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The principal objective of the assessment was to understand the functioning and dynamics of the organic agriculture value chain, identify key players and propose possible initiatives for the Growth-Oriented Microenterprise Development (GMED) program to promote increased enterprise income and employment in the industry.ACDI/VOCA, IRG;Madagascar Aromatic & Medicinal Plants Value Chain Analysis$Juliard, C. Benjamin, C. et al. 2006'http://www.microlinks.org/file_download.php/mR+70+Madagascar+Aromatic+%26+Medicinal+Plants.pdf?URL_ID=14601&filename=11664599441mR_70_Madagascar_Aromatic_%26_Medicinal_Plants.pdf&filetype=application%2Fpdf&filesize=2036127&name=mR+70+Madagascar+Aromatic+%26+Medicinal+Plants.pdf&location=user-S/This assessment integrates the value chain approach (VCA) and the Nature, Health, Wealth and Power (NHWP) framework. The two frameworks share a concern with harnessing markets to reduce poverty and promote equity. VCA uses the industry sector as a starting point, and NHWP uses natural resource-dependent producers as a starting point. Combining the two analytical frameworks situates fundamental environmental and social issues within a broader context of competitiveness and long-term industry sustainability.)Value Chain Approach to Poverty ReductionCampbell, R. 2007http://www.microlinks.org/file_download.php/VCA_Briefing_Paper.pdf?URL_ID=9030&filename=11817606161VCA_Briefing_Paper.pdf&filetype=application%2Fpdf&filesize=177877&name=VCA_Briefing_Paper.pdf&location=user-S/?This framework provides an overview of the Value Chain Approach as an effective tool for identifying and analyzing the relationships between firms to effectively design donor-sponsored economic growth interventions that reduce poverty by increasing the competitiveness of an industry and the firms within that industry.0International Development Research Centre (IDRC)#A Handbook for Value Chain ResearchKaplinsky, R. and Morris, M. 1http://www.ids.ac.uk/ids/global/pdfs/VchNov01.pdfnA detailed guide aimed at assisting researchers in formulating and executing value chain research and conducting value chain analyses, particularly with a view to framing a policy environment which will assist poor producers and poor countries to participate effectively in the global economy. Is structured to allow for specific uses rather than sequential reading.BTFP BTFP 2006 BTFP 2007!Performance and Impact AssessmentMarketsResponsible EnterpriseEngagement and EmpowermentWho Counts Most? Assessing Human Well-Being in Sustainable Forest Management presents a tool,  the Who Counts Matrix , for differentiating  forest actors , or people whose well-being and forest management are intimately intertwined, from other stakeholders. The authors argue for focusing formal attention on forest actors in efforts to develop sustainable forest management. They suggest seven dimensions by which forest actors can be differentiated from other stakeholders, and a simple scoring technique for use by formal managers in determining whose well-being must form an integral part of sustainable forest management in a given locale. Building on the work carried out by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) on criteria and indicators, they present three illustrative sets of stakeholders, from Indonesia, Cte d Ivoire and the United States, and Who Counts Matrices from seven trials, in an appendix.]Guidelines for Applying Multi-Criteria Analysis to the Assessment of Criteria and Indicators "Mendoza, G.A. and Macoun, P.et al.4http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/acm/download/toolbox9.zipMulti-Criteria Analysis (MCA) is a decision-making tool developed for complex problems. In a situation where multiple criteria are involved confusion can arise if a logical, well-structured decision-making process is not followed. Another difficulty in decision making is that reaching a general consensus in a multidisciplinary team can be very difficult to achieve. By using MCA the members don't have to agree on the relative importance of the Criteria or the rankings of the alternatives. Each member enters his or her own judgements, and makes a distinct, identifiable contribution to a jointly reached conclusion.This manual is written for an audience that needs a clear, easy to follow manual that can be used in the field to implement MCA. The information is structured so that the reader is first introduced to the general concepts involved before delving into the more specific applications of Multi Criteria Analysis. The manual reviews the conceptual framework of C&I and introduces the theoretical basis of MCA, and methods such as ranking, rating and pairwise comparisons in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). It provides an example of how MCA can be applied to C&I in a Forest Certification context both from a 'top-down' perspective as well as in a more 'bottom-up' context. TitleAuthorsURL=Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)uCommunity-based tree and forest product enterprises: Market Analysis and Development USERS' GUIDE TO THE FIELD MANUALvCommunity-based tree and forest product enterprises: Market Analysis and Development DEFINING WHERE YOU WANT TO END UPrCommunity-based tree and forest product enterprises: Market Analysis and Development ASSESS THE EXISTING SITUATIONCommunity-based tree and forest product enterprises: Market Analysis and Development IDENTIFY PRODUCTS, MARKETS AND MEANS OF MARKETINGThis manual provides strategies, concrete instruments, and practical examples to support professionals in micro and small enterprise promotion programs. It aims to realise a more gender-balanced approach to micro enterpise programs. Part 1 of the manual focuses on planning, implementing and monitoring - specifically, it addresses target group analysis, needs and demand analysis, how to analyse the commercial viability of the final product, sector and sub-sector analysis, and labour market analysis. It is also useful in identifying instruments to stimulate women's demand and strategies that would be useful in improving services available to wome. Part 2 offers worksheets and forms to support the use of the tools identified in Part 1."Market research for agroprocessorsA.W. Shepherd , 2003@http://www.fao.org/waicent/faoinfo/agricult/ags/AGSM/markres.pdf9GTZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Technische ZusammenarbeitFrom idea into action. The implementation and metamorphosis of the BDS concept. Sector project Innovative Tools for Private Sector DevelopmentWltring, Frank 2006,http://www2.gtz.de/dokumente/bib/06-1278.pdffBusiness development services for small enterprises: Guidelines for donor intervention (The blue book)1Tanburn, Jim; Trah, Gabriele; Hallberg, Kris 2000,http://www2.gtz.de/dokumente/bib/00-1545.pdfvPresents guidelines for donor interventions in business development servi< ces. Primary audience is not practictioners.Mbombela PACA (participatory appraisal of competitive advantages) case study. GTZ BDS/LED (Business Development Services Local Economic Development)Programme South AfricaLawson, John 2005,http://www2.gtz.de/dokumente/bib/06-1317.pdf'International Finance Corporation (IFC) SME Toolkit(International Finance Corporation , 2002'http://www.smetoolkit.org/smetoolkit/enKProvides a range of business management information, tools and training for small businesses / small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on accounting and finance, business planning, human resources (HR), marketing and sales, operations, and information technology (IT). Regional sites and toolkits have been adapted in many countries. 1Many Countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America 4Find regional URLs on international toolkit homepage/http://www.iied.org/pubs/pdf/full/14521IIED.pdfpSmall and medium forest enterprises (SMFEs) provide an opportunity to reduce poverty and sustain forests. Successful associations are the means to achieve three important development  ends :" Reducing transaction costs" Adapting strategically to new opportunities" Lobbying for more supportive policiesThis paper draws out some lessons on how and why associations workADiversity not Adversity: Sustaining Livelihoods with BiodiversityKozielle, Isabella 2001The purpose of this document is to explore how biodiversity and people s interactions with it might either support or restrict poverty reduction processes. It does so by aiming to develop a better understanding of biodiversity, the values it holds, and how people respond to it. It attempts to shed light on the differing impacts of these values - and their associated management systems on people s livelihoods, especially those of the poorest groups. It ends with a presentation of possible future actions.Community-based tree and forest product enterprises: Market Analysis and Development PLAN ENTERPRISES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTCommunity-based tree and forest product enterprises: Market Analysis and Development DESIGNING TREE, FOREST AND HOME GARDEN PRODUCT ENTERPRISES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTiCommunity-based tree and forest product enterprises: Market Analysis and Development A MAP OF THE PROCESShThe Mountain Institute (TMI), Regional Community Forestry Training Centre for Asia and Pacific (RECOFTC)NCommunity Based Ecotourism for Conservation and Development: A training Manual-Jain, Nandita and Triraganon, Ronnakorn. 2003Ihttp://www.recoftc.org/site/fileadmin/docs/CABS/manuals/cbt_contents.pdf ;The main purpose of this manual is to provide training or facilitation guidelines for individuals, organizations or institutions that have an interest in building knowledge, skills, and experience of field workers either by using CBT Development or the Appreciative Participatory Planning and Action (APPA) approach3http://www.mountain.org/docs/CBT-Kit-final-2003.pdfAAsia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources (ANSAB)Enterprise Development ManualANSAB +http://www.ansab.org/books/book20032328.pdfANSAB community-based forest enterprise development manuals are a useful tool for field based practitioners and development managers. The manuals are used extensively within and outside Nepal, and are available for sale. The manuals are outcome of ANSAB's pioneering endeavor in the areas of enterprise based biodiversity conservation for more than a decade. ANSAB also conducts customized training packages based on these manuals.OAsia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources (ANSAB) and SNV NepaldAn Assessment of Community Based Forest Enterprises in Nepal: Case Studies, Lessons and ImplicationsANSAB and SNV/Nepal 2002+http://www.ansab.org/books/book20032659.pdfThe publication presents findings of an assessment on present and past initiative in community based forest enterprises. A total of 11 enterprise cases were studies representing several ownership options. Chapter 1 of the publication presents introductory part followed by objectives and methodology, chapter 2 imparts details on enterprise modalities and case studies, likewise chapter 3 has analyzed and discussed the enterprises and modalities and chapter 4 presents conclusion of the assessment and gives recommendation. :United States Agency for International Development (USAID)FBusiness Development Services market development: A guide for agencies$Gibon, Allan and Bear, Marshall 2000*http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNACK965.pdfmOffers a background to BDS and describes the key elements that should inform donor interventions in this areaNature Conservancy, Alex C. Walker Foundation, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United States Agency for International Development (USAID)}Ecotourism development : a manual for conservation planners and managers -- volume I : an introduction to ecotourism planning]Drumm, Andy, Moore, Alan, and Singer, Alex (ed.) 2005 Klimovski, Clara (tr. Spanish edition)ihttp://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADG549.pdf (english) http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADG550.pdf (spanish)This manual focuses primarily on providing a set of criteria to ecotourism planners and managers at conservation NGOs to facilitate decisions with respect to ecotourism management and development.RegionSpanishFrench, Spanish and PortugueseFrench and SpanishOther LanguagesNameWebsiteType of OrganisationInterest Areas Descriptionwww.acdivoca.orgeagribusiness, enterprise development, financial services, community development, value chain analysisGlobalThe Integral Biodiversity Impact System was developed to allow tourism businesses and organizations both to measure and minimize the level of impact of their activities on biodiversityCREM www.crem.nlrbusiness and biodiversity, sustainable supply chain, livelihoods and small and medium enterprise including tourismConsultancy offering technical support in supply chain, business development and enterprise sustainability. Has partnership with Rainforest Alliance and One world=http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/tourism/documents/ibis.pdfRainforest