the set up of the District Level Coordinating Committee, Fisheries Management Plans and a Lagoon Management Plan & Authority. The expected outcomes given (in the same presentation), included: A clean lagoon environment with well developed mangroves The number of fishers fishing in the Lagoon reduced; only legal gear used; and fish production slowly increasing A well developed fishing village model Environmentally friendly aquaculture Solid waste management improved Increased incomes in communities through diversified income activities. Later, as presented to this ET, the result areas for BMZ investments took a slightly different shape and perspective, as follows: Sustainable Fisheries Management (equipment for DFO, Puttalam; formation of Puttalam Lagoon Management Authority; capacity building for CBOs mainly infra; etc) Sustainable Livelihoods Development (sewing machines, chickens, drip irrigation, fish processing and marketing, crabs) Ecosystem restoration and bio-diversity conservation (Boundary marking, greening projects, solid waste management) Good Governance (linked up with DFID supported Governance project) Education, communication and awareness building (general workshops held in 20 villages) Institutional strengthening (TAC set up, DLCC operational/ functional; Puttalam Lagoon Management formed) A thorough institutional analysis report was undertaken somewhat belatedly in January 2010, which focused on the ways in which institutions influenced the lagoon and identified different coastal resource users. It also included a review of existing polices and laws for the lagoon ecosystem conservation. It found that there was a complexity of jurisdictions and functional overlap with different organisations; inadequate integrated planning and management approach for co-management; lack of capacity at community level to manage ecosystems; lack of financing/ incentives for conservation. It recommended that stakeholders are partners in fisheries management planning process; improved networking of management institutions; stakeholders have stewardship responsibilities in resource management; the need for improved awareness and capacity building of institutions and information sharing systems. It appears that the project in SL evolved during its lifetime in terms of strategies and intended outputs or outcomes that would link into the achievement of the Project Purpose. Of particular importance, the management of the ϲʿֱֳ-SL project was affected by frequent changes of personnel over the three years, which has had, in the view of this ET, a bearing on the efficiency and effectiveness of the project. It is possible to identify three phases as follows: Table 2: Management phases within the SL country programme PositionsManagement Phase I: Assessment stageManagement Phase II: Investment PhaseManagement Phase III: Benefit sharing & finance stageJanuary 2007 March 2008March 2008 May 2009May 2009 to presentϲʿֱֳ-SL Country RepMrs YasaratneDr MahindapalaDr MahindapalaBMZ Project ManagerMr ShamenMr HettiarachchiMr KapilaField Co-ordinatorMr SamanMr SamanMr Dilup (acting)Field AssistantMr DilupMr DilupMr DilupSummary of main ActivitiesAssessment studies with ELG2Development of investment plan/strategy Set up of District Level Coordinating Committee (DLCC) Some livelihood activities Awareness campaignsSolid waste activities Chickens, crabs & fish marketing CBO development Home greening Use of land use maps Fisheries Management Lagoon Management Institutional strengthening Others Characteristic / feature of the PhaseDelays Thorough job undertaken in screening and presentation of Assessment dataDifficulty in developing and implementing an Investment Plan Slow financial disbursement Difficulty to get DLCC to function fully as a Lagoon management body Rapid disbursement of funds Multiple activities implemented Stronger focus on CBOs and institutional development others These Management Phases will be referred in the ensuing sections. A detailed timeline for Sri Lanka is presented in Annex 7. At the beginning of Phase II, it transpires that ϲʿֱֳ allocated its technical capacity to the CIDA funded Ampara project in the east of SL, which appears to have been more of a priority than the BMZ project. Project Efficiency Targeting Efficiency Conclusions: The project involved all the relevant stakeholders including fishing CBOs, Government Departments, schools, private sector participants (to a limited degree) and local beneficiaries and it was correct to target these groups. Women were targeted specifically in the sewing machine project and to some extent in poultry and other livelihood projects. In spite of detailed and rigorous Assessment Studies undertaken, it appears that little use was made of the findings in planning Objective 2, in terms of beneficiary targeting or to select a specific coastal area for rehabilitation of conservation management. The decision in mid 2008, following the visit of an Investment Study Team, to take the Three Village approach with alternative livelihoods as the centerpiece is not considered as relevant or an appropriate development approach and in the ETs opinion, was poorly conceived. The factors that contribute to degraded coastal habitats are complex. It is not just the resource use on the coast, but also the management of rivers and natural resource use of catchment areas further inland, whether it be an estuary or watershed area. This involves the participation of many village areas within the landscape and not just one. The aim of the project should be to demonstrate the effective management and rehabilitation of critically degraded stretch of coastline and not that of a model village that may be replicated elsewhere. Without proper planning or full participation of CBO members in the choice of projects or in beneficiary selection, the targeting of livelihood options in villages through CBOs would most likely skew benefits towards the better off or those with more social capital. Some beneficiaries in CBOs received two projects, many were not involved at all. If the purpose was to reduce fishing pressure, then it is the poorest households in the village that are more dependent on the fisheries and coastal resources and these persons should be targeted. Lessons Learnt (i) Targeting must focus on the protection and rehabilitation of a coastal ecosystem and not just one village. (ii) With livelihood projects, care must be taken to target the poorest households who are most likely to depend more on the natural resource base for their livelihoods. Efficiency of Project Timing Conclusions: With all the start up delays, the Assessment Studies were not produced until March 2008. Virtually all planned activities for Objective 2 were delayed in the Management Phase II of the SL project. With the arrival of the new project manager in Phase III in May 2009, the project was jump started in order to catch up. The manager worked hard to implement a whole range of sub-projects and increase budget disbursement. However, with no exit plan in place, the danger of this rush to implement late in the project is that newly implemented projects will come to an abrupt end without the important mechanisms in place to sustain activities. Instead, the ET found that efforts to continue or start new activities were in mind, even though the project was due to close by the end of March 2010 with no clear mandate to continue. With hindsight, it would have been more prudent to have taken a more careful and strategic review of proposed activities in the last 6 months of the project rather than rush to implement what had been agreed or previously approved. Lessons Learnt (i) As recommended by the MTR, a carefully thought out orderly exit plan should have been developed and followed. Efficiency of Assessment activities (Objective 1) Conclusions: Assessment activities, involving a solid working partnership between ELG-2 and SL office, although somewhat delayed against the original and adjusted timeframes, were comprehensive and found sufficient for their purpose in identifying critical stretches of degraded coastline for management under the project. The Assessment Study teams made good use of existing information sets including the ADB funded Regional Environmental Technical Assistance project data sets in Puttalam Lagoon, the ϲʿֱֳ Red List, the ϲʿֱֳ Wilpattu National Park Resource Inventory and the Wetlands Directory. Efficiency of Project Planning and Implementation (Objective 2) Not to mince words, the efficiency of investment planning and implementation has been very poor indeed. ϲʿֱֳ-SL failed to utilise the Assessment Studies and conclusions correctly to guide its investment strategy. As already identified, the Village Model approach was completely inappropriate. The BMZ project is not and never could be an Integrated Rural Development Project. It just did not have the timeframe nor the staff or financial resources, or indeed the objective. As mentioned, there were serious delays in the Phase II of the project, when only some $54,000 against a budget of $280,000 odd was spent, mainly on small livelihood projects and a general extensive awareness campaign that covered some 20 villages but with no particular strategic goal or habitat for conservation in mind. In Phase III, many pre-planned and newly conceived activities were implemented hurriedly, with the best of intentions, but in a somewhat piecemeal fashion rather than in line with a strategic integrated approach or exit plan. Conclusions: In spite of the solid advice repeatedly provided by the RPM, later reinforced by the MTR, the decision by the ϲʿֱֳ-SL senior management to continue its chosen course and not change its approach as advised, has seriously undermined the potential success of the project. In the early part of phase II, senior ϲʿֱֳ-SL management preferred not to complete a comprehensive investment plan at the start of the planning phase on the grounds that it was too complex (i.e. to undertake thorough economic and technical feasibility studies)  and required high levels of Technical Advice which was not available. In the Guide to Developing Investment Options, clear guidance is given on why there is a need to define Coastal Ecosystem Conservation Management Plans, what its purpose is and what process to follow. Outlines are given for the Conservation Management Plan, project proposals and linkages given to the goals of the MFF in how to build Knowledge, strengthen Empowerment and enhance Governance. It is regrettable that this guide was not followed and an Investment Plan devised for the project life. Instead, a multitude of many isolated and seemingly unrelated activities were earmarked in an Investment Plan without a true ecological focus or goal in mind. Of particular concern, genuine stakeholder involvement in developing investment options was found quite limited. In the view of senior ϲʿֱֳ SL management, it involved much time and expense. Economic analysis/ feasibility was not done as it was perceived to be too complex. There also existed a feeling that perhaps it was beyond the capabilities of CBOs and grass root level beneficiaries, who may not have the expertise to undertake appraisal roles. Instead, the Investment Team, with some collaboration with local CBOs and government agencies made the decisions. The DLCC had not yet evolved or established firmly enough to make investment decisions in 2008, although its concurrence would have been required. It appears that the concept of establishing a Regional Project Committee to approve the investment plans was not supported by ϲʿֱֳ-SL as it was considered expedient to needs and was not part of the IA. Individual activities were approved internally by the ϲʿֱֳ-SL office with little advise or oversight given by the RPM / ELG-2. Lessons Learnt (i) The failure of the ϲʿֱֳ-SL management in 2008 to develop a Conservation Management Plan or Investment Plan involving the full participation of stakeholders for conservation or rehabilitation of a specific ecosystem has reduced the effectiveness and therefore impact of the project. The inability to fully involve stakeholders in decision making processes is an opportunity lost to empower people and engender a feeling of ownership to manage and care for local ecosystems. (i) Full consensus building with stakeholders, the definition of specific priority conservation objectives, the proper use of a process orientated approach, solid partnership development and a common