Alliance and CREMDetailed account of tourism supply chain, key markets and actors including opportunities in Central America. Tool to link products with markets.Ehttp://www.rainforest-alliance.org/tourism/documents/market_study.pdf:Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education CenterCATIEwww.catie.ac.crNResearch and training in natural resource management, forestry and agricultureLatin America through DRural Business Development Diploma through AgriEcoBusiness ProgrammeHas AgriEcoBusiness and Forest EcoBusiness Initiatives that offer support to SMEs in these areas, including databases, business support services including market matchmaking and relevant resourcesRainforest Alliance, 2003Hhttp://www.rainforest-alliance.org/tourism/documents/develop_promote.pdfjEvaluating Linkages Between Business, the Environment, and Local Communities: Final Stories from the FieldTwenty stories openly discuss the challenges and successes of implementing a business plan while sustainably using natural resources. The writers talk about how their communities particip< ated in the project and what hopes they have for the future. Nhttp://www.worldwildlife.org/bsp/publications/bcn/annual_report/bcn_report.pdf!Biodiversity Conservation Network'Biodiversity Conservation Network, 1999!Rainforest Alliance and CREM 2006A toolkit designed to improve the sustainability performance of Latin American tourism organizations and enterprises offering products and services. Also includes fact sheets on sustainable tourism products and services, issues, actions and a Latin American Sustainability Directory. Flying Rhinoswww.fylingrhinos.nlProvides assistance in the areas of rural leasing and credit services, human capital asset building facilities, entrepreneurial early stage growth finance, and institutional MFI merger financeProfoundDmarket analysis, market development support and value chain analysisConsultancy offering support in areas of market analysis, trade and biodiversity and capacity building for natural product-based enterpriseswww.thisisprofound.com2International NGO with focus on developing countries and the creation of opportunities through the development of enterprises, trade advancement and commodity promotion. ACDI/VOCA work through partners and use the value chain approach towards these ends. Courses are offered and experts on hand for input.value chain analysisAction for EnterpriseAFEwww.actionforenterprise.orgPrivate/Consultancy,business development and analysis services, Africa, AsiaOffers technical assistance to private sector and enterprise development. Focus is on value chain and training courses are offered&value chain and market-based solutionsAfrican Development BankADB www.afdb.orgDevelopment BankNenvironment and natural resource management, rural development, private sectorAfrica*Offers technical and financial assistance Asian Development Bank www.adb.org-poverty reduction and sustainable developmentAsia6Technical, financial and policy support to development9Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and BioresourcesANSAB www.ansab.orgNGOHNTFPs, Forestry, Certification, Marketing, Business Development ServicesAsia aTechnical input and experience in to natural resource business development, governance and policyBlueYouwww.blueyou.com-aquaculture, fisheries, agriculture, organicsAfrica, Latin AmericaTechnical input and experience in private sector linkages, standards and safety issues, market access and supply chain configurationBioTradewww.biotrade.orgInternational Org+trade policy, standards, sector developmentLatin America, Asia, AfricaWorks to enhance sustainable trade and management in biodiversity products, product development, value adding processing and marketingCare InternationalCarewww.careinternational.org.ukTPoverty reduction and sustainable development, microfinance, markets and agricultureSProvides funding and services for enterprise and product development for rural poor+Centre for International Forestry Research CIFORwww.cifor.cgiar.org=Environmental goods and services, livelihoods and governanceScience-oriented research institute with many projects and collaborative programmes in cross-cutting areas relating to forests, technical forest data=Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing CountriesCIB www.cbi.euhmarket knowledge, access, marketing, marketing support, product development and supply chain improvement1European imports from Latin America, Asia, AfricanActs as a trade hub for locating and supporting developing country products and sectors for import into Europewww.sedonors.orgDonorsGDonor support to small and medium enterprises from developing countriesBrings together agencies for capacity building and the development and dissemination of best practice guidelines for enterprises and those that fund them.ComMarkwww.commark.orgDDFID group implementing Markets for Poor approach in southern Africa9Consultative Group on International Agricultural ResearchCGIAR www.cgiar.org?sustainable production, policy, capacity and agricultural stockScience-oriented research institute with many projects and collaborative programmes in cross-cutting areas relating to agricultureDarwin Initiative www.darwin.gov.uk-biodiversity conservation and sustainable use7Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (UK)Defrawww.defra.gov.uk#environment, food and rural affairs UK, GlobaldUK government department supporting sustainable development activities inside and outside of country-Department for International Development (UK)www.dfid.gov.uk#poverty and sustainable developmentRUK government department that manages country's poverty aid and related activities%Development Alternatives IncorporatedDAI6agriculture and natural resources, trade and economicsInternational organisation that offers technical assistance to development projects, including those in enterprise development and towards improved market access 3Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Technische ZusammenarbeitGTZ www2.gtz.de{Rural, social and economic development, environment (fisheries, tourism, agriculture and natural resources) and governance lGerman Federal organisation offering financial and other support for sustainable development work and policy*Donor Committee for Enterprise Developmentwww.value-chains.org=Enterprise Development Impact Assessment Information Service EDIAISwww.enterprise-impact.org.ukInformation Hub/Network-Enterprise Development and Impact Assessment Houses information, resources and access to experts on enterprise development 'good practice,' design and methods of impact assessment ECI AfricaECIwww.eciafrica.co.za<Economic, rural and enterprise development and agribusiness Technical support in enterprise development including agribusiness across Africa - subsidiary of Development Alternatives Incorporated Ecologic Financewww.ecologicfinance.org/economic development and conservation financingUOffers loan and financial support to sustainable enterprises in developing countries Eplerwood International EplerWoodwww.eplerwood.com,Markets for sustainable development, Tourism5Marketing support for Community-based and eco-tourism/Ethiopian Business Development Services NetworkEBDSNwww.bds-ethiopia.net"Micro and Small business resourcesEthiopiaXBusiness information services for enterprises in all sectors, country specific resources7Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United NationsFAOhttp://www.fao.org/Bolsa Amazoniawww.bolsaamazonia.comSBusiness and capacity support and development, market linkages for natural products South AmericaPromotes and provides relations for small enterprises. Provides training and capacity support to businesses and links to resources, training, marketing and improved trade. Commercialising Medicinal PlantsCP WildOhttp://www.cpwild.co.za/Commercialising%20Medicinal%20Plants%20Book%20flyer.pdfAProvides information on the medicinal plants value chain, from securing raw material supplies by propagation, farming and sustainable wild harvesting, through to chemical analysis of the plants, processing and packaging technologies, markets and marketing, and development of medicinal plants organisations and businessesDiedrichs, N (ed), 2005%http://www.cpwild.co.za/DocCourse.htm CP Wild, 2004+Marketing and Enterprise Development CourseCourse delivered in Lusaka, Zambia 2004. Sections include information on designing interventions, feasibility studies, natural product value addition and key trends.BHomepage has range of other natural/wild product related resources]Provides business support and development assistance to small enterprises with business planswww.inforesources.ch%agriculture, forestry and environmentdOffers support and resources in agriculture, forestry and environmental cooperationa and developmentImpact Alliance 'http://www.impactalliance.org/ev_en.phpsustainable development dNetwork-based information exchange on capac< ity issues including enterprise and sector related issuesIRM www.irmgt.comWSustainable development, natural resource management, governance and capacity building Africa XCapacity building, technical support and resources for development including enterprises#Inter-Agency BDS Knowledge Exchangewww.bdsknowledge.org0Enterprise development, value chains and marketsbInter-agency website for the exchange of information on value chains, linkages and service marketsInter-American Development Bankhttp://www.iadb.org/sustainable develomentBFinances development activities in Latin America and the CaribbeanIntercooperation www.intercooperation.ch=micro and small enterprise, sustainable livelihoods, trainingbTechnical expertise in natural resource and enterprise development, product and sector development:International Centre for Trade and Sustainable DevelopmentICTSD www.ictsd.org!Trade and sustainable developmentZResources, network and technical support in policy and areas relating to sustainable trade)International Development Research CentreIDRC www.idrc.ca Sustainable Development Research>Support for activities and research in sustainable development8International Institute for Environment and Development IIED www.iied.org=Sustainable development, natural resources, markets and tradewBrings together resources and experiences in key areas of sustainable development and markets for use by practitioners.0International Institute for Rural ReconstructionIIRR www.iirr.org agriculturegPractical assistance to rural development through field work, resources, training and capacity building2participatory action and monitoring and evaluation3International Institute for Sustainable DevelopmentIISD www.iisd.org5communities and livelihoods, trade, natural resourceswInternational organisation with relevant experience in promoting sustainable trade policy and practice (see Powertools)ILO:www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/empent.Portal?p_prog=S&p_subprog=BD5Labour, small enterprise and value chain development International organisation offering resources, training and capacity building for multi-sector business development including support to value chain analysisYDeveloping Business Service Markets and Value Chains Seminar (run annually)www.itcilo.orgInternational Trade CentreITCwww.intracen.orgSEnterprise, trade, policy international market development, analysis and statisticsJoint technical cooperation agency of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Source for international market development resources, analysis and trade statistics*International Tropical Timber OrganisationITTOwww.itto.or.jp8sustainable management use and trade in tropical forestsMarket information and resources for forest goods and services towards certification, improved trade and sustainable management and usewww.kuchelmeister.com=Business development and natural resource management servicesjOffers technical assistance in natural resource economics, markets and business initiation and developmentLTS International LTS http://www.ltsi.co.uk/index.htmlYSustainable development, forestry, natural resource management and enterprise developmentMaking Markets Work For PoorMMW4Pwww.markets4poor.orgTechnical assistance programme to enterprise and market development projects, including resources on enterprise and value chain development. MesoPartnerwww.mesopartner.com;economic development methodologies for developing economiesDevelops, documents and disseminates economic development methodologies including on value chain development and offers training and capacity building.Nature ConservancyTNCwww.nature.org@Carries out projects in sustainable development and conservationOverseas Development InstituteODIwww.odi.org.ukCLivelihoods, enterprise development, tourism, forestry, agricultureYCompletes and disseminates research on practises in economic and sustainable development Pi Environmental Consulting www.piec.orgThis paper reviews how strategic impact assessments (SIAs) may be used to strengthen the appraisal and evaluation of policies, plans and programmes (PPPs) for enterprise development (ED) in developing countries. Since this is a relatively new area for the application of SIA, it