vision and leadership are all essential and vital ingredients in conservation management and sustainability. Result Areas: In line with result areas identified in the ϲʿֱֳ-SL briefing meeting, conclusions and lessons learnt regarding efficiency of implementation is dealt with under the following headings: A. Education, communication and awareness building B. Sustainable Livelihoods Development C. Sustainable Fisheries Management D. Ecosystem restoration and bio-diversity conservation E. Institutional strengthening A: Education Awareness Campaigns: Conclusions: Some 20 workshops were undertaken by the Small Fishers Federation and other partners (e.g. District Fisheries Office) covering a multitude of villages and stakeholders (youth, shrimp farmers, Government officials etc) in subjects ranging from fisheries ordinance, protection of Puttalam ecosystem, agricultural chemical use and harm to the environment, alternative livelihoods. The ET did not see any modules used in the awareness campaigns so is unable to comment from a technical perspective. What can be said is that the target groups and subject matter are rather generic in nature and not specific for a particular habitat conservation site. No impact assessment was undertaken to establish the effects of the campaign, but it is likely that impact would be limited especially as few follow up activities were designed specifically to build on awareness raised. In phase III, unused budget for awareness campaigns was re-allocated in June 2009 with good effect, for 10 workshops to raise awareness of local people in Kalpitiya regarding solid waste and environmental degradation that then led to environmental clean up activities by residents. An exposure visit of Kalpitiya stakeholders to the ϲʿֱֳ supported Weligama Solid Waste Management Project was found most useful by staff met as to what could be achieved. From the List of Project Documents given in Annex 4, the ϲʿֱֳ-SL was not found active in producing information or educational materials for distribution to stakeholders or the general public. The ET did not see any materials in Sinhala or English to enhance local knowledge, for example, factsheets for endangered species Scyphiphora Hydrophyllacea (Black mangrove) and Cynometra Iripa (Upulu), field guide for use by local people to identify important and valuable fauna and flora or monitoring guidelines for important species. This is surprising given that ϲʿֱֳ-SL is regarded as an important regional center within ϲʿֱֳ for bio-diversity, with a cadre of quality bio-diversity specialists. It was efficient, however, when the BMZ SL shared maps with the District Land Use section and provided training in their use, with good effect. Lessons Learnt (i) Awareness and education programmes must be undertaken with a strategic goal in mind. The benefits of raising awareness must be integrated directly as part of an overall plan. Such campaigns are not an end in itself, but a means to an end. B. Sustainable Livelihoods Development Conclusions: With the exceptions of crab fattening or fish processing and marketing projects, all other Alternative Income Generating (AIG) projects were not directly linked to the natural resource use of any particular eco-system that is to be protected or sustainably managed. There is much evidence elsewhere that unless AIGs in coastal areas are thoroughly researched from a technical, economic and financial and marketing perspective, which in this project was not the case, the risk of failure or non-performance or ability to sustain or replicate is high. All these factors apply in the case of drip irrigation, sewing machines and poultry projects. According to beneficiaries met, the choice and design of the livelihood projects were decided by the project and not by them. The role of the fisheries CBO chairman was to select beneficiaries. The understanding of the rationale and linkage between receiving a grant in a livelihood activity and conservation activities was partly understood by beneficiaries met, but there was no commitment found that beneficiaries were obliged to reduce fishing, plant mangroves or conserve a local habitat in return. Moreover, the provision of grants undermines the self-reliance nature that underpins any development process. In Soththupitiya, farmers applied to join the Fisheries CBO so that they too could benefit from BMZ projects. Conflicts arose between those members who received inputs and those bypassed. To reduce the repercussion of creating dependency on the project, a livelihoods programme should avoid a grant scheme and instead seek to link beneficiaries to sources of credit. The justification given by several BMZ staff for supporting a grant based livelihood programme (also applicable to CBO and institutional development with Government partners) was that in order to solicit the interest of stakeholder groups in the project or to engage them in issues related to environmental concerns, it was necessary to give them something first. Surely, the approach is to work closely with stakeholder groups to raise their awareness, build their understanding through sharing of knowledge and empower them to take ownership and develop their livelihoods as part of an overall strategic goal. The sewing machine and drip irrigation projects were good examples of How Not to do Livelihoods. Project costs per beneficiary were high. Reflow schemes only recouped around 20% of initial cost for on-lending. The CBO members were not involved in the project selection. Drip irrigation schemes relied on equipment imported from abroad directly by one local businessman, which given the expense and logistics to import was hardly replicable with other beneficiaries. The system relied on the use of mains water supply costing around 2,000 Rupees per month per beneficiary. As the project was delayed and seedlings were planted at the beginning of the dry and not the rainy season, crops had to be watered for 9 months straight. Half of the beneficiaries gave up after several months as they lost money (and therefore became poorer). The project supported the communal garden (9 10 beneficiaries grouped together) to the tune of 16,000 Rupees to cover outstanding water bills. Over-reliance on one Entrepreneur was not likely to develop marketing skills of the farmers and lead to dependency rather than self reliance. The sewing machines were linked, on perhaps a rather dubious environmental goal to produce cloth bags for sale to replace the use of plastic bags. Given the large scale of use of plastic bags within the district and without district legal and other awareness support, this goal was hardly likely to be realised. On a brighter note, home gardens introduced later (in phase III) learnt from the experience of the drip irrigation and utilised more ecologically friendly, feasible and appropriate technology. Lessons Learnt (i) Thorough assessments of livelihood options must be undertaken with beneficiary groups (ii) Improved livelihood options selected must be linked to natural resource use that results in the sustainable management of that resource (e.g. shell sanctuaries, nypa harvesting, fish processing and marketing). By doing so, it is possible to instill a stronger sense of ownership and appreciation of the value and need to sustain the use of that resource. (iii) If livelihood activities are supported, their rationale must be part of a conservation strategy and not as a carrot to encourage and engage stakeholders to collaborate with the project. (iv) Given that 90% of the livelihood budget of $58,000 was used on AIGs with no link to the natural resource use in conservation areas and whose future impact is in doubt, the focus on livelihood development was a distraction to what the SL programme should have worked on (i.e. rehabilitation, conservation and management) It is regrettable that development organizations such as CARE InternationalSL, whose focus is livelihood development and has a partnership with ϲʿֱֳ, were not approached to partner BMZ to implement livelihood development work instead. C. Sustainable Fisheries Management Conclusions: Of the range of activities for the Sustainable Fisheries Management (see Annex 8 , Investment Plan for SL), just $5,000 of the $85,277 budget allocated was spent on the formation of the Puttalam Lagoon Management Authorityand the preparation in December 2009 of the Puttalam Fisheries Management Plan to declare a special fisheries management area, sent for gazetting at the national level. It transpires that ϲʿֱֳ-SL technical staff identified the opportunity to exert more influence at the lagoon level in April / May 2009 that led to an assessment of a lagoon wide land use potential and investigation to strengthen the Puttalam Fisheries Management including the networking of lagoon fishery cooperatives. These areas of work took a great leap forward in the Phase III period, supported by a thorough Institutional Assessment Study, and look to become tangible impacts if their momentum can be sustained. Instead, the lion share of the budget was spent on infra-structure (e.g. community halls, fish landing sites, toilets etc) and equipment or furniture for CBOs. All these activities, although agreed in Phase II of the project were rolled out in Phase III at a rapid pace, without proper consideration of what the CBOs would do in return. The principle of the expectation that there will be no return from stakeholders unless you give them something first prevailed. Building toilets does not on its own build capacity of the CBOs. The quality of construction of buildings built by the CBOs themselves was noted through inspection as generally poor and may not meet standards. Many sites were still under construction raising a concern whether they would be completed in time. Likewise, the District Fisheries Office was recipient of motorbikes, laptop computer, projector, a fast boat and other equipment in late 2009, with the purpose to enable it to operate more efficiently, although surely this is the responsibility of the Government. The provision of such equipment should only be considered if it is part of an over-arching goal (e.g. to improve the monitoring of illegal fishing in Puttalam Lagoon) linked together with genuine capacity building programme with Fishing Cooperatives to curb illegal fishing. On its own, as is perceived to be the case here, such expenditures do not contribute to the achievement of the project goal. With the provision of infrastructure to CBOs and equipment to the DFO, there was insufficient linkage by the project (although this started to happen in Phase III) on the empowerment, social capital development or organisational aspects that would assist these organisations to network, share information and perform better in the future. Much more should have been done earlier in this regard. Lessons Learnt (i) Work started too late in the project life (Phase III) to federate the Fishery CBOs into a Lagoon Management Authority or to prepare the Puttalam Fisheries Plan, but achievement to date stand out as one of the more significant achievements of the BMZ SL project. D. Ecosystem restoration and bio-diversity conservation Conclusions: Progress in the Solid Waste Management project at Kalpitiya was well conceived but despite some half hearted efforts to get this activity started in Phase II, it only took hold in Phase III of the project. The ET saw for itself the improvements along the roadside and in towns in terms of cleanliness compared to other areas where garbage was seen everywhere. The Kalpitiya Pradeshiya Sadha will develop its own land fill area and sorting station and expand to other areas soon. The concept to undertake ecological restoration of shrimp farms at Thirikapallama was sound, but it focused on just 4 small shrimp ponds in a large area of abandoned shrimp ponds. The main task involved seeking the release of land from tenants who had leased the land on a 30 year lease from the Government. Unfortunately, they refused to return the land even though it remained unproductive. The project took the case to the Supreme Court whose judgment was favourable. The DS can now recall the land by canceling the lease. Unfortunately, the project at the local level stalled as all the efforts were placed at the national level. Much more could have been done with interest groups through information sharing and networking to lobby locally. It also seems a lot of effort to request the Supreme Court to pass