is developmental in character. It draws upon the wider literature on different forms of impact assessment, including strategic and project levels of assessment; and economic, social and environmental forms of assessment. It also takes account of the main types of enterprise development strategy that may require assessment - financial services; business development; improving the regulatory environment, and improving the infrastructure environment  and the institutional context in which this may take place. Rural Enterprise Development Bond, R. 2001;http://www.enterprise-impact.org.uk/pdf/RuralEnterprise.pdfThis paper outlines the particular context of rural situations for ED and the associated issues and approaches in the introduction. It then addresses the key questions of who is IA for, and why it is needed, through Stakeholder Analysis. A third question of how impact can be assessed in these rural situations is dealt with by looking at innovative methods emerging from ED IA and other rural development fields. Finally a framework is summarised to do this. The only possible  blueprint for RED IA is to have an acceptable framework that will address the needs of key stakeholders and a toolbox of innovative methods compatible with such an approach that can be tailored to each unique situation.2Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)2The CIFOR Criteria and Indicators Generic Template4http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/acm/download/toolbox2.zipLIn Phase 3, the facilitator will work with the future entrepreneurs to develop a plan for the growth of the enterprise, develop strategies for each of the four areas of enterprise development, and draw up action plans to prepare the way for implementation. This will involve defining the mission, goals and objectives of the enterprise, assessing its profitability, and determining capital start-up needs. The enterprise development plan will be used to obtain financing. Guidelines are presented for the development of market strategies and preparation of an enterprise development plan.JThis case study illustrates the use of the MA&D methodology to identify products and to develop viable tree, forest and home garden products-based enterprises at community level in Vie< t Nam without degrading the forest resource base and the environment. It provides examples of the methods and tools used by the facilitating team.tCommunity-based tree and forest product enterprises: Market Analysis and Development ONLINE FIELD FACILITATORS GUIDEThe improved and online version of the Users Guide which provides an overview of the MA&D framework and of the contents of each component of the field manual. It also identifies the intended audience. *A map of all three phases and the process.The main purpose of the field manual to provide training or facilitation guidelines by using CBT Development or the Appreciative Participatory Planning and Action (APPA) approach.<Committee of Donor Agencies for Small Enterprise Development^Business Development Services for Small Enterprises: Guiding Principles for Donor InterventionACommittee of Donor Agencies for Small Enterprise Development 20013http://www.sedonors.org/resources/download.asp?id=1Audience: For the time being this document is intended as an internal and reference document and window to other resources for others in LLS. It should be built on and be used for identifying key resources and comparing methodologies for use or adaptation as part of LLS. Adaptations and additions could make this resource applicable to a wider audience. It may also be combined with other products into a global Markets and Incentives resource list. YESuYES - http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Organising/docs/associations_bus_partnerships_card_english.pdf (English)YES http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Organising/docs/associations_bus_partnerships_card_english.pdf (English) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Organising/docs/associations_bus_partnership_tool_french.pdf (French) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Organising/docs/associations_business_partnership_tool_spanish.pdf (Spanish) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Organising/docs/associations_business_partnership_tool_portuguese.pdf (Portuguese)&Associations for business partnershipsMCommunity tradeoffs assessment: for culture-sensitive planning and evaluation4Mechanisms for organisation that best serve the poor(Better business: market chain workshops PartnershipSustainable small enterprisesPOffers research and funding to entrepeneurs and sustainable development projects SEEP Networkwww.seepnetwork.org-Microfinance and small enterprise development:Maintains network and provides resources on best practise 4Swedish International Development Cooperation AgencySIDA www.sida.orgTFinancing, market and rural development, natural resources, agriculture and forestrybOffers support to projects in sustainable development including those related to trade and marketsSpringfield Centrewww.springfieldcentre.com2BDS in low and medium economies, research trainingMMarket and business development research, consultancy and training programmes-Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDCwww.sdc.admin.ch#Sustainable development cooperationLPromotes and assists projects in environment, rural and economic development'State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECOwww.seco.admin.ch&Economic growth, development and tradekPromotes and assists projects towards economic growth, promotion and advanced trade in developing countries*SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation*Capacity building for economic developmenthOffers assistance to market development, tourism, natural resource-based enterprise and other projects. Technoservewww.technoserve.org8Pro-poor business development services, small enterprise=Provide technical assistance to small and medium enterprises TraidCraft Exchange TraidCraftwww.traidcraft.co.uk7Fair and sustainable trade promotion for small business4Trading company and assistance to small businesses UNDP www.undp.orgESupport and resources for poverty and environment related initiatives3United States Agency for International Development Hhttp://www.usaid.gov/our_work/economic_growth_and_trade/eg/ent_devt.html3Economic Growth and Trade - Enterprise Development Offers resources and support for enterprise development, trade and economic growth activities, including small enterprise (see MicroLinks)CIRADhttp://www.cirad.fr/en/"Trade and agricultural developmentaCarries out research in agricultural development and promotion towards sustainable development. World Widlife FundWWF www.wwf.orgCarries out projects in sustainable development and conservation including those related to trade and certification of natural resource-based enterprise (and tourism)Acronymn/Short FormNatural Resources or Forests: Includes tools and papers with a specific focus or applicability to natural environments or resource enterprisesRLanguages: Indicates where resources are available in languages other than english LRegion: Will indicate where tools have specific regional focus or experienceComments/UsefulnessjComments/Usefulness: For notes from users on the usefulness, experiences with or value of listed resourcesStakeholders are the people who matter to a system. Stakeholder power analysis is a tool which helps understanding of how people affect policies and institutions, and how policies and institutions affect people. It is particularly useful in identifying the winners and losers and in highlighting the challenges that need to be faced to change behaviour, develop capabilities and tackle inequalities.http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/stakeholder_power_tool_english.pdf (English) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/stakeholder_power_tool_french.pdf (French) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/stakeholder_power_tool_spanish.pdf (Spanish) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/stakeholder_power_tool_portuguese.pdf (Portuguese)fNon-timber Forest Products Research Centre and International Institute for Environment and DevelopmentLe Thi Phi. 2005The tool describes how to organize a workshop, as a real forum for people involved in market chains to share and to improve their knowledge of the market and of market policies, to voice their problems and expectations, and to contribute to government policies and their implementation.http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/better_business_tool_english.pdf (English) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/better_business_tool_french.pdf (French) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/better_business_tool_spanish.pdf (Spanish) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/better_business_tool_portuguese.pdf (Portuguese) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/better_business_tool_vietnamese.pdf (Vietnamese)DImaflora and International Institute for Environment and DevelopmentfType 3: Refers to general documents discussing, demonstrating or relating to enterprise opportunities Types of DocumentsEmpowerment and Engagement: Includes documents that are rights oriented or those promoting increased participation of communities in decision-making7General: Includes documents for multi-sectoral use etc. .Gender: Documents and tools with gender focus WMarkets: Includes both marketing related resources and those with market-specific focus Livelihoods: Does not exclusively include all livelihood documents (which appear in all focal areas) but rather those with explicit focus on communities etc. wPerformance and Impact Assessment: Documents generally concerned with monitoring post-enterprise development activities#3Tourism: Ecotourism both on small and larger scalesResponsible Enterprise: Includes enterprise activities concerned with double and triple bottom lines (social and environmental).This document offers a< brief summary of the potential impacts, the rationale for good practice and suggestions on how to reduce marine recreation impacts.cYES - http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/four_Rs_card_english.pdf (English) AThe four Rs: Rights, Responsibilities, Revenues and RelationshipslYES - http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/stakeholder_power_card_english.pdf (English)Stakeholder Power AnalysisType 1: Refers to process oriented resources that provide direction to core enterprise development activities including assessment, option identification, decision-making and advancement of such options. Geographic FocusTraining CoursesHContact: Comments or questions can be directed to kristy.faccer@iucn.org *DRAFT Enterprise Development Resource ListALandscapes and Livelihoods Strategy: Markets and Incentives ThemeThe main purpose of this sourcebook is to guide practitioners of Participatory Research and Development (PR&D). The primary target users are field-based researchers in developing countries involved in activities dealing with the interrelated issues of natural resource management, agriculture and rural livelihoods. They may have technical or social science backgrounds but share a common interest in drawing on the PR&D knowledge base. Understanding PR&D is devoted to overview papers; key concepts; and emerging approaches and frameworksThe main purpose of this sourcebook is to guide practitioners of Participatory Research and Development (PR&D). Enabling PR&D includes papers on capacity development; strengthening institutions and organizations; networking and partnerships; policy, governance and scaling uppThe main purpose of this sourcebook is guide practitioners of Participatory Research and Development (PR&D). Doing PR&D focuses on technology development, facilitation of local institutions; and organization of communities and stakeholder groups.mPointing to the link between conservation and poverty alleviation, this paper assesses the potential of sustainable tourism or ecotourism as an effective poverty reduction strategy. The central thesis of this paper is that the only way to genuinely address poverty and successfully conserve more landscapes on a grander scale is to generate new wealth in rural areas where the poor reside, while at the same time working to limit wherever possible the environmental impacts of this wealth creation.Provides guidance to build capacity (for training) in the promotion of women's entrepreneurship and gender equality in business and development services for disadvantaged groups.This guide, aims at providing some best practice guidelines for those undertaking impact assessment with particular reference to the field of small enterprise development (SED). The guide runs through some of the general issues concerning impact assessment; outlines the evolution of various common methods and approaches developed and discussed particularly for SED and related development interventions: the BDS approach; Performance Measurement Framework (PMF); Oldsman's framework; Lessons from micro-finance; examines some alternative ways of