judgment on just 4 ponds. Why not the whole area ? Unfortunately, although funds were earmarked for its rehabilitation, the Government Agent, under pressure from CBO groups previously promised poultry projects by BMZ, duly reallocated funds. The result is nothing has or is likely to happen, given that project end is imminent. The Mangrove Park planned at Ettale did not materialise due to lack of support or agreement with the DS Forest Department as the Forest Department insisted on modifications to the one room information centre on the island which ϲʿֱֳ was not keen to fund. This was regrettable as, of all the projects identified, this one project possessed the hallmarks of the type of protection, conservation, promotion of eco-tourism activities, revenue generation, local management that BMZ SL should have been supporting. Greening human settlements and nature park in schools was undertaken mainly in Phase III and involved the use of more appropriate technology in the use of clay pots for irrigation needs and live fences. Although a useful generic environmental activity that may be replicated by students or other residents, it does not link directly into the rehabilitation of critical coastal ecosystems per se. Some 1,000 environmentally friendly cooking stoves that significantly reduces the use of fuel wood were also distributed in different villages throughout the lagoon. Another practical idea that has limited contribution to the overall project goal. Efficient use of GIS maps generated by ϲʿֱֳ was noted. In Phase III, the District Land Use Office was trained by the concerned ϲʿֱֳ officer in November 2009 in the use of the maps together with ground truthing of areas with local people in Wanathawilluwa. With the assistance of the Land Use Office, work to gazette and record an area of wild rice as a Crop Wild Relative Conservation Area by the Forest Department was completed. The maps have been used for demarcation purposes of coastal, forest, elephant conflict and lagoon areas together with local residents, to the extent that local action was taken to stop land encroachment in Soththupitiya. Some 75 sign boards were erected together with the District Forest Departments as part of the demarcation process. With regard to ecosystem and bio-diversity rehabilitation activities, the ET was quite taken aback to learn that the SL Team had managed to overlook the protection of two nationally endangered species Scyphiphora Hydrophyllacea (Black mangrove) in Thirikapallama village and Cynometra Iripa (Upulu) in Sevanthivu/ Anakuttiya villages. Both of these species were highlighted in the Ecological and Socio-Economic Assessment reports as critical species. They could have served as a catalyst for conservation and protection work, especially as the SL team had prioritorised these villages in their strategic approach and had already implemented many activities at village level. With under half a hectare of the rare Scyphiphora Hydrophyllacea in Thirikapallama left in Sri Lanka, it was quite a revelation that none of the drip irrigation or crab beneficiaries met knew much about the existence of the species nor its intrinsic value as a rare species. Indeed, there were no signs placed to inform local people and the ET was dismayed to see that a small part of the forest area had recently been cut and burnt. The ET visited the Fisheries Society members in Seguwantihiwu village, an extremely vulnerable coastline delta area, north of Puttalam, also home to another critically endangered mangrove species (Upulu) in Sri Lanka in a small area of 0.5 hectares. The mangroves are heavily exploited by outsiders from Puttalam and the whole village area flooded regularly between October and January. Salt pans areas are expanding locally. Recently, with the assistance of the Phase III manager, the DLCC with the land use department has identified the importance of mangrove conservation as a windbreaker to reduce the intensity of seasonal flooding. Livelihood and other greening activities recently started. Unfortunately, no local people questioned knew about the Upulu species and its national importance. This degraded coastal stretch and estuarine area could have been a focus for BMZ work, but up until recently, was overlooked. Lessons Learnt (i) It is quite extraordinary that ϲʿֱֳ-SL, given its mandate, managed to overlook the importance of protecting critically endangered mangrove species, but this serves to reinforce the argument that the ϲʿֱֳ-SL management got their strategic priorities all wrong from the beginning. (ii) Land ownership issues in coastal areas are complex and need time and continuous follow up to resolve. The rewards for concerted effort to re-allocate abandoned shrimp pond ownership for rehabilitation purposes, given the large tracts of coastal land affected in SL and the region, could be immense. The SL project was correct to target this issue, but was unable in the time available to bring the issue to a conclusive end in a scale large enough to have any lasting impact. E. Institutional strengthening Early in 2008, the BMZ formed the Local Level Coordinating Committee, later to be renamed the District Level Coordinating Committee (DLCC) chaired by the Government Agent. It meets frequently and has representation from a wide range of government, CBO and NGO stakeholders to discuss multi-disciplinary issues with regard to environmental protection in the Lagoon. Conclusions: By all accounts, apart from raising and discussing improved lagoon management issues, the DLCC did not produce much during Phase II of the project. However, the raison detre has emerged over the last 6 months with a re-orientation of its functions as the DLCC, and with its strong leadership, has become a genuine platform to discuss lagoon related environmental issues with the potential to become the Lagoon Management Authority. It is evident that the Government Agent (GA) is now a staunch supporter of the DLCC, which bodes well from a sustainability perspective. Efficiency of Project sustainability, local benefit sharing and financing (Output 3) Conclusions: 1. As sustainability and long term financing should be an integral part of all components in a project of this nature, its inclusion as an Objective is poorly conceived in the design. In SL, given the delays and degree of inactivity in Phase II, there was little opportunity to develop viable finance schemes. The rush of activities in Phase III came too late. Reflow schemes at CBO level with livelihood projects should have been better designed as only a small portion is returned for on-lending. Lessons Learnt (i) Issues regarding long term sustainability of coastal ecosystem rehabilitation and benefit sharing should be integral as part of the design of all associated activities. Efficiency of ϲʿֱֳ Sri Lanka Country Management, Staff and TA Conclusions: Frequent change of personnel in key project management positions has had a large bearing on the efficiency of this project. It is fair to say that the quality and skill sets of managers and TA has been variable, from poor to good. The Assessment Study work was well managed and implemented. It is evident that the Phase II project manager lacked the experience or vision necessary to rise to the challenge of driving a state of the art pilot project of this nature. By the time the MTR left, it must however, have been clear that a replacement should be found, but no decision was made. The field officer during Phase II, by some accounts tried his best, but had to work within the guidance of the project manager and should not be held accountable for the degree of inactivity experienced in phase II. The incoming project manager in May 2009 had the energy, drive, understanding and experience to engage stakeholders in a more pro-active manner. He was burdened with the brief to implement and disburse as much as possible before the project end. He introduced and inspired, together with ϲʿֱֳ-SL technical staff, some positive initiatives (e.g. use of GIS maps, home greening, waste management etc), but was constrained by the need to implement previous commitments (e.g. poultry projects, infra-projects with CBOs, equipment for DFO etc) that he could not avoid. The ϲʿֱֳ-SL office did recruit their own TA to help with the Investment Plan which included a retired senior officer of Coastal Conservation Department. It is difficult to comment on the quality of his input, except to mention that it may have contributed to the decision to take a model village rather than an ecological approach. Finally, the ET retains concerns regarding the approval process of investment in the SL country programme. Rather than follow a transparent process of review and approval by a regional project committee (e.g. MFF National Co-ordination Body or other mode), the approval process was in-house involving the project manager, the Finance Manager, the Country Representative and possibly field staff. The RPM was allowed to comment, but had no sway on the final decision, in spite of executive powers given to her in October 2008. The reluctance on the part of the ϲʿֱֳ-SL management to engage in a more open approval process has meant that the appropriate checks and balances were not in place to ensure that projects approved contributed towards the achievement of the overall objectives. Some did not. The quality of project proposals reviewed was not particularly detailed or well presented, with a lack of information on economic and financial feasibility aspects. Lessons Learnt (i) All investment approval decisions should have been made by a Regional Review Committee as recommended in the Guide to Developing Investment Options (Feb 2008). A learning opportunity was lost because when projects from Thailand and Sri Lanka are reviewed together, it is possible to benefit from experiences gained and processes followed. Regular meetings of this committee would have provided the information sharing platform that this regional project has lacked, whilst pulling the two country projects together as a BMZ project. Financial Management Efficiency The financial and accounting system set up in ϲʿֱֳ-SL as the main financial accounting center for the BMZ project was efficiently managed. Conclusions: Expenditure against budget is presented in Annex 9 from project start to 28 February 2010. Several figures stand out. Against a budget of $288,014 for Subcontracts for Ecosystem Rehabilitation, only $174,230 (60%) has been spent to date. This implies that quite significant sum of money still has to be accounted for by the end of June 2010. The rush to spend against commitments automatically raises the question of quality of works and capacity to deliver inputs efficiently. Little expenditure was made against budget head Documentation of Lessons Learnt ($413 of a budget of $9,500) or Printing and Publication ($0 of a budget of $1,760). It is not clear to the ET how the country programme managed to spend $43,086 of a budget of $57,622 earmarked for Additional Technical Expert for Sub Contracts, as according to its enquiries, only a few additional TA staff were recruited and then for only short durations. Efficiency of Project M&E Conclusions: There appears to be limited use of participatory M&E amongst local stakeholders (e.g. beneficiary monitoring groups to monitor livelihood projects and report progress). Apart from DLCC meetings where stakeholders meet to discuss Lagoon management aspects, there appears to be limited degree of self-reflection and information sharing between project partners of issues arising and learning. No special workshops were held to bring partners, CBOs or private sector participants together to reflect on lagoon conservation issues or special topics. The SL project did work with the RPCU to develop its own Results Based Monitoring Framework late on the project, but this appears to be more out of obligation than for practical use (see brief monitoring report for SL in Annex 10). EFFICENCY OF OTHER IMPLEMENTING PARTIES Efficiency of ELG-2 and the Regional Project Manager Efficiency of ELG2 There was no TOR for the RPM given in the Project Proposal. The RPM was based in the ELG-2 and according to various IAs, the ELG-2 had responsibility for overall management and oversight for the regional project and be responsible to the donor. It would provide technical support to national components; facilitate learning and sharing, have responsibility to scale up project activities under Programme of Work (POW) #2 for the MFF programme in SL and TH. The ELG2 would provide technical skills in Environmental Economics, Knowledge Management, Biodiversity and Species identification and Ecosystems Management. The ELG-2 group and the RPM would provide assistance with assessment surveys and importantly conduct the technical, economic and institutional appraisals of rehabilitation investment options under Objective 1. It would evaluate the suitability of stakeholders selected for implementation in investment plans and provide an on-going monitoring role and provision of TA as requested in the implementation of Objective 2. It was responsible to conduct the Local Benefit Sharing and Financing Assessment study. It was to play a major role in Objective 4 (management, workplan development and financial and physical reporting) and had a perceived role in the important approval process of investment plans. See the timeline for ELG-2 (annex 7). Conclusions: In terms of financial and progress reporting (quarterly and annual reports) and submission of the annual WP&Bs, the ELG-2 has been efficient. Except during the implementation of Objective 1 (assessment studies) when particularly SL, and to some extent the TH programme, benefited from TA services, the ELG-2 unit was generally under-utilised. The ELG-2 unit was instrumental in setting up the guidelines for the investment framework following the Regional Workshop in December 2007. There was some positive collaboration between ELG-2 and the TH project to provide TA in 2008 and 2009, evident by the work carried out to document and application to add the Water Onion to the Red List; a study to assess or build stakeholder collaboration and documenting lessons learnt. The RPM made frequent visits to TH project site throughout the project. The technical quality of most of this work was found proficient and of valuable use to its users. However, although specified in the IA between ELG-2 and TH that if ELG-2 did not have the expertise, this could be sought locally in Thailand instead, there was reluctance on the part of ELG-2 to agree to this when requested. In SL, there was close collaboration and use of TA from ELG-2 in the Assessment Study work in Phase I. Thereafter, apart from a monitoring field report and a publication on Prawn Farms and some assistance to the Greening project, the ELG-2 was not requested to assist with much else. (See document list by ELG2 in Annex 4). It transpires that by mid 2008, in spite of ELG-2 willingness to assist the SL country programme, it could only do so at the behest of the ϲʿֱֳ-SL management and that ELG-2 (including the RPM) should stick to lines of communication agreed in the IA. Lack of access to the SL programme certainly reduced its overall efficiency to provide TA services as originally anticipated. This is regrettable given its close proximity to the SL country office and expertise it could provide. The ELG-2 developed the BMZ local Benefit Sharing and Financing Mechanisms as part of their obligations in Objective 3. The report is brief indeed, somewhat academic and unfortunately lacks the practical guidance as to HOW to do local benefit sharing or other finance mechanisms. It also was produced too late in the project life to be of significant use. It should have been produced earlier and incorporated (as demonstrated by the TH programme) as an integral part of sub-project planning. As previously mentioned, this was partly due to flaws in project design. In end, country level Benefit Sharing and Financing reports were produced. From a financial perspective (see detailed table in Annex 9 dated 28 Feb 2010), the ELG-2 unit had the highest portion of budget allocation (34%) in the project ($688,699) compared to $595,530 in SL (29%); $621,110 in TH (31%) and $85,400 for the Regional Programme Coordination unit (RPC) in Bangkok (4%). The ELG-2 budget allocation was mainly for technical assistance and management, without direct responsibility for implementing at the ground level. Some 44% of the ELG-2 budget was for the salary of the RPM, who also worked on other ϲʿֱֳ related work. A breakdown of the ELG-2 budget and expenditure is given in the table below: Table 3: ELG-2 budget and expenditure (USD) at 28 Feb 2010 Budget HeadsBudgetExpenditureRemaining PercentageTravel6,3874,5421,8451%Per Diem1,8634311,4320%Local Field Support1,064719930%Additional Technical Expert for Sub-contracts (Staff time)138,988100,61738,37116%Project Management Personnel240,559276,832-36,27344%Computers and Office Equip.5,3225,1961261%Office Rent and Utilities40,71733,2057,5125%Communications Support9,98017,902-7,9223%Production of Reports7,9841,2446,7400%Audit and Bank charges7,9843,5514,4331%Management and Admin Fee181,446164,91716,52926%Additional travel for partners17,96319,910-1,9473%Total688,699636,11852,581100%Source: Finance Section ϲʿֱֳ SL The ELG-2 unit also claimed $164,917 of $181,446 for its management and administration fee (26% of its budget spent). The ELG-2 unit managed to spend some $100,617 of the $138,988 allocated for additional Technical Expert for sub contracts and staff time (16%). According to the IA between ELG-2 and TH, the charge out rates for ELG-2 staff would be at ϲʿֱֳ Asia Region rates. The expenditure of budget appears on the high side, given the general under-utilisation of the services of the unit experienced. Only $1,244 was spent on report production of a budget of nearly $8,000. This gives the impression that, in spite of a list of 16 documents in Annex 4, the ELG-2 was not so active in producing or publishing reports targeted at different audiences. Apart from several visits to the TH project (some of which funded by the MFF), there has been relatively little information exchange of field visits for a regional project as the BMZ, which is disappointing. In conclusion, it appears that the difficulty in establishing an effective SL / ELG-2 working relationship was just part of the answer to explain the general under-utilisation of the ELG-2 services. It also seems that the efficiency of the ELG-2 unit in providing technical assistance, encouraging exchange, publishing technical documents, was low, given the financial resources it was provided and the amount of budget it expended. Lessons Learnt (i) Project managers must utilise fully all the technical expertise at their disposal (ii) Regional projects must ensure that information exchange and visits are held between partner countries. (iii) Getting the balance in terms of budgets between a regional management unit (in this case ELG-2) and country programmes right is very important. Efficiency of Regional Project Manager The RPMs full title was: Regional Project Manager, BMZ Project and Regional Coastal and Marine Programme Coordinator, ELG-2, Asia. The position was held by two persons. The first RPM had a major hand in project design and approval and was replaced in August 2007 with the recruitment of the new project manager. Conclusions: The BMZ project suffered from delays in the first 6 months. It took months to resolve the financial wrangling, inability to select countries and sites, delays in agreeing IAs and so on. The inception period failed to re-direct and clarify the project design, functions and M&E framework and arrangements. More should have been done by the RPM then to overcome all of these issues to reduce the delay. When allowed to, the incumbent RPM has provided good guidance and oversight to the project. The ET is convinced that the RPM tried her best to guide SL in investment planning and development of workplans, but despite ARO strengthened rules for management of regional projects, she was unable to make use of these executive powers given. The Guide to Development of Investment Options produced in February 2008 was practical and explicit and clearly had a good impact in the design of TH investment options. The RPM has worked closely with the TH programme over the last 2 years. The inability to set up a Regional Project Review Committee, despite her best efforts, was a lost opportunity to bring both countries together to share experiences and learn from each other. This aspect of Regionality and learning from each other had a limited outcome. Although exchange visits were made, it appears that SL management was unable to take on board the emerging experience from the TH project and integrate these learnings into its programme. The two country projects remain just that. Individual programmes within the umbrella of the BMZ project. Lessons Learnt (i) Many projects based within Regional offices (including ϲʿֱֳ) are set up in different countries with the explicit purpose of being able to pilot, share information and lessons learnt. Unless special effort or organisational mechanisms (e.g. Regional Project Review Committee or regular visits) are specifically put in place to foster the exchange and interface between parties as intended, it is likely that, as in the case of BMZ, the intended impact will be bypassed. This is costly given the degree of complexity in management arrangements, additional cost in staff, office space and particularly travel as compared to projects targeting just one country. (ii) Had the RPM been allowed more access and influence in the SL programme, or had other technical staff in the SL country office been involved during Phase II, she would have made a great difference to the SL strategic approach, the quality of projects approved and the efficiency and effectiveness of the project. Efficiency of Regional Programme Coordination unit The RPC unit based in Bangkok, was responsible primarily to develop the Monitoring and Evaluation framework, together with ELG-2s facilitation. In particular, the RPCU was to train staff in M&E, identify indicators and plan for the project, provide inputs into reports to the donor, oversee WP&Bs and organise and manage external evaluations as the MTR and ET. Two staff members held the position, the first up until March 2008. It helped develop the Inception Report, assisted with country assessments and prepared reports and plans. Assistance was given to ELG-2 for the development of investment guidelines. A timeline for the RPCU is given in Annex 7. Conclusions: It may be argued that BMZ failed to establish within its lifetime a practical, manageable or useful M&E system. The original ML&E plan produced sometime in 2007 was a re-jig of the Project Planning Matrix with timelines. However, it did not attempt to re-organise the key result areas which remained a process. The MTR requested that based (somewhat optimistically) on due diligence and risk management processes, a more practical and Results Orientated ML&E system should be devised. It was not until June 2009, almost a year later, that the unit, with the help of the RPM, developed the revised monitoring plan (see Annex 6). With all the best intentions, the revised Monitoring Framework, with great lists of indicators and M&E questions is seen more as a guide rather than a framework. To its credit, the RPC unit managed to revise the Objective and use Results instead (using Long Term Results from the Project Proposal). Both countries have tried to use the new framework with varying results. The framework was too complex, has a plethora of indicators, too many to address, had too many columns of information, required qualitative answers (which takes up much space) and reports run into pages. In this form, its use is limited. It is also not possible to produce a table of progress against results for the whole BMZ programme. LogFrames or Results Based matrixes have to be simple, use numeric targets as far as possible for monitoring progress and easily produced in short summary formats. The unit did assist the TH programme in refining its investment plans and setting up beneficiary level monitoring plans for individual projects by providing formats for monitoring progress and risk management. Together with assistance from the RPM, the RPC unit worked with the TH project in mid 2008 to develop a baseline of CBO capacity to track changes in capability as a result of the project. It specifically facilitated both the countries in developing their results monitoring frameworks by September 2009 which were reported against as referred to above. The MTR exercise was well managed and executed. The findings of the MTR were presented with clarity and this ET agrees with most of the issues raised and recommendations made. The main exception being the Due Dilligence