looking at impact assessment: GTZ s New Impact Monitoring; participatory learning impact assessment. These guidelines identify some general principles, and highlight some practical considerations for community-based ecotourism. The guidelines are not intended to be a detailed  how to  manual, but rather stand as a collection of issues and topics to be considered and addressed. These include: considering whether ecotourism is an appropriate option; planning ecotourism with communities and other stakeholders; developing viable community-based ecotourism projects; strengthening benefits to the community and the environment. The guidelines contain examples from a number of case studies of community based tourism enterprises and projects around the world. This document is also available in Spanish and French. [adapted from authors]PThis report describes the market research that agroprocessors can carry out, and some of the ways of doing such research. The guide is aimed at entrepreneurs and companies who are planning to develop or expand medium-sized agroprocessing businesses. It also provides potential questions for market research and a consumer questionnaire.Interesting background into the history and developments in enterprise and business development from perspective of key support agency.This is a book shows how African smallholders can earn more from their crops and livestock by taking control over the value chains they are part of- chains that link them from consumers in Africa's towns and cities, as well as in other countries. The book describes two basic strategies that groups of farmers can use to improve their incomes- vertical and horizontal integration and details the use of the approach in 19 case studies in Africa.Uhttp://www.rightsandresources.org/library/CFE_case_studies.html (English) http://www.rightsandresources.org/library/CFE_case_studies_espanol.html (Spanish) http://www.rightsandresources.org/library/CFE_case_studies_portugues.html (Portuguese) http://www.rightsandresources.org/library/publications/CFE/French/CFE_Report_francais.pdf (French)As above, but case studiesInfoResources FocusHLocal forest-based enterprises: Supporting the livelihoods of the poor? http://www.inforesources.ch/pdf/focus07_2_e.pdf (English) http://www.inforesources.ch/pdf/focus07_2_s.pdf (Spanish) http://www.inforesources.ch/pdf/focus07_2_f.pdf (French)5Discusses the opportunities presented by the development of local forest-based enterprises for strengthening the livelihoods of poor, forest-dependent people and in providing an economic incentive to conserve forests through sustainable management. An assessment of this potential being realised is detailed. SSmall and Medium Forest Enterprises: Instruments of Change in the Developing World Kozak, Roberthttp://www.rightsandresources.org/library/publications/global/Small%20and%20Medium%20Forest%20Enterprises%20-%20Instruments%20of%20Change%20in%20the%20Developing%20World%20-%20Robert%20Kozak.pdfThis report recognises the need to better quantify the contributions of enterprises to economic growth and employment recommends that concerted research efforts be undertaken to better understand the size, scope, characteristics, and dynamics of this sector and that this information be used to inform civil society, development agencies, and governments on devising and implementing appropriate interventions and policy reforms aimed at reducing poverty in the forest dependent communities of the developing world.YNatural Wealth: A Study for Linking Poverty Reduction with Forest Conservatio< n in Lao PDRMorris, J., Hicks, E. et Al._http://www.rightsandresources.org/library/publications/global/lao-pdr-povertyreductionboook.pdf-Discusses role and wealth of NTFPs in Lao PDRPARTICIPATORY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: A SOURCEBOOK Volume 1: Understanding Participatory Research and Development$Gonsalves, J. Becker, T. et al. 2005$http://web.idrc.ca/openebooks/181-7/PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: A SOURCEBOOK Volume 2: Enabling Participatory Research and Development $http://web.idrc.ca/openebooks/182-5/Type Publisher DESCRIPTIONLecup, I and Nicholson, K. 2003\http://www.fao.org/forestry/foris/webview/pageview.jsp?pageId=30034&langId=1&style=forestry2The Users Guide provides an overview of the MA&D framework and of the contents of each component of the field manual. It also identifies the intended audience. Definitions of basic concepts that are used throughout the field manual are given in Annex I of this booklet.Lecup, I and Nicholson, K. 2006Describes MA&D process flows and outcomes that can be expected. In this booklet, the process is detailed and its underlying principles are outlined. A list of suggested reading materials is also includedPThe aim of the first phase of the MA&D process is to develop an understanding of the key issues of the existing situation: What are the potential enterprises? What are the available resources and products? How do existing market systems operate? By the end of the phase, it should be possible to identify and prioritize viable products.Lecup, I and Nicholson, K. 2000BThe aim of Phase 2 is to select the most promising products and gather information for their further development, identifying potential markets and means of marketing. At the end of this phase, interest groups will be formed to further develop each of the selected products, and a team will be formed to undertake Phase 3.Lecup, I and Nicholson, K. 2004`Themes/Sectors: Generally describes the focus of the document if one. There are some overlaps. Organisation of Information: The resources here have been organised into 3 different types of documents and according to different themes and sectors. Further columns have been added to identify resources with summaries, documents available in different languages and user comments.  Theme/Sector&Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P)ICommunity Based Ecotourism for Conservation and Development Resource Kit /The Guiding Principles presented here grew out of efforts of the donor community to assess the generally unsatisfactory performance of past interventions in BDS, review current innovations and good practices, and develop a more effective strategy for BDS as one instrument of private sector development.USAIDvImplemenation advice to Government mandated institution providing support to small enterprise development in Indonesia~Assistance to business development services (BDS) in developing market-led social enterprises, defined as nonprofit enterprises, social-purpose businesses, or revenue-generating ventures founded to create jobs or training opportunities for very low-income individuals while operating with reference to the financial bottom line. The manual focuses specifically on business planning."The purpose of this guideline is to provide instructions for assessing the performance of business development services (BDS) programs targeted to micro, small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) and for testing this recently completed framework for assessing BDS program performance. The instructions contain a structured format for thinking about program performance, indicators, and methodologies for assessing performance, and research questions that the case studies should address on the practicality and validity of the proposed indicatorsThis manual provides methods for the development and evaluation of criteria and indicators (C&I) which can then be used to assess the sustainability of forest management. The manual is written primarily for researchers, people or groups interested in evaluating C&I for assessments of forests in new areas, or as a reference for readers wanting to know how CIFOR s Generic Template was produced. The methods presented are aimed at the development of sets of C&I for natural forest at the forest management unit (FMU) level, especially in the tropics. Following an introductory chapter focusing on the overall purpose, specific objectives, and the C&I development process, three chapters (2-4) explain how to prepare for C&I testing, how to conduct a test, and how to analyse the results. Subsequent chapters (5-7) explain the conceptual basis of C&I development, with three case studies offered as examples, and suggested additional reading materials. Specific forms and tools that have been used in the course of CIFOR s testing are also presented (Chapter 8), with examples of ways to present the results. The final chapter (9) provides possible baseline sets of C&I, available to users for evaluation and testing in their own contexts.6The BAG (Basic Assessment Guide for Human Well-Being) 'Colfer, C.J.P., Brocklesby, M.A. et al.4http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/acm/download/toolbox5.zip3This case study describes the application of a variation of the PACA methodology as applied to the Tourism and Business Services sectors of Mbombela, Mpumalanga, South Africa. The variation of the PACA methodology seemed to improve the quality of project selection, the commitment to project implementation and eventual scale of impact. Sector value chain mapping was introduced as a framework for data collection, analysis and project selection. The sequence of activities was changed to reduce diagnostic risk and increase levels of commitment to implementationTraidcraft Exchange[Social Accounting - A Method for Assessing the Impact of Enterprise Development Activities?Pay, Chris 2001<http://www.enterprise-impact.org.uk/pdf/SocialAccounting.pdfA description and assessment of social responsibility accounting with particular focus on enterprise development. The paper offers a useful review of specific methodologies and standards for social accounting and discusses impact implications. 1International Institute for Rural Reconstruction @Chain Empowerment- Supporting African Farmers to Develop MarketsIIRR, ORDER ON www.iirr.orgCare International _Making Markets for for the Poor: Care Canada s Strategy for Helping the Poor thro< ugh EnterpriseCare International Canada, 20016http://www.careinternational.org.uk/download.php?id=66Innovative Resources Management6Community Options Analysis and Investment Tool (COAIT)IRM, .http://www.irmgt.com/pdf/COAIT_March082006.pdfjDevelopment Alternatives Incorporated (DAI) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)LEnterprise growth initiatives : strategic directions and options -- handbook0Ernst, Ulrich, Krivoshlykova, Marina et al. 2004*http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNACW970.pdfThis handbook is for practitioners who would like more information and practical guidance on the concepts, analysis, and recommendations contained in the report,  Enterprise Growth Initiatives: Strategic Directions and Options. Strategic Management1Ziegers, Robert and Murombedzi, Cornelius J. 2004*http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADE297.pdfStrategic Marketing Management&Tamsma, Marc and Klemmer, Andreas 2004ORDER ON www.usaid.govEcotourism development : a manual for conservation planners and managers -- volume II : the business of ecotourism development and management%Drumm, Andy, Moore, Alan, et al. 2004ihttp://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADB436.pdf (english) http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADB437.pdf (spanish)Provides examples of successful approaches for stimulating and supporting Indigenous Small and Medium Enterprise (ISME) development in agribusiness, emphasizing financial and technical services, and identifies key issues, lessons learned and implications for development. jIntegrating women into small scale enterprise projects : a guidebook for project design and implementationOtero, Maria 1985UTo provide planners, managers, and evaluators with an accessible, easy-to-read guide on how best to integrate women into small-scale enterprise programs, this handbook extrapolates from current knowledge about women in development and small-scale enterprise development those observations and suggestions that are applicable to most settingssA guide to help programmers integrate women into small- and microenterprise (SME) development programs is presented~Document includes economic, social and environmental assessments and case studies in ecotourism and non-timber forest productsCELBThis handbook is meant to be used as an overall guide for tour operators seeking to integrate sustainability throughout their supply chainsIn the beginning of the guide, we have inserted a self-assessment checklist to allow marine recreation providers to compare their own performance against environmental good practices. This checklist can be used to evaluate contracted marine recreation suppliers.