and Risk Assessments. Although applicable in the financial or real estate world, it was most likely too advanced for this project which was struggling already to cope with investment decisions and simple monitoring. Efforts to set this up probably delayed the start of the Results Monitoring Framework development until June 2009. Progress against the MTR recommendations are presented in Annex 11. Neither project developed an Exit Strategy as recommended. The Thailand programme appears to have implemented most of the recommendations partially or fully. Response by the SL programme is mixed and many key recommendations were simply not accepted or implemented (e.g. the set up of Investment Committees to approve proposals or undertake thorough appraisals of investment decisions). Lessons Learnt (i) M&E formats must be simple to facilitate ease of reporting and use. Efficiency of monitoring by BMZ As the donor, it is fair to say that the BMZ has taken a relatively passive role in the management of this project. Initially, the BMZ was interested in supporting ϲʿֱֳ for Tsunami related work, hence this project. Once the agreement was signed in December 2006 until now, it has kept its working arrangements purely financial with seemingly little interest in progress or eventual outcome. As far as the ET is aware, no field or project visits were made by the BMZ. The BMZ were invited to join both the MTR and Final Evaluation, but politely declined. The person in charge at BMZ changed three times during the course of the project, which may have had a bearing. It is only just recently that it suggested ϲʿֱֳ to prepare a follow up project. It is often the case that donors micro-manage projects run by other parties too much, so a hands-off approach is sometimes welcome. However, it is disappointing to feel that by its actions, the donor is not that interested in the project outcomes and particularly how these outcomes may link into the achievement of its own goals. PROJECT EFFECTIVENESS, IMPACT, SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICABILITY Effectiveness For use in the assessment of the project effectiveness, the Evaluation Team has attempted to phrase long term Result areas based on wording in the Project Proposal, from the Results Based Monitoring Framework and its knowledge of the project. A possible revised narrative of the LogFrame for the Project is presented below: LevelNarrativeProject Goalto conserve and restore coastal ecosystems as key assets which support human well-being and security in the Indian Ocean Region. Project Purposedegraded and threatened coastal ecosystems in tsunami-affected countries of the Indian Ocean are rehabilitated and conserved using ecologically and socio-economically sound methodsLong Term ResultsCritically threatened and degraded coastal ecosystems rehabilitated and conserved; Livelihoods are strengthened and vulnerability is reduced among coastal populations;Local stakeholders are empowered to better participate in and benefit from coastal conservation planning and decision-making;Dialogue, partnerships and joint actions undertaken in support of conservation are strengthened among coastal stakeholder groups (local communities, government and the private sector)Improved institutional and policy framework environment developed for local ecosystem conservation, protection and rehabilitation of coastal resourcesAwareness and knowledge for coastal conservation management improvedSustainable financing and local benefit sharing mechanisms met to provide for direct / indirect costs of coastal conservation Source: Project Proposal and revised Results Based LogFrame Using the above structure, the emerging effects (or effectiveness) of the BMZ projects in Thailand and Sri Lanka are as follows: Result 1: Critically threatened and degraded coastal ecosystems are rehabilitated & conserved Thailand: The application of the Reef to Ridge approach based around the rehabilitation and conservation in two watershed areas was found most effective. There are numerous examples from the 18 different grantee projects of effective ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation successes including mangrove planting, water lily conservation and sapling planting, seagrass bed improvements, river quality monitoring, venus shell conservation, community forestry management efforts, amongst others. The positive emerging effects are due to collaborative and detailed planning efforts with all concerned. All individual projects had a purpose in mind, but collectively, through networking and regular information sharing, outcomes from each project now emerging contribute to achievement of the larger goal. Sri Lanka: There are some effects emerging from latter activities implemented (e.g. greening home gardens programme, distribution of efficient stoves, compost bins, etc). However, they are widely spread to have an impact on a critically threatened or degraded coastal ecosystem. The signboards to demarcate forest areas are a start, but signboards alone are not enough. More stakeholder conservation management with the Forest Department assisted by the District Land Use Section is needed. Solid waste collection in Kalpitiya is progressing well now with the result that roadsides, urban areas and hopefully coastlines will be cleaner in the future. With no specific attention given to their conservation, critically endangered mangrove species (upulu & black mangroves) remain so. Result 2: Livelihoods are strengthened and vulnerability is reduced among coastal populations; Thailand: Livelihoods linked to forest or mangrove planting, cockle, seagrass, nypa palms and venus shell protection or conservation efforts all had strong linkages to sustainable natural resource management, underpinned by good understanding of participants as to why conservation was important. In the Stakeholder Evaluation workshop held in day 2 of this evaluation, the ET saw for itself the numerous and varied product types produced for sale by different grantees. However, some enterprises assisted were not linked to the resource use, were not found profitable nor relevant to the project purpose. Some grantees were assigned too many sub-projects beyond their capacity to implement well. Insufficient emphasis was placed on market linkages which meant that opportunity was lost to increase income or decrease costs. Most reflow schemes worked reasonably well. As with SL, giving grants to individuals for livelihood projects causes conflict between those who have and those who do not and can reduce self reliance. Sri Lanka: Livelihood options supported have limited tangible effects in increasing incomes nor in decreasing pressure on natural resources, particularly fishing. Vulnerability of fishing households was not significantly reduced, as intended. Those with sewing machines lack orders and machines lie idle. Many drip feed irrigation farmers have lost money and ceased activities, although others have joined together in a communal plot and enjoy reasonable income now, although water expenses are still subsidised. Non participants were unable to replicate the technologies. However, an emerging positive effect was the adaptation of the drip technology to use cheaper local pitcher-based systems. Poultry projects are newly established, but it is anticipated that few will continue, based on village experience in past projects of this type. Crab rearing and fish processing and marketing activities were found more relevant. Giving grants to individuals for livelihood improvement undermines peoples self reliance and increases dependencies. It also causes local conflict between participants and non-participants. The linkage between conservation / reduced dependency on natural resources as a rationale for engaging beneficiaries in livelihood projects to reduce this dependency was found not clear enough. Result 3: Local stakeholders are empowered to better participate in and benefit from coastal conservation planning and decision-making; Thailand: Positive emerging effects were registered in the enhancement of community participation and empowerment in planning, implementing conservation and ecosystem restoration related activities. Stakeholder groups were thoroughly involved in each step of the planning and decision making process. Women were involved in the capacity of leaders of different conservation groups. In addition, marginalized stateless people were empowered to participate in watershed level conservation forums. People of different religious backgrounds interacted closely. Sri Lanka: In contrast, community level stakeholders were not able to participate in planning and decision making processes in SL. Many of the project options were decided or approved by project management and ground level activities organised through the CBO chairmen and their assistants, resulting in little empowerment of targeted beneficiaries. Result 4: Dialogue, partnerships and joint actions undertaken in support of conservation are strengthened among coastal stakeholder groups (local communities, government and private sector); Thailand: The TH team was more effective in establishing multistakeholder mechanisms at the watershed level comprising of CBOs, government and NGOs than it was in engaging formal partnership for coastal ecosystems management between local tambon authorities and communities. In early March 2010, this ET attended a Workshop held in Kuraburi with all participating grantees. One could not but notice that in each presentation, there were pictures shown of activities and events in which it was clearly evident that so many people had participated. If pictures can say a thousand words, then such images provided overwhelming evidence that local people had participated in many activities. Sri Lanka: Apart from the positive recent efforts to engage fishing CBOs in more decision making in the Lagoon area through the activities of the DLCC, the BMZ mainly supported these organisations in terms of infra-structure / buildings and equipment rather than in capacity building to engage in conservation and rehabilitation management of specified ecosystems. Similarly, the District Fisheries Office received boats, motorbikes, computers etc, but these inputs were not linked to the empowerment of the DFO to collaborate or jointly work with conservation stakeholder groups. Positive recent effects were registered with the Land Use Department and local communities to prevent encroachment. The opportunity was missed to place more pressure on individuals in efforts to transfer the ownership of abandoned shrimp farm through joint actions with stakeholder groups. Result 5: Improved institutional and policy framework environment developed for local ecosystem conservation, protection and rehabilitation of coastal resources. Thailand: The project had limited success in addressing the improved policy and institutional framework environment for local ecosystem conservation as it relied on the promulgation of the River Basin Organisation Act and the Coastal Zone Act which was delayed. Ecosystem approaches were demonstrated, but supporting policy aimed at decentralisation of management to local level was absent. The water lily conservation effort has influenced policy at the national level related to endemic species conservation in the country and ban of exports. The national database of the Phuket Marine Biological Center has now adopted community knowledge systems on seagrass and other biodiversity into its fold. Sri Lanka: Some very positive effects are emerging from the SL project in this regard. With strong leadership, the DLCC has emerged as the focal point for multi-dimensional platform for Lagoon Management, with wide stakeholder representation. An application to the authorities to gazette the Puttalam Lagoon Management Authority is almost complete. In recent months, with good facilitation from the BMZ project, the DLCC has grown in stature and purpose. Efforts with the DFO to amend the Fisheries Act at the national level to allow fisheries co-management rather than CBO based management (which enables local elites to capture most of the benefits) has progressed well. The recent efforts to build local capacity at the district level for land use mapping using BMZ maps, together with ground truthing of conservation areas has empowered local people to resist encroachment into coastal conservation and mangrove areas. Result 6: Sustainable financing and local benefit