&Jenkins, B, Akhalkatsi, A. et al. 2007|Discusses key elements and considerations of linking communities and big business, including through supply chains and SMEs.The paper presents limitations in discussions of peasant viability. Firstly, they conflate agrarian with rural livelihoods. Secondly, they imply that rural people assess livelihood options according to income criteria. Thirdly, they suggest an impermeable barrier dividing viable and non-viable units. The paper develops an analytical framework for analysing rural livelihoods in terms of their sustainability and their implications for rural poverty.cTools for policy makers interested in economic returns of tourism. Focus of document is on Africa. Making Markets Work for the PoorM4P M4P, 2007M4PThis report explores how micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and the industries they dominate can compete in globalized markets. The paper argues that linking the poor to growth opportunities is crucial to generating sustainable economic growth with poverty reduction and offers practical guidance to the project designer in selecting industries for intervention, analyzing selected industries, developing a vision for competitiveness, and designing project interventions.This document is intended to help improve understanding of how various tools can be used to integrate micro and small enterprises into productive markets while increasing MSE benefits from this participation. The report summarizes literature and actual experience for specific lessons as to how the theory can better inform practice, and how the tools of economic development can be better harnessed and, where necessary, adapted to assist the poor.PAction for Enterprise (AFE), CARE, Self Reliant Initiatives through Joint Action;Value Chain Assessment Report: Organic Agriculture Projects$Panlibuton, H, Sahoo, R. et al. 2004^The Basic Assessment Guide for Human Well-Being (or The BAG) focuses on the social criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, a topic that has been the subject of considerable controversy and uncertainty. It is designed for people interested in assessing sustainable forest management, but who do not have a high degree of expertise in social sciences. The six simple methods described in this manual are designed for use by biophysical scientists with a college education. They can also be used by assessors with higher levels of expertise in social sciences, but they are presented in a  cookbook format. The Scoring and Analysis Guide, meant to be used with The BAG, provides additional help in making assessments of human well being, including a specific scoring method. It also provides increasingly detailed levels of guidance in analysis.8The CIFOR Criteria and Indicators Resource Book Database"McDougall, C., Isbadi, I.R. et al.BCONTACT ON cifor-publications@cgiar.org OR SEE www.cifor.cgiar.orgThe CIFOR Criteria and Indicators Resource Book Database is a source of information on some key items in the generic template. It offers information on attributes; definitions, relevance, method for assessment, how to go about measuring a particular indicator, how to design a sample plot etc. The Resource Book Database is a work in progress at CIFOR and subject to further improvements.BThe Grab Bag: Supplementary Methods for Assessing Human Well-Being4http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/acm/download/toolbox6.zip The Grab Bag: Supplementary Methods for Assessing Human Well-being is designed to complement The BAG. The Grab Bag is designed for use by social scientists who may find The BAG overly prescriptive. The eight methods presented are either more difficult for non-social scientists to use or, in a couple of cases, can substitute for one or more method presented in The BAG. Again, The Scoring and Analysis Guide provides the user with help in making an actual assessment of the social C&I, based on the results of these methods.Scoring and Analysis Guide/Salim, A. and Colfer, C.J.P. with McDougall, C.4http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/acm/download/toolbox7.zipThe Scoring and Analysis Guide for Assessing Human Well-Being is designed to supplement The BAG and The Grab Bag. It provides a scoring method that can be used with the two manuals, to come to a decision about particular criteria and indicators in particular forest and human settings. Following the section on scoring is a section on analy< sis. It begins very simply, leading the user through the steps of making a spreadsheet, and concluding with more complex statistical analyses that may be desirable in some circumstances. Different teams have different requirements for quantitative and statistical sophistication in their analyses. This manual responds to these differing needsMWho Counts Most? Assessing Human Well-Being in Sustainable Forest Management Colfer, C.P.J., Prabhu, R et al.4http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/acm/download/toolbox8.zipPProvides a guide for BDS practitioner needs assessment and service provision. Discusses the role of the assessment into important constraints and opportunities in the targeted area and the information needed to determine the appropriate BDS activities. A variety of techniques and methodologies available for assessing small enterprise constraints and opportunities are discussed including Sub-sector Analysis, Participatory Rapid Appraisal, General Small Enterprise Surveys, BDS Market Assessment Tools, Needs Assessment through Clusters and Networks, Action Research / Incremental ApproachGMarket Development Resources: A guide to Enterprise Development MARKETSwhttp://www.seepnetwork.org/section/programs_workinggroups/action_research/working_groups/bds/bds_guide/_access/markets/sIncludes information on: New Marketing Business; Market Linkages Through Private Sector Intermediaries; Creating Alternative Markets; Market Festivals and Crafts Fairs; Development of Samples for Potential Buyers; Market Information Links; Subcontracting and Outsourcing; Databases of Market Links with Individual Consultation; Consultants Conduct Market Research for SEseUseful Principles for Adopting a Market Development Approach for Enterprise Development Organizations0http://www.actionforenterprise.org/paper-edo.pdfUThis paper provides a practitioner focused discussion for enterprise development organizations (EDOs) who are seeking to incorporate principles of sustainability into their strategies. Presents general principles that can be useful to EDOs who are trying to take on a more market development (sustainable) approach to enterprise development.CPromotion of Market Solutions to Subsector and Business Constraints.http://www.actionforenterprise.org/paper07.pdfThe first part involves an introduction to economic concepts applied to Participatory Forest Management. The second and main section is the Economic Stakeholder Analysis (ESA) toolbox. The tools are organised in six main ESA stages covering characterisation of the stakeholders. An important aim in the ESA framework is to integrate economic analysis with other decision-making criteria-http://www.odi.org.uk/publications/order.html9Stakeholder Incentives in Participatory Forest Management#Richards, M., Davies, J et al. 2003$Overseas Development Institute (ODI)jLiving Off Biodiversity: Exploring livelihoods and biodiversity issues in the natural resources management0Kozielle, Isabella and Saunders, Jacqueline 2001.http://www.iied.org/pubs/pdf/full/7823IIED.pdfThis book attempts to explore different natural resource sectors and to identify possibilities for mainstreaming the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity into these sectors but without compromising livelihoods in the process. It advocates leveraging incremental change within the existing natural resource sectors through research, policy change, development and demonstration of alternative approaches.rCapitals and Capabilities: A framework for analysing peasant viability, rural livelihoods and poverty in the AndesBebbington, A 1999.http://www.iied.org/pubs/pdf/full/6151IIED.pdfiValuing the Hidden Harvest: Methodological approaches for local-level economic analysis of wild resources IIED, 1997.http://www.iied.org/pubs/pdf/full/6122IIED.pdfiThis paper describes the methodologies developed over the six years of the Hidden Harvest project. The methodology now in place offers some means to bring together the external and local perspectives that are so often in conflict when economic assessments are made, and to give more prominence to the value of wild resources to the livelihoods of rural people.,SNV and Overseas Development Institute (ODI)RHow can governments boost the local economic impacts of tourism? Options and toolsAshley, Caroline 2006 www.snvworld.orgSNV KSNV and sustainable Tourism Development: Economical benefits for local poor SNV, 2000Part one discusses the role of tourism in development, SNV's tourism programmes, benefits and negative impacts of tourism. Part two presents a broad overview of various tools that are used in and sometimes developed by SNV tourism programsSNV /Enterprise Support Services Manual (SNV Nepal) SNV Nepal0This document consists of guidelines that have been developed in the context and reality of enterprise development in rural areas of Nepal, based on experiences of SNV up to now and insights in best practices regarding Enterprise Support Services. These guidelines are aimed at people working within private sector, government or civil society organisations and who are involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of enterprise development programs. It presents the  triple A approach to Enterprise Support Services: Analysis, Assessment and Action.SNVLExperiences with Market Development of Non-Timber Forest Products in Lao PDR/Foppes, Joost and Phommasane, Souvanhpheng 2005Discusses the role of NTFPs in Lao PDR and increased demand in cross-border markets (China, Thailand, Vietnam), includinng sustainability issues and market information and collaborative needs. Market Systems and Poor Communes,www.markets4poor.org (English or Vietnamese)The proposed value chain models, while suggesting different types of interventions, share a common feature the central role played by commercial players (farmers, entrepreneurs, and businesses) in meeting consumer demand and making investment decisions. In this approach, the public sector, private sector, and NGOs are providers of services, not the initiators of change. Rural enterprises take on the role of drivers of change in this approach. There is a significant shift from a producer focus to a consumer focus. The key questions are (a) Who is the buyer? (b) What are their demands? (c) How can those demands most effectively be met? Answering those questions provides the impetus for commercialization and poverty reduction.cMaking Value Chains Work Better for the Poor: A toolbook for practitioners of Value Chain Analysis The first section gives a theoretic background to value chains and also explains the pro-poor entry points for Value Chain analysis described in this toolb< ook. The second section contains a set of 8 value chain analysis tools, the first four of which are considered to be  Core Tools that should be undertaken to form a minimum pro-poor value chain analysis. The next 4 tools are advanced tools which can be undertaken in order to provide a more comprehensive picture of some pro-poor dimensions of the value chain.@Participatory Markets and Livelihoods Assessments (PMA) HandbookMaking Markets Work Better for the Poor and the Institute of Labour Science and Social Affairs have collaborated to develop a Handbook of methodology for analyzing markets and livelihoods with a core focus on assisting poor participants in different markets and livelihoods activities. It is a concise document aimed to provide local development practitioners with an easy-to-follow set of tools for markets and livelihoods analysis with focus on poverty reduction.Kuchelmeister Consulting0The approach presented in this paper is an attempt to combine the strengths of value chain analysis with the promotion of sustainable, market-based solutions that respond to the recurrent needs of micro, small, and medium scale enterprise (MSME). Value chain analysis is important in understanding markets, inter-firm relationships, and critical constraints that limit MSME growth and industry competitiveness, while market-based, commercially viable solutions can result in solutions that are sustainable in the long run and that do not distort local markets.)International Labour Organisation (ILO) &Gender Sensitive Value Chain Analysis Mayoux, L. and Mackie, G.:http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F1351441884/ILOPVCA.pptOffers guidance on ensuring that value chain analysis is gender sensitive. Lessons are drawn from ILO's project "Improving Market Access for Women in the Informal Economy"lTrickle-down, trickle-up or puddle?: participatory value chains analysis for pro-poor enterprise developmentL. Mayoux 2003Zhttp://www.enterprise-impact.org.uk/informationresources/toolbox/valuechainsanalysis.shtml This paper provides a practical guide to value chains analysis, and how it can be used as part of participatory processes for strategic learning and ongoing accountability within and between enterprise sectors. The paper stresses the importance of enterprise development in fostering pro-poor growth, and the need to be able to effectively support its enterprise development through effective impact assessment and the potential contributions value chains analysis as part of a participatory process to impact assessment. Mesopartner9Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage (PACA )7Meyer-Stamer, J. Schoen C. and Harmes-Liedke, U. 2005 Phttp://www.methodfinder.net/index.php?page=methoddetail&methodID=72&cat=downloadParticipatory Appraisal of CompetitiveAdvantage (PACA) differs from traditional Local Economic Development (LED) processes in that it emphasises local action and local actor mobilisation rather than the usual detailed economic study and planning process. Thus a PACA is a rapid survey of local economic opportunities and challenges combined with implementation and action learning. Local stakeholders learn to work together, build trust in each other and in their own communal activities. Therefore the PACA initially tries to mobilise the local people towards small, easily implemented LED activities.While these small opportunities are identified and implemted, some larger opportunities or bottlenecks that will take formal project management are also identified and should not be ignored. The facilitator should feed these activities that require more formal project management to the municipality or other identified stakeholders like a business association. Although the main body of PACA activities only lasts five to ten days it is an ongoing process of local activity that runs over at least a year. During this year certain workshop formats and other LED instruments can be applied to give the local activities more momentum, and to target new interventions.Pro-Poor Tourism Partnership`Sustainable ecotourism and eco-enterprise opportunities in the Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, IndiaN. M. Saville 20026http://www.propoortourism.org.uk/naomi_finalreport.pdf=The aim of this study was to identify suitable ecotourism products and eco-enterprises that would provide income generation opportunities for local fishers in the Gulf of Mannar (GOM), Tamil Nadu. The motivation for the study is that the site is a Marine Biosphere Reserve under enormous pressure from over-exploitation of fishery resources but options for diversification of fishing community livelihoods are severely limited. This means that alternative less extractive exploitation of marine resources needs to be developed through development of sustainable ecotourism.!International Labour OrganisationJMicro and small enterprise development and poverty alleviation in Thailand/East Asia Multidisciplinary Advisory Team, 2000Ahttp://www.ilo.org/public/english/employment/ent/papers/thai7.htm2This article explores the development of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and poverty alleviation in Thailand. The development of a strong and vibrant MSE sector is proposed in this report as a significant means through which quality employment opportunities can be created, along with additional incomesEplerWood InternationaleStepping up: creating a sustainable tourism enterprise strategy that delivers in the developing worldM. Epler Wood, 2005<http://www.eplerwood.com/images/EplerWood_Report_Oct2005.pdf,Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical;A territorial based approach to agro-enterprise development M. Lundy 2005Rhttp://www.ciat.cgiar.org/agroempresas/pdf/CIAT_Agro_Enterprise_Strategy_Paper.pdfThis didactical learning module on Poverty and Livelihoods in Development Cooperation comprises visual material produced by an Indian artist combined with brief explanations that can be used for self-learning or as a resource in workshops.ESystemic Approach to Rural Development (Approche Systemique Agraire) SDC, Intercooperation and ODI_http://www.poverty-wellbeing.net/en/Home/Livelihood_Approaches/document.php?itemID=923&langID=17Small Enterprise Education and Promotion (SEEP) NetworknMarket Development Resources: A guide to Enterprise Development ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE MARKET DEVELOPMENTAction for Enterprise (AFE)http://www.seepnetwork.org/section/programs_workinggroups/action_research/working_groups/bds/bds_guide/_about_bds/bds_and_development/bds_and_environmentjThe Guide provides information on ensuring that BDS programs are either positive or neutral, so they can contribute to business growth and environmental conservation and management. It explains how linking BDS and the environment can lead to sustainable environmental and business benefits and how addressing environmental concerns can enhance BDS program goals.[Market Development Resources: A guide to Enterprise Development MARKET AND NEEDS ASSESSMENThttp://www.seepnetwork.org/section/programs_workinggroups/action_research/working_groups/bds/bds_guide/_about_bds/selecting_servicesPARTICIPATORY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: A SOURCEBOOK Volume 3: Doing Participatory Research and Development $http://web.idrc.ca/openebooks/183-3/BMANAGING SMALL-SCALE FISHERIES: Alternative Directions and Methods Berkes, F. Mahon, B. et al. 2001$http://www.idrc.ca/openebooks/310-3/?Managing Small-scale Fisheries looks beyond the scope of conventional fishery management to alternative concepts, tools, methods, and conservation strategies. There is, for example, broader emphasis on ecosystem management and participatory decision-making. Interested readers will incl< ude fishery managers, both governmental and nongovernmental; instructors and students in fishery management; development organizations and practitioners working on small-scale fisheries; and fishers and fishing communities that wish to take responsibility for managing their own resources.uBUILDING BUSINESSES WITH SMALL PRODUCERS Successful Business Development Services in Africa, Asia, and Latin America Kapila, S. and Mead, D. 2002$http://web.idrc.ca/openebooks/986-0/ Building Businesses with Small Producers presents the findings and a comparative analysis of seven case studies that challenge current beliefs about good practice in the provision of business development services (BDS) to small and micro enterprises. The book also highlights issues concerning the assessment of impact, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness of such services.Three services were given particular attention in the case studies: marketing, access to technology, and business and management skills acquisition.VWoods Hole Research Center and International Institute for Environment and DevelopmentMerry, F. and Macqueen, D. 2005Associations for business partnerships is a tool for migrant or other marginalised forest-dependent communities. It helps smallholders to engage with, compete in, and benefit from market economies.aCaledonia Centre for Social Development and International Institute for Environmental Development Boyd, G. 2005http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Organising/docs/mechanisms_for_organisation_tool_english.pdf (English) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Organising/docs/mechanisms_for_organisation_tool_french.pdf (French) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Organising/docs/mechanisms_for_organisation_tool_spanish.pdf (Spanish) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Organising/docs/mechanisms_for_organisation_tool_portuguese.pdf (Portuguese)This tool seeks to guide marginalised groups to address their problems by creating their own organisations, in appropriate forms of member controlled enterprise. Through self-organising, poor people can gain power to control their asset base, promote economic democracy and retain economic surpluses. The tool covers a range of legal forms  association, trust, partnership, cooperative and company  that can be used to achieve these objectives.7International Institute for Environment and DevelopmentMangal, S. and Forte, J. 2005BThis tool describes a methodology to conduct community-based planning and evaluation by looking for hidden tradeoffs between economy, ecology, society and culture. This approach empowers local communities to undertake business, conservation and development initiatives that fit with their unique culture and value systems.http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/community_tradeoffs_tool_english.pdf (English) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/community_tradeoffs_tool_french.pdf (French) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/community_tradeoffs_tool_spanish.pdf (Spanish) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/community_tradeoffs_tool_portuguese.pdf (Portuguese) Mayers, J. 2005@agriculture and natural resource policy, practice and governanceSouthern AfricaUnited Nations body offering support and resources covering all aspects of field and policy issues regarding food, agriculture and natural resources (See forestry resources)Ford Foundationwww.fordfoundation.org+Poverty, resource and economic development xOffers development assistance in areas and for projects in environment and development including enterprise development FRAMEwebFRAMEwww.frameweb.orgNatural Resource ManagementUSAID supported network for exchange among developing country natural resource practitioners. Themes included natural resources Global Environment Facility GEFwww.gefweb.org(Conservation and sustainable developmentZProvides funding for large programmes devoted to sustainable development and conservation 1Governance and Social Development Resource Centre GRC Exchangewww.grc-exchange.org!governance and social development_Resources relating to social development and governance but also searchable consultant databaseGrofinwww.grofin.com!business development and finance Global commodity and consumption trends are increasingly marginalising rural agricultural producers, with particularly negative effects on those distant from markets. This paper sets out a strategy to address the current climate and to support rural communities in agriculture through a Territorial Approach to Rural Business Development (TA-RBD), and support to pro-poor policies that work towards enabling rural innovation with greater equity in the marketplace. TA-RBD is a stepwise process that facilitates market engagement. It is non-commodity specific and supports collective action, diversification and value-added as means out of poverty. In order to be effective, the approach needs to be introduced alongside long-term capacity building programmes. The strategy features a conceptual framework of methods and tools to facilitate the design and execution of a flexible yet robust RBD strategy.CInternational Research Network on Business, Development and SocietyWHow to write a business plan: business planning for micro, small and medium enterprisesD. Gagel; Y. Fekade et al.2005Chttp://www.bds-forum.net/bds-reader/handbooks/businessplan-7-05.pdfThis document provides guidelines how to produce a business plan for medium and micro to small businesses. Templates of a business plan are presented, along with instructions in how to complete each aspect of the plan>Helping small farmers think about better growing and marketing<Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2004@http://www.fao.org/WAICENT/FAOINFO/SUSTDEV/PPdirect/ppre0018.htm'Small farmers can benefit from understanding farming as a business and, as a result, improve their livelihoods through the identification of viable and profitable enterprises. This handbook details a farming systems approach to development (FSD), providing a set of analytical tools designed to assist extension officers train their field facilitators, in order to help small farmers improve their decision making capacity. More educated farmers, and those who are already somewhat commercialised, may also be able to benefit from studying the manual.)People's Participation, FAO SD DimensionsThe group enterprise book: A practical guide for Group Promoters to assist groups in setting up and running successful small enterprises <Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1998>Book shows in simple illustrated steps how small enterprises can be developed and run by small groups in rural communities using a participative approach. It is intended for use by Group Promoters (or GPs), extension workers and other rural development staff to help existing groups to set up and run their enterprisesCGET Ahead for women in enterprise training package and resource kit&A. Bauer; G. Finnegan; N. Haspels 2004Fhttp://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/bangkok/library/pub4.htmSwiss Development AgencybCurrent state of the art in impact assessment: with a special view on small enterprise development B. Spth 20046http://www.deza.ch/ressources/deza_product_en_1097.pdf World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)5Guidelines for community-based ecotourism developmentR. Denman 2001Dhttp://www.wwf.org.uk/filelibrary/pdf/community_based_ecotourism.pdf;Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)7A manual for gender oriented entrepreneurship promotionSIDA and Intercooperation 2003< Ahttp://www.intercooperation.ch/sed/download/wep-manual/manual.pdfFCommunity fishery centres: guidelines for establishment and operation Trade, standards, certification, environmental management, sustainable forestry, community forestry, capacity building, legal and institutional matters|Consultancy offering technical support in multiple areas of sector and institutional development, markets and market systemsPPTwww.propoortourism.org.ukGA resource for information on pro-poor tourism development and practiceRainforest Alliance"http://www.rainforest-alliance.orgCarries out projects in sustainable development and conservation including tourism, forest and natural resource-based enterprises. Also home of international certification system for sustainable agriculture and forestry products and systems.