sharing mechanisms met to provide for direct / indirect costs of coastal conservation Thailand: Examples of local mechanisms to generate funds from eco-tours, rafting and education centers exist. The recruitment of a private company to promote and market eco-tourism activities developed by grantees, was a positive move. The PMBC has obtained budget allocation for 2011 for seagrass monitoring and protection. Some reflow schemes within CBOs were working well. Sri Lanka: Reflow schemes in Fishing CBOs were only designed to capture around 20% of initial cost of livelihood related grants, so this may only encourage limited on-lending to other members. The Kalpitiya DS will allocate its own resources to develop the solid waste management project to collect, sort and manage waste. Result 7: Awareness and knowledge for coastal conservation management improved Thailand: The degree of awareness raised of local stakeholders has been very high as a result of their inclusion in the BMZ project from the start in assessment study work. The collection, analysis and sharing of monitoring information with other stakeholders in rivers and coastal areas by CBOs was an effective means of building awareness. The water lily conservation efforts in particular had attracted attention from the local to provincial to national levels. Promotion through radio and TV media was successful. The TH team put special effort into showcasing BMZ results at national and regional conferences through the presentation of papers. Sri Lanka: Apart from recent awareness work specifically targeting solid waste management and clean up activities, the programme of general awareness raising campaigns was not found effective. Impact Impact takes time to materialise, and it is premature to expect this Evaluation to pronounce on it. All the Evaluation Team can do is report whether, in its opinion, the ingredients for eventual impact are present. Thailand project impact: If the degree of networking, information sharing and collaboration monitored so far can continue to flourish, there is considerable potential for impact in the broader ecological landscape through this watershed / ridge to reef ecosystem approach. Ingredients for success include backstopping by agencies as the DMCR, the PMBC and Marine Police working collaboratively with communities on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management aspects. Sri Lanka project impact: Apart from the development of institutional arrangements developed in the late stage of the SL project, it does not seem to have the correct ingredients to have a lasting impact on target groups. Considerable inputs are still required to achieve any impact from an ecological perspective. Impact of regional aspects of BMZ : It transpires that very few meetings were held involving all project teams and this was mainly in 2007 and early 2008 and in April 2008. Apart from one visit at the end of the MFF Symposium in November 2009 and after the Regional Meeting in April 2009 when SL staff visited the TH project, no other field exchange visits were undertaken. It appears that any benefits or impact from a regional programme for information, experience or knowledge sharing and learning did not materialise. A regional committee to review and approve investment options from each country could have increased learning and information sharing. Willingness, interest and resources are essential ingredients for regional sharing of experience. Impact of MFF & BMZ interaction: In Thailand, linkages between MFF and BMZ were well developed in TH. A Small Grant Project (SGP) using MFF funds was used to upscale the mangrove restoration work by Ka Poe Conservation Group. BMZ grantees and MFF SGPs proponents were brought together for experience sharing and lessons learned workshop. The MFF NCB was very much involved in endorsing the investment plan for the BMZ project site. Exposure visit from Sri Lanka by officials from Eastern Province to the BMZ TH project was organised and financed using MFF funds. In contrast, it appears that little effort was made in Sri Lanka to link SGPs implemented under the MFF to the achievement of BMZ goals and vice versa. The proponents of the 8 SGPs approved and implemented in the Puttalam Lagoon area were not networked together and like the BMZ projects were isolated but seemingly unconnected events. The likelihood of these small investments then to have a collective impact on ecological conservation and management is considered low. Sustainability and Replicability EC guidelines define sustainability as whether the flow of benefits to the beneficiaries, and to society generally, is likely to continue, and why. The key word here is likely, from which it is clear that evaluation missions during implementation may be asked to make subjective judgments, and determine whether the mechanisms for sustainability are in place. The only way to judge sustainability objectively is ex post. As a general observation, intuitively, it is unrealistic to expect a large degree of sustainability of interventions in a 3 year project timeframe. Thailand: There is anecdotal evidence that some grantee activities may be sustained beyond the project life: The water onion conservation community based conservation efforts will be sustained through the Department of Agricultures direct support The strengthening of the networks at the two watershed levels will be continued through the LLS project in 2010 ($58,000 allocated already). PMBC will continue to finance the seagrass monitoring efforts in Thung Nam Dam The promotion of individual CBO based eco-tourism ventures such as the KMK networks by the Andaman Discoveries company will continue for the immediate future Bang Lampoo community forestry management initiative is likely to continue with communities currently renewing their lease over the forests and also interested in expanding the area Venus Shell Conservation efforts to continue as it has been rewarding for the communities/villages involved The stateless marginalised people of Bang Lampoo village were empowered and will continue the sustainable Nypa management practiced as part of their livelihood strategy. The Reef to Ridge / Watershed development process piloted during the BMZ Thailand project may easily be replicated elsewhere, with necessary adaptation in Thailand or in the Region. Sri Lanka: Recent progress achieved with institutional and governance aspects (DLCC, Lagoon Management Authority, Fisheries Co-management Act) that will be continued under the auspices of the Improving Natural Resource Governance for Poverty Reduction project funded by the DFID, and possibly the Solid Waste Management programme with the support of the Kapitiya DS, is considered as positive and significant areas of impact that, if properly supported may provide a platform for sustainability. Apart from this not much else will be sustained. The sustainability of many of the livelihoods activities is already in doubt. It is not advised that the Village Approach promoted in the BMZ project should be replicated elsewhere. CONCLUSIONS Conclusions are made in regard to different ϲʿֱֳ related approaches to ecological rehabilitation and conservation, livelihoods approach, stakeholder participation, institutional and policy development, ML &E, ϲʿֱֳ regional projects, ϲʿֱֳ staffing, BMZ lessons for MFF and exit strategies. Conclusions with regard to Project Design A three year timeframe is insufficient time for a project of this nature. A proper LFA should be developed as part of project design and implementation arrangements and financial plan must be clearly specified. M&E arrangements should be clear from the beginning as part of the LFA. Recommendation 1: Project documents provide guidance in all aspects of project implementation from start to finish. They must be comprehensive and clear beyond doubt. Sufficient time must be allocated to project design. If necessary, the start date of an approved project should be delayed until all internal agreements are made. If not then the resulting timeframe of the project (like the BMZ which effectively had only 2.5 years and not 3 year life) is reduced. Approaches to Ecosystem Rehabilitation and Conservation piloted The overall systematic and scientific approach for ecosystem rehabilitation and management in the context of Thailand based on multi-stakeholder partnerships, information sharing and participation was well demonstrated with many positive emerging effects and lessons learnt. The village approach based on the premise to reduce pressure on the natural resource base founded on alternative livelihoods applied in Sri Lanka was poorly conceived as the main focus to rehabilitate or conserve coastal ecosystems and habitats. Recommendation 2: The TH team should produce a guideline and lessons learnt document for the Watershed/ Reef to Ridge Conservation and Rehabilitation Approach for use in other regions. Conclusions with ϲʿֱֳ and the provision of livelihood support Livelihood interventions for ecosystem management projects must be directly linked to the natural resource use to ensure they are sustainably managed. Only where grant assisted livelihood projects are linked to internal schemes where funds are fully recouped by CBOs for onlending to other beneficiaries in subsequent cycles to ensure full benefit sharing, should grants for livelihoods be supported. Otherwise grants will be considered as hand outs and serve to undermine the self-reliance aspects in peoples own development. Local conflicts between those supported and those not supported will arise. Usually it is those better off households with good social capital that will be selected in grant schemes. It is more prudent to link beneficiary groups to sources of credit to fund their enterprises. Finally, livelihood development is complex, requires a long timeframe and large resources beyond the scope of most ϲʿֱֳ project resources. ϲʿֱֳ should partner with other national and international agencies that specialise in large scale livelihood development rather than attempt to do itself. The concept or belief that before beneficiaries will engage in your activities, they must be given something first, is misguided as it will only lead to further dependency. Recommendation 3: ϲʿֱֳ, given its strengths and mandate in conservation of critical habitats, should not engage in livelihood development, unless it is closely linked to sustainable natural resource use. In both country projects, some livelihood related activities was viewed as a distraction to what the project should focus on and invest in. ϲʿֱֳ is not specialist organisation in integrated rural and livelihood development and nor should it be. Partners with this mandate should be sought instead. Recommendation 4: Any livelihood supported activity must be linked to the sustainable management of the natural resource in question or help generate income for self-financing of operations (e.g. monitoring water quality, upkeep of nature trails etc). An essential pre-condition, if livelihood activities are supported, is that participants fully understand the ecological conservation and rehabilitation principles that underpin the need for livelihood development activity in question. Recommendation 5: ϲʿֱֳ conduct an internal review of a range of regional or country projects in which livelihood sub-projects are implemented to assess their effectiveness in terms of producing valuable outcomes. Lessons learnt arising should guide future ϲʿֱֳ policy and strategies. Conclusions with regard to stakeholder participation in BMZ projects The TH project demonstrated that the best results in conservation management arise when local people are involved from the start. Existing and new formed CBOs were involved in the assessment stage which enabled a fusion of scientific information together with a local resource use perspective. Planning with a plethora of stakeholder groups supported partnership building and efficiency in investment planning that reduced overlap and purpose of grantees. Frequent monitoring and information exchange workshops provided a valuable platform for network and efficiency in operations. CBOs were found more efficient in the use of funds and resources than NGOs, although the scope of project purpose were less complex and resources required less demanding. However, CBOs, when given the chance and whatever their capability and capacity, gave good account of themselves as implementers and conservation