-Regional Community Forestry Training Centre RECOFTCwww.recoftc.org(Forestry training and capacity building Asia and PacificBrings together information, resources and practitioners working in forest conservation, use and enterprises. Publishes a number of resources on such topics.RRIwww.rightsandresources.org3Natural resources rights, governance, legal issues Root Capitalas above (Ecologic)as aboveSeed InitiativeSEEDwww.seedinit.org@do Prado Braga, E., Giacini de Freitas, A. and Macqueen, D. 2005This tool illustrates ways of improving the marketing of community forest products, with specific reference to FSC forestry certification. We propose a series of steps to improve the balance in the relationships between community producers and buyers. The focus is to make buyers more flexible in their purchase requirements - and producers more attuned to requirements for quality, technology, delivery periods and marketing.http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/connecting_communities_tool_english.pdf (English) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/connecting_communities_tool_french.pdf (French) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/connecting_communities_tool_spanish.pdf (Spanish) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/connecting_communities_tool_portuguese.pdf (Portuguese)MLTS-International and International Institute for Environment and Development Geller, S. and Thornber, K. 2005*This tool draws on experience in Uganda to present ideas on how evidence of the role of forestry in improving people s livelihoods can be collected and communicated effectively. The methods and tactics described are useful for helping to establish forestry in national poverty reduction strategies.http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/targeting_livelihoods_evidence_tool_english.pdf (English) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/targeting_livelihoods_evidence_tool_french.pdf (French) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/targeting_livelihoods_evidence_tool_spanish.pdf (Spanish) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/targeting_livelihoods_evidence_tool_portuguese.pdf (Portuguese)EEnterprise Development Impact Assessment Information Service (EDIAIS)6Strategic Impact Assessment and Enterprise DevelopmentLee, Norman 2002Ehttp://www.enterprise-impact.org.uk/pdf/StrategicImpactAssessment.pdf&Ben- Yami, M. and Anderson, A.M. 1985 1http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/X6863E/X6863E00.HTM FisheriesA tool and reference point for an integrated approach to fisheries. This approach deals not only with production and marketing, but also with the distribution of benefits and the general well-being of the fisher folk and their communities. The description of the community fishery centres and the development units contained in this book represents the framework within which this approach can be adopted and implemented.Enviro-Fish Africawww.envirofishafrica.co.za4fisheries, conservation, eco-tourism and aquacultureProvide business advisory services and technical support to conservation and sustainable development projects around water resources and fisheriesjGuidelines for Developing, Testing and Selecting Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management3Local Business for Global Biodiversity ConservationBovarnick A., Gupta A.2003Lhttp://www.undp.org/biodiversity/biodiversitycd/localbus_globalbdconserv.pdf:A guide that allows practitioners to assess the role of small business development in biodiversity conservation; determine if a small business could be socially, economically and environmentally viable and sustainable; and incorporate into project or strategy design, issues important to small business developmentAIdentifying and Assessing Opportunities for Small Rural ProducersC. Ostertag Galvaz 1999Ahttp://clayuca.org/agroempresas/pdf/tools_for_decision_making.pdfA tool designed to help facilitate the design of alternative scenarios at the farm and microwatershed levels with respect to market-based enterprises AConsultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)Rainforest Alliance #Integral Biodiversity Impact SystemCToolkit to Develop and Promote Sustainable Tourism in Latin America`My very own. Training manual micro-enterprise development for project officers and field workersMinistry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) China, United Nations Poplution Fund (UNFPA), Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), 1995-http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/x0186e/x0186e00.htm@A publication of the Women, Population and Development Programme intended to provide training for extension officers in (gender sensitive) microenterprise development. This manual includes a number of activities and supporting case studies and examples that lead users through the stages of assessment and development. Works to identify rights and governance related issues in natural resource use, conservation and sustainable development and publishes related resources. Currently investigating role of alternative business models in alleviating poverty.sVietnamese-German financial cooperation smallholder forestry projects training manual: FOREST ESTABLISHMENT (vol.1)Guido Kuchelmeister, 2004chttp://shop.margraf-publishers.net/uploads/tx_ttproducts/datasheet/1466.pdf (english or vietnamese)This document covers principles of smallholder forestry in Vietnam, implementation planning; quality management, incentive & extension service delivery, small-scale container nursery; forest establishment.Vietnamese-German financial cooperation smallholder forestry projects training manual: CLOSE TO NATURE FOREST MANAGEMENT (vol.2)Guido Kuchelmeister, 2005This document focuses on management of mixed close to nature forest stands including transforming single species plantations into sustainable mixed forest. ComMark TrustfMaking Markets Work for the Poor: An Objective and an Approach for Government and Development AgenciesGibson, A, Scott, H et Al. 20044http://www.commark.org/Downloads/FinalMMW4Ppaper.zipHThis paper is about the making markets work for the poor (MMW4P). It is aimed at senior officials in government departments, development agencies and organisations of civil society (including business membership organisations and not-for-profit agencies) and describes the key elements of MMW4P as an objective and an approach. ACDI/VOCAaValue Chain Approach: Bringing Small Enterprise into Competitive Industries in the Global Economyhttp://www.acdivoca.org/852571DC00681414/Lookup/ValueChainApproach-overview-lo-res/$file/ValueChainApproach-overview-lo-res.pdf+A brief outline of the value chain approachACDI/VOCA and USAIDaGlobalization and the Small Firm: A Value Chain Approach to Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Kula, O., Downing,J. et al. 2006http://www.microlinks.org/file_download.php/mR+42+Strategy+Paper.pdf?URL_ID=1< 0143&filename=11933246891mR_42_Strategy_Paper.pdf&filetype=application%2Fpdf&filesize=963011&name=mR+42+Strategy+Paper.pdf&location=user-S/FIntegrating Micro- and Small Scale Enterprises into Productive MarketsKula, O. Choudhary, V. 2005%http://www.microlinks.org/file_download.php/mR+29+Integrating+MSEs+into+Productive+Markets.pdf?URL_ID=9387&filename=11637038361mR_29_Integrating_MSEs_into_Productive_Markets.pdf&filetype=application%2Fpdf&filesize=232758&name=mR+29+Integrating+MSEs+into+Productive+Markets.pdf&location=user-S/Biotrade Facilitation Programme,Natural Ingredients Sector Assessment:Uganda\http://www.biotrade.org/National/Uganda/Uganda-docs/Uganda_naturalingredients_assessment.pdf+Natural Ingredients Sector Strategy: UgandaZhttp://www.biotrade.org/National/Uganda/Uganda-docs/Uganda_naturalingredients_strategy.pdf$Ecotourism Sector Assessment: UgandaShttp://www.biotrade.org/National/Uganda/Uganda-docs/Uganda_ecotourism_assesment.pdf!Ecotourism Sector Strategy:UgandaRhttp://www.biotrade.org/National/Uganda/Uganda-docs/Uganda_ecotourism_strategy.pdf>Opportunities and Strategies for Wildlife Trade Sector: UgandaVhttp://www.biotrade.org/National/Uganda/Uganda-docs/Uganda_wildlife_opps_stategies.pdf2Natural Ingredients Draft Matrix Strategy: VietnamWhttp://www.biotrade.org/National/Vietnam/Vietnam-docs/DRAFT_Matrix_Strategy_Vietnam.pdfHFirst experiences in the support of value chains for BioTrade products thttp://www.biotrade.org/BTFP/BTFP-docs/Working_docs/Case_Studies-es.pdf (spanish) contact www.biotrade.org (english)7BioTrade Verification Framework for Natural Ingredients^http://www.biotrade.org/BTFP/BTFP-docs/Working_docs/BT_Verification_framework_NI_June07_en.PDFOThe BioTrade Facilitation Programme (BTFP) has been exploring the possibility of developing a verification system for BioTrade activities. As part of this activity, the need of a verification framework for  flagship BioTrade products and the possibility to bridge the framework with existing certification schemes has been identified. BioTrade Principles and Criteriahttp://www.biotrade.org/BTFP/BTFP-docs/Working_docs/UNCTAD_BT_PC_en.pdf (English) http://www.biotrade.org/BTFP/BTFP-docs/Working_docs/UNCTAD_BT_PC_es.pdf (Spanish)To guide the work of the UNCTAD BioTrade Initiative and its BioTrade Facilitation Programme (BTFP) in the promotion of trade of and investment in BioTrade products and services, a set of Principles and Criteria have been developed.Rights and Resources Initiative\Community-Based Forest Enterprises in Tropical Forest Countries: Status and Potential REPORTMolnar, A. Liddle, M et al.4http://www.rightsandresources.org/library/publications/CFE/English/CFE_Report_English.pdf (English) http://www.rightsandresources.org/library/publications/CFE/Spanish/CFE%20ESP%206-22-07%20Final.pdf (Spanish) http://www.rightsandresources.org/library/publications/CFE/French/CFE_Report_francais.pdf (French)This study identifies some shared trends for the emergence and development of community forest enteprises (CFEs) in a range of different tropical countries that indicate a high level of promise overall.bCommunity-Based Forest Enterprises in Tropical Forest Countries: Status and Potential CASE STUDIES{Discusses role of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in forest management and sustainable development of local communities.]United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Development Alternatives (DAI)5Applying Marketing Research to BDS Market Development$Miehlbradt, A.O. and Chua, R.T. 2000Chttp://www.ilo.org/public/english/employment/ent/papers/mkt-res.htm{This technical note presents a marketing research tool that is particularly useful to donors and practitioners aiming to develop BDS markets. The Usage, Attitude, Image (UAI) market study is a broad look at the current market for a specific service from known suppliers. The power of a UAI market study is that it provides information from the perspective of the consumers, MSEs.gSwiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Intercooperation and Overseas Development InstituteLudi, B. and Slater, R. 2007`http://www.poverty-wellbeing.net/en/Home/Livelihood_Approaches/document.php?itemID=1056&langID=1Sustainable Livelihoods Frameworks (SLFs) provide a structure for poverty analysis and the design of people-centred development and poverty reduction policies, programmes and projects. Such frameworks are flexible and can be adapted to meet the specific needs of different organisations or different contexts. This briefing note focuses on the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (developed by DFID) and a version developed by NADEL following extensive collaborative research on rural livelihood systems (RLS). CLearning Module: Poverty and Livelihoods in Development Cooperation Nadel, SDC2http://www.poverty-wellbeing.net/media/sla/sla.zipCTA www.cta.int5rural development and agriculture information sources(Global, Africa, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP)TSmall grants programme for sustainable projects and enterprises towards development ACP-EU Institution providing a range of information relating to development, trade and agriculture including the publication "Spore".