managers. Government engagement in participatory processes are varied and should be better supported to assist CBOs to build from within rather than informed what to do. Recommendation 6: CBOs are an effective mechanism through which investment may be made in coastal ecosystem protection and management. CBOs should be the priori focus and be involved from the outset. Regular monitoring and information sharing workshops and meetings inspire networking and collaboration. Advocacy development should be supported from early on. Conclusions with regard to institutional and policy development Weak law enforcement related to the environment was identified in the TH project as a major constraint. As shown in both SL and TH projects, actions at the local level may lead to policy changes at levels higher up. For example, release of abandoned shrimp farms from use under tenancy arrangements to Government ownership through judgement by Supreme Court in SL; Local influence to amend Fisheries Management Act to allow co-management of fisheries; exportation ban of water lilies from Thailand. Projects that aim to influence policy and institutional arrangements at the national level often lack local evidence to substantiate their case. BMZ is proof that conservation issues of local importance can, with the correct degree of Government and ϲʿֱֳ pressure, result in policy changes. Influencing institutional change at provincial or district level was found variable with much resting on the integrity of leadership within the different organisations. Bringing local government staff onboard into the process early in BMZ type projects is critical. Recommendation 7: Policy changes can result from the lobbying of local conservation issues through projects like BMZ. ϲʿֱֳ is perfectly placed to support requests to Government for policy changes. Conclusions for Monitoring Learning and Evaluation Monitoring and Learning processes were shown by the TH project as an integral part of its Reef to Ridge strategy approach. This puts people at the center and their ability to monitor and learn from their efforts is an essential ingredient to its success. Recommendation 8: ML & E should be integrated into People Orientated approaches to coastal ecological and conservation management interventions. Conclusions with regard to ϲʿֱֳ management of Regional Projects Management and implementation arrangements for Regional projects in ϲʿֱֳ are very complex, in this case involving 4 offices in two countries. Disparities in understanding of management arrangements between the RPM and country programmes arising from Internal Agreements had a major bearing on the strategic approach taken and outcome achieved of the SL BMZ project. In ϲʿֱֳ, the design and implementation of regional based projects is a core approach that aims to pull in ϲʿֱֳ expertise of different specialists based in different offices / countries to different country projects. The benefits from implementing a regional focused project is the exchange and learning that may arise between country programmes. In BMZ, such benefits were notably limited. This beckons the question whether these projects, given the additional expense and complexity of management arrangements, are worth the effort of doing so? Recommendation 8: It is recommended that an internal study of ongoing regional projects is undertaken to assess the suitability of ϲʿֱֳ Internal Arrangements for project management; to identify what type of arrangements works well and why and vice versa; and to determine whether regional projects really do generate the information and experience exchange that is intended (if not why and how could it be done better). Recommendation 9: If Technical Assistance or specific expertise may not be found internally within ϲʿֱֳ due to non-availability, then these skills should be sourced from outside otherwise delays may occur. Conclusions with regard to ϲʿֱֳ recruitment of ex-Government staff It is common for the ϲʿֱֳ to recruit the services of recently retired senior government officials to work, sometimes in senior positions, with the rationale that they know the Government system well and would have some sway and gain influence of projects in Government circles. The contrary is also true. A lifetime of government service conditions the way of thinking and in many cases, is not likely to inspire new and creative ideas to the complex challenges in ecological restoration and rehabilitation required. It is true that some retired officials are very capable, but these persons must be screened for their forward innovative thinking. As proof of point, the promotion of the village model approach in SL was the output of a small team led by two senior retired Government officials. Recommendation 10: Instead of turning to retired senior Government officials for additional expertise, the ϲʿֱֳ may do better to pursue a human resource strategy or policy that assists young, educated, enthusiastic staff members to rise to the challenges of ecological and social management. BMZ lessons for MFF BMZ Thailand project demonstrated that small investments in a localised area with different proponents within different layers of the landscape can contribute cumulatively to the achievement of a large goal. These small investments are similar in nature to the MFF Small Grants Projects. Experience in most MFF countries, SL being a good example, SGPs are isolated investments that may have some benefit locally, but fail, unless networked or aggregated into a larger landscape, to contribute much to the achievement of ecological goals. A more holistic approach is required. Recommendation 11: Small grant investments in MFF should be made as part of a larger local ecosystem investment plan so that effects produced collectively may achieve the wide goal through a multiplier effect. Approved as individual investments, SGPs will remain as isolated cases of good practice. Exit Strategy for BMZ project Despite MTR recommendations, neither country prepared an exit or hand over strategy. Both projects will end shortly, but some linkages to outside (other project) funds has been secured that may help sustain important activities further. Exit Strategy Thailand: LLS funds for 2010 have been committed. Feedback from the Workshop (3rd March) indicated that the two watershed networks were prepared to continue their interaction and information sharing activities. It was not clear exactly how they would do so. LLS funds should be utilised to strengthen these networks and their interaction. In future, more focus should be made on terrestrial and upper watershed conservation aspects including buffer zone management, than coastal work which has already shown significant progress. This involves stronger links with the Royal Forest Department and other agencies with jurisdiction on the upper watershed areas. Influencing policy at the local authority or TAO level and the provincial level should also be emphasised. Exit Strategy Sri Lanka: It is recommended that no new financial commitments are made after 31st March 2010. The project is advised to complete and account for all outstanding expenditure and complete all outstanding works by 30 June 2010. In the last 3 months, work to consolidate field activities for sustainability purposes should be undertaken. Develop linkages to DFID project with stakeholder groups for sustainability purposes. This would include the establishment of the Fisheries Management Authority and follow-up on the declaration of the Puttalam Lagoon as a fisheries management area. Work should also be undertaken to consolidate and if possible upscale the Solid Waste Management activities to possibly cover the entire Lagoon area. Given this support, it is not recommended that the Puttalam Lagoon is included in future phases of the BMZ project. Conclusions with relation to BMZ project Phase II It transpires that ϲʿֱֳ has already submitted a proposal for a second phase of funding to BMZ entitled Coastal Ecosystems Conservation for Sustainable (Long Term) Benefits with an emphasis on integrated coastal zone management. To provide an additional list of recommendations at this point in time, given this situation, may be redundant, as it is unlikely to influence the outcome of this proposal much. However, in conclusion, the ET would like to reinforce its recommendations mentioned in the Conclusions section above with regard to design, timing, M&E, internal ϲʿֱֳ management for regional projects and that lessons learnt from both TH and SL projects are considered in the further stages of project design and particularly in the inception period. Recommendation 12: Conduct a Regional Lessons Learnt Workshop involving that reviews all experiences generated through the project, together with findings of the MTR and this Final Evaluation and highlights important lessons for future work.  See Communication Strategy for the BMZ project by the Regional Project Manager, in which several different titles were proposed  See page 10 MTR document  See pages 10/11 of MTR  For example, are critical coastal ecosystems now rehabilitated and conserved? Are institutional and financing arrangements in place to sustain their management of conservation / environmental related activities? Are stakeholders now empowered and able to continue partnerships and share information? Are those households whose livelihoods depend on the natural resource use improved?  Although some attempt was made in various documents to develop an Investment Framework see Investment and Management Framework, draft for comment  Presentation entitled Management of Projects involving more than one Sub CC (regional projects) given by the ϲʿֱֳ Asia Regional Programme Coordinator.  Since the appointment of the new SL Field Manager in May 2009  Operational Modalities of the BMZ Results Management Framework was produced by the Regional Programme Coordination unit early in 2007  Although the Agreement between BMZ and ϲʿֱֳ signed in December 2006 states under 5.6 that the Donor reserves the right to carry out an interim or final evaluation  An ϲʿֱֳ implemented project which the BMZ project tapped in each year of operation.  Discussion in December 2007 workshop developed the ICM approach and helped steer TH (personal communication RPM)  See Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Coastal Management with CBOs: an example from Thailand: Somsak Soonthornawaphat and Janaka de Silva  e.g. the sea grass assessment in Thung Nam Dam  The detailed assessments were undertaken involving more than 50 villages in the watersheds of Kuraburi and Ka Poe using scientific experts and communities including Biophysical assessments; Migratory bird assessments; Socio-economic assessments in 15 villages and Institutional and governance analysis  This involved the recruitment of an additional staff member for project writing, funding and monitoring  Three levels of monitoring were undertaken: (1) regular progress monitoring of grantees; (2) watershed level or ecosystem level monitoring; (3) the overall results monitoring at the higher immediate results level based on the framework developed by RPMU and RPC in June 2009  The watershed approach encapsulates well the paradigm that ecological and environmental effects upstream have a bearing on downstream habitats in coastal belts, estuaries, wetlands and river systems. The conservation and careful management of forests in watershed areas and improved agricultural practices influences the water runoff rates and water quality in downstream areas. River dredging causes downstream erosion and increased siltation in estuaries. Coastal resource protection linked to sustained management improves livelihood security. Reduced pollution in coastal areas from residents and industry improve coastal and island ecosystems. The identification of rare species together with improved understanding for its management provides a catalyst to network previously unconnected communities and resource users to work jointly for its conservation.  Bakery at Bang Lampoo  These people are ethnically Thai but lived in Myanmar where they are not recognised and in Thailand they have a status lower than a Thai citizen.  Arguments over higher costs norms in TH and the need to increase operating budgets accordingly delayed the project by months. It was eventually resolved by ϲʿֱֳ Asia Regional Director by giving USD 15, 000 more to TH and then deducting USD 5,000 each from Sri Lanka, RPCU and RPMU  Funds for net working from LLS included $18,555 in 2008 and $42,205 in 2009 (per communication TH Manager)  Eg Wetlands International grantee project  However, the Sustainable Financing Strategy developed with REEP attempted to define a sustainability strategy for the key elements of the project that should be continued post project. Only limited parts were implemented however.  Unfortunately, there has been very little progress made on these Acts, due to issues regarding the degree of decentralisation that the Government will allow  Dr Niphon of PMBC mentioned that this provided an opportunity for them to validate their scientific knowledge against the traditional knowledge of communities on sea grass and other ecosystem aspects.  See Investment Management Framework: BMZ Thailand Component page 4  See A Guide to Developing Investment Options and Conservation Management Plans for Coastal Ecosystem Conservation; ELG-2, Feb 2008  These were 10th National Plan , The Draft Adaman Strategic Environment Plan, two Provincial Action Plans for NRE in Ranong and Phang Nga as well as the MFF Strategy for Thailand.  Ibid page 4  Threats included forest encroachment; unclear forest boundaries; community forest land encroachment; water shortage and sedimentation; loss of Crinum (water Lily) habitat; degrade mangrove forest; pollution and sedimentation from upstream and shrimp farms; decreasing seagrass beds; endanger migratory birds conservation; poverty / stateless and poor access of people to and management of nypa palm areas  Major threats included unabated expansion of cash cropping into forest land; unclear forest boundaries, encroachment and illegal hunting; erosion and sedimentation, illegal harvesting of native orchid; mangrove forest destroyed by Tsunami; encroachment into swamp forests; high levels of solid waste dumping and pollution in the river Kuraburi mouth; rare animal species threatened by fishing practices; over fishing; seagrass endangered and high damage to coral reefs in the islands of Koh Ra and Koh Pling  Based on MFF Small Grant Programme  See page 15 MTR  One reviewed was between ϲʿֱֳ and the Kuraburi Marine Police and the ET was quietly amused to note that if on default of delivery of outputs and subsequent disagreement, the ϲʿֱֳ would implement the agreement subject to the laws of Thailand !  Interview with the Chair of the Community Forestry Committee in Bang Lampoo revealed that the major landowner was the former Deputy Chairman of the Tambon Authority Organisation (TAO)  Dr Anond Snidvongs of START-Asia  Together with assistance from the RPM, who visited TH at least once a quarter  See page 3 of Inception Report  See page 2 of Ecological and socio-economic assessments of selected sites of the Puttalam lagoon, June 2008  including socio-economic methodology (direct and indirect drivers of change); ecosystem services; Ecological restoration interventions potential for success; Ecosystems disturbance levels and threats; diversity of flora and fauna and institutional potential of different sites (see pages 5-9).  Personal communication (Project Manager phase II)  Team members comprised of a retired Coastal Planner (from the Coastal Conservation Department), Institutional Expert, and a Land Use Planner together with key ϲʿֱֳ-SL staff (personal communication Project Manager phase II)  Livelihood issues and the need to reduce pressure on natural resources was considered as the most important and relevant in Ecosystem Restoration (personal Communication by ϲʿֱֳ-SL Country Representative)  See Powerpoint of BMZ Sri Lanka Project, status, lessons learnt and outcomes presented at a Review Meeting 2nd April 2009  Presentation by the BMZ project Manager to the Evaluation Team in Colombo on 8th March 2010  Institutional Mapping and Analysis for Sustainable Natural Resource Management of Puttalam Lagoon by ϲʿֱֳ-SL  Field visit to Thirikapallama in DSD Wanathawilluwa revealed that some 5 or so beneficiaries of the drip irrigation project were also crab fattening beneficiaries. It was also clear that those beneficiaries met were relatively more wealthy in the village.  See page 12 of MTR: the review found it difficult to establish casual linkages between the findings of the Assessment Studies, both bio-physical and socio-economic, and the specific investment options recommended and went on to state that there was a need to evaluate, select and refine the investment options in line with the guidelines for investment options developed by RPMU. It also stated on page 12 that given the size of effort and the investment, the economic viability of upscaling or replicating (elsewhere) may be at risk. The MTR recommended that the ϲʿֱֳ-SL should consider expanding the focus to a larger geographical area that would encourage leverage opportunities to involve the participation in management of critical areas in the lagoon ecosystem by other communities and stakeholders.  Personal communication with ϲʿֱֳ Country Representative  Although ELG-2 and RPM had repeatedly offered help in this regard, as part of their agreed functions in IAs.  See A guide to Developing Investment Options and Conservation Management Plans for Coastal Ecosystems Conservation, authored by ELG-2 in February 2008 (page 1)  Although this ET has yet to see a detailed Investment Plan document for the ϲʿֱֳ-SL project  Pers communication ϲʿֱֳ-SL country representative  Deputy chairman Kalpitiya PS. Jude Fernando  See  HYPERLINK "http://www.iucn.org/about/work/initiatives/about_work_global_ini_mangr/bmz/resources___sri_lanka/" http://www.iucn.org/about/work/initiatives/about_work_global_ini_mangr/bmz/resources___sri_lanka/ : there are many references to GIS information, assessment study reports and ADB / RETA studies undertaken in Puttalam Lagoon around 2004, but there is no material published in Sinhala for sharing with stakeholders.  See Angus McEwin et al: Sustainable Livelihoods Strategy: Vietnam Marine Protected Areas, published by the LMPA, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam March 2008, p.2 of executive summary states; Paraphrased - Most AIGs in coastal areas have failed in Vietnam. Most AIG projects fail to include an analysis of the livelihood context. A myriad of factors including poor access to micro-finance, technical support, poor appraisal of project feasibility, lack of ownership by local people, low local skill base in production and marketing means that these projects are neither sustained or replicated by others. Therefore new AIGs must be fully appraised prior to approval to reduce the risk of failure.  The first Country Manager was an Agricultural Economist by training and was supposed to screen livelihood projects, although he had left the position in early 2008. ELG-2 staff were not requested to assist in this regard. When asked why this was the case, although the Country Office still lacked resources, the feeling was that it could still do this itself unassisted (personal communication - ϲʿֱֳ-SL Country Representative)  There are no orders for women with sewing machines in Soththupitiya and machines lie mainly idle now; Only some 10 out 30 beneficiaries have managed a harvest, 6 of whom joined together in a communal garden; half gave up as they could not afford the water rates and actually lost money in Thirikapallama and previous efforts in Palakuda to raise poultry by other organisations had resulted in failure.  Drip irrigation $600 per beneficiary; $300 per sewing machine (beneficiaries to pay back just $55 to the CBO for on-lending) and around $400 per chicken coop.  The project contracted a local entrepreneur (Mr Wijeyeratne) whose own farm was nearby, to import, install and provide planting materials (cost of $18,216). The Entrepreneur would purchase and market produce on behalf of the beneficiaries, but the ET was informed that the Entrepreneur offered just 25 Rps for a papaya which farmers could sell directly to the market for 50 Rps per piece or kg. According to the ϲʿֱֳ-SL Finance Manager, the full contract was never completed however  Medicinal plants were promoted for intercropping by ϲʿֱֳ-SL management, but beneficiaries refused to grow these on the grounds that such specialist crops had no local markets, something the management should have foreseen.  , involving the networking of the 22 fishery CBOs formed by a previous initiative of the Fisheries Department;  This needs an amendment to the Fisheries Act to allow Fisheries Co-Management. Currently, this act allows community based management of fisheries with a skew towards providing benefits to the fishing elites. The process is likely to take one year.  Although the ET did try to find one of three motorbikes based at the District office but was disappointed to hear that a friend had borrowed it that morning !  Notably locally influential Government staff in the DSD Wanathawilluwa  Some 450,000 Rps (personal communication from the project manager Phase III)  Personal communication Mr Nimal Jayawardena, Land Use Officer; and Mr Sujeewa Jayantha, Chairman of the Soththupitiya Fishery CBO  A view expressed by the Additional District Secretary Mr Chandrasiri Bandara  Although this may be due to the stipulation under Beneficiaries and Results in the Project Proposal that states as least 25% of the direct or indirect costs are recouped through local benefit sharing schemes. It should have been 100%  Although considered an experienced and well respected retired Director General of the Department of Fisheries following a lifetime of Government service  Personal communication RPM  For example, some $800 was approved to purchase volleyball sports equipment for distribution to CBOs without any obvious connection to conservation management.  The Drip Irrigation Project Proposal and the Participatory Solid Waste Management Project was given to the ET as examples.  POW 2: design ecologically and socio-economically sound coastal ecosystem rehabilitation  A request by TH for a local TA to work on local benefit sharing mechanisms under the supervision of RPM or ELG-2 was rejected by ELG-2. This was unfortunate as the specialist would speak Thai, cost less and not require translators and additional field support. (Personal communication TH project manager)  Prawn Farms, the Supreme Court and ϲʿֱֳ and field monitoring report (produced by the Knowledge Management Consultant in late 2009/ early 2010)  Personal communication by the RPM  For example, its Bo-diversity specialists could have assisted with conservation work with two critically endangered mangrove species;  This was due to the late recruitment of the Regional Environmental Economics Programme (REEP) coordinator to undertake the work. Had the REEP coordinator started in 2007 as planned, financial sustainability issues may have been addressed earlier.  See Annex 2 of the IA with TH programme  For example, see the list of documents produced by the TH programme for comparison  It appears that there was little interest from the SL to engage in a regional lessons learnt exchange workshop, based on the regional meeting in Bangkok on 2nd April 2008.  see Annex 9: Progress against the LogFrame the report shortened by this ET by deleting columns  It cannot be read on one page unless a tiny font is used and then read with a magnifying glass.  Although the TH staff said they were able to use it productively and report against it  Although the Financial Sustainability Strategy developed for each country incorporated elements of an Exit Strategy  See Evaluation in the European Commission, 2001; p.16     PAGE  PAGE 76 FOREWORD The authors would like to acknowledge and give appreciation for the support provided by the different ϲʿֱֳ partners including the Regional Project Manager, staff from the Regional Office in Bangkok, the Thailand and Sri Lanka ϲʿֱֳ country programmes and the ELG2 unit in Sri Lanka. %/1% + , - . 0 D ֿ}rg`V`OG<h5CJ ^JaJ hOJQJ h5CJ hG,hG,5CJ hJ5CJ hhCJaJhJ5CJ ^JaJ h5CJ(^JaJ(h 5CJ(^JaJ(h[h5CJ(^JaJ(h5>*CJ4^JaJ4h:,5>*CJ4^JaJ4hh OJQJjLh3hOJQJUh3hOJQJjh3hOJQJUh OJQJmH nH sH tH vqkYJ $Ifgd$ $Ifa$gd$Ifgd {kd$$Ifl0% t0644 layt3 $Ifgd\Y(gd 01, - . / 0 U p q ~ $x^xa$gd$a$gd$a$gd;kdN$$IfTl !4 laT$If $$Ifa$$If$ $Ifa$gdD R U _ h o q      + ui]iUGhHhH5\mH sH hmH sH hH5>*\mH sH h5>*\mH sH $jh5CJU\mHnHuhV h5>*\hV hV 5\aJhUmHnHujh-v>UmHnHuh-v>mHnHu%h-v>^J_HaJmHnHsH tH u2jh-v>h-v>>*B*UmHnHphuh-v>mHnHuh h-v>0JmHnHu$jh h-v>0JUmHnHuhjhUhHhH5\mH sH hH5\mH sH hHmH sH     ! 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