$Development Consultants South AfricaDCSAhttp://www.dai.com/www.dcsa.co.za?enterprise development, risk management, performance monitoringConsultancy offering range of business development services including the delivery of a government enterprise development program in South Africa)The four Rs tool aims to operationalise the concept of  roles by unpacking these into Rights, Responsibilities, Revenues (benefits) of stakeholders, and the Relationships between stakeholder groups. This is particularly useful in contexts where roles need re-thinking, negotiating and developing.whttp://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/four_Rs_tool_english.pdf (English) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/four_Rs_tool_french.pdf (French) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/four_Rs_tool_spanish.pdf (Spanish) http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Understanding/docs/four_Rs_tool_portuguese.pdf (Portuguese)sThis tool was developed to help communities better assess the link between livelihood options and sustainable resource use. COAIT is carried out in three distinct phases: information gathering, analysis of options, and the implementation of development activities. In the first phase, information about local community resources and management systems is gathered through participatory mapping, natural resource inventories, market analysis, and the assessment of local resource management systems. The second phase helps communities select from potential development options through a facilitated process of participatory cost/benefit analysis. Implementation involves the development of prospectuses (including business and resource management plans) and in most cases, also includes leveraging resources by creating partnerships with other agencies, businesses and stakeholders. DInternational Labour Organisation (ILO) and Commonwealth Secretariat'Small and Medium Enterprise DevelopmentIInternational Labour Organisation (ILO) and Commonwealth Secretariat 2003Khttp://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F2043552357/SME%20doc%20A4%20-%20PDF.pdf2Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)3The Gender Approach in Small Enterprise DevelopmentGehriger, A, 1999Ihttp://www.siyanda.org/docs_genie/sdc/Gen< der_Approach_in_SED.issue1-e.docDiscusses the constraints faced by women in small enterprise development. A checklist of steps that can be taken to improve gender consideration at each stage of the project cycle is provided in the final section.4DFID Sustainable Livelihoods Distance Learning GuideDFID-http://www.livelihoods.org/info/dlg/index.htmpThis distance learning guide is a living document that captures and presents best practice on DFID's sustainable livelihoods (SL) approach. DFID's sustainable livelihoods (SL) framework is a tool that has been developed to help understand livelihoods. The framework is intended to help users think through the different aspects of livelihoods, and particularly those factors that cause problems or create opportunities. It also gives an impression of how different factors relate to each other. In so doing, it aims to stimulate debate and reflection, which should result in more effective programmes for poverty reductionLivelihoods Connect TOOLBOX1http://www.livelihoods.org/info/info_toolbox.html;Incorporates a full range of tools and resources to using sustainable livelihoods approaches at different stages of the project cycle (policy, institutions and process; programme identification and design; planning new projects; reviewing existing activities; monitoring and evaluation; ways of working; training). 8The Socio-economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA) HandbooksThe Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) $http://www.fao.org/sd/seaga/4_en.htmyThe three Handbooks provide practical information on how to undertake socio-economic and gender analysis at the respective levels. Each Handbook presents case studies and tools to help development practitioners collect, analyse and use information. Each Handbook also suggests methods for integrating the findings to policy programme and project identification and formulation.IntercooperationHNon-Timber Forest Products between poverty alleviation and market forces2Pfund, Jean-Laurent, Robinson, Patrick (Eds.) 2006Yhttp://www.intercooperation.ch/offers/download/NTFP-poverty-alleviation-market-forces.pdf/Department for International Development (DFID)www.forest-trends.orgNGO/ConsultancyPforest based enterprise and ecosystem service product development, certificationProvides support to forest operators in assessing, identifying and developing key non-timber products, services opportunities and sustainably extracted products-Forest Trends - Business Development FacilityeYES - http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/better_business_card_english.pdf (English)pConnecting communities to markets: developing small-scale markets for FSC-certified community forest operations lYES - http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/connecting_communities_card_english.pdf (English)Targeting livelihoods evidencejYES - http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/targeting_livelihoods_evidence_card_english.pdfPYES - http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/tourism/documents/executive_summary.pdf_Study of the Commercialization Chain and Market Opportunities for Eco- and Sustainable Tourism Summary AvailableSummary Available: Indicates if summary is available and source if different. Only english noted, though available in other languages (as per full report) in many cases. Purpose: This database of resources attempts to bring together information relevant to enterprise development activities, particularly in the context of ϲʿֱֳ's Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy (LLS). There are two main searchable and filterable sections devoted to 1) tools, guidelines, methodologies and other applicable documents to enterprise development and 2) key websites and organisations. As countless such products have been developed and adapted for individual and fee for service use over the past ten years, this resource list is far from exhaustive. However, it is hoped that resources listed here offer background materials, applicable tools and supporting documents necessary for its users to gain a better understanding of how enterprise development assessments and implementation activities can be carried out, as well as the implications of use of different types of methodologies. The database should be considered a work in progress, as potentially more information is added (e.g regional listings of service providers, document ranking) and commented on, or repackaged for ease of use. It should complement related LLS products, including those on best practise standards, research methodologies and payments for ecosystem services. A Note on Enterprise Development: Enterprise Development has been recognised as a key area of interest and opportunity for ϲʿֱֳ and LLS. Enterprise development is a term used to broadly describe activities that contribute to the advancement of new and existing natural resource (or other) businesses. Specific activities carried out in the name of enterprise development can include those towards the establishment, growth, improved efficiency and/or competitiveness of enterprises within market contexts. Recently, the importance of such activities (also called "business development services") has grown in the context of increased complexity, specialisation and technical needs in the global marketplace. This work also provides critical support to the advancement of market-based livelihoods, rural and household economies in meeting sustainable development objectives and generating benefits through the sustainable use of natural resources."Use: In its current state, the database is designed for internal input and modification much like the LLS wikipedia. The intention is for users to collaborate in making the guide and its resources useful and relevant to (LLS) enterprise development related work. Housed in a central access point, users will be able to and encouraged to add, correct, change and comment on all areas of the database. It is best complemented by the LLS powerpoint presentation on enterprise development.Another tool combining different approaches for an enhanced understanding of rural development is SARD, Systemic Approach to Rural Development and Fighting Poverty. SARD combines the mainly Anglophone approach of the SLA with the more Francophone school of thought based on a systemic approach to analyzing agriculture systems (approche systemique agraire). It also includes a gender perspective, and an emphasis on change processes, through the use of Outcome Mapping. [This strategy paper responds to the publication Unleashing Entrepreneurship: Making Business Work for the Poor and lays out a comprehensive approach to private-sector development. Building from CARE Canada s existing expertise, the paper argues for three types of market interventions that benefit the poor, and presents three innovative pilot projects. By highlighting opportunities, identifying potential constraints and elucidating CARE s role in public-private partnerships, this document proposes a range of novel solutions to overcome the considerable barriers that face pro-poor entrepreneurship.lThis brief focuses on the contribution made by women to local and national economies and the ways in which more structured small and medium enterprises (SMEs) may contribute to women's social and economic development in the context of globalisation. The briefing note concludes with a checklist for project mana< gers engaged in programmes building up women's SMEs.LUsing the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework to Understand and Tackle PovertyjPostgraduate Course on Developing Countries (NADEL) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)0Interview Guide for Assessing Business Solutions5http://www.actionforenterprise.org/app-interview2.htmbOnce subsector/value chain constraints/opportunities have been identified, and once potential "market solutions" to respond to these have been formulated and short-listed, the following interview questions can be used towards assessing the commercial viability of the proposed solution and the constraints that need to be overcome to make it successful. Offers guidances on strategic management as part of the USAID "Expand your business" Program aimed at small and medium enterprises.Offers guidance on strategic marketing management as part of the USAID "Expand your business" Program aimed at small and medium enterprises.Natural ResourcesTourismGender LivelihoodsGeneralGender This manual provides a comprehensive set of criteria and indicators (C&I) for sustainable forest management based on CIFOR s research. This research was conducted by interdisciplinary teams of experts in large-scale natural forests managed for commercial timber production in Indonesia, Cte d Ivoire, Brazil and Cameroon, with additional sites in Germany, Austria and USA. The use of the term  generic template , for these C&I is intended to prevent them being confused with an ideal and universally applicable set of C&I. In term of the scope of applicability ( generic to what? ), it is envisaged that this template to be used primarily for tropical natural forests managed for commercial purposes. Use of the term  generic also emphasises that the C & I in this set can be modified and customised to comply with local conditions. They could therefore be used both as a flexible set that is adaptable to all types of forest situations, and as an operational  mother set to be used by CIFOR s proposed CIMAT system (C&I Toolbox Series No.3).  Generic also implies that this C&I template can be employed by a variety of user groups, such as certification bodies, government officials, donors, forest managers, project managers, and scientists. aCIMAT (Criteria and Indicators Modification and Adaptation Tool) Version 2 (CD-ROM + user manual)Purnomo, H., Prabhu, R. et al. http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/acm/download/cimat2-english.zip (English) http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/acm/download/cimat2-indonesia.zip (Indonesian)2CIMAT is a computer software designed to help users modify, customize and adapt the CIFOR C&I (Criteria and Indicators) generic template and C&I sets of CIFOR industrial plantation, CIFOR community managed foerst, International Tropical Timber Organization, Forest Stewardship Council, African Timber Organization and the Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute to meet local conditions and expectations. CIMAT also allows its users to develop an entirely new set of C&I from an 'empty' set. CIMAT will assist users by giving suggestions at any stage. Furthermore, CIMAT also provides guidance for assessment of C&I using multicriteria analysis i.e. analytic hierarchy process, ranking and rating. CIMAT can also be treated as a 'learning tool' for those who are merely interested in exploring the C&I knowledge store on it.Cen(Prabhu, R., Colfer, C.J.P., Dudley, R.G.4http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/acm/download/toolbox1.zipType 2: Refers to other resources in support of, follow-up from or further guidance/reference on the use of enterprise development tools. For instance, these would include those relating to policy development, best practices, standards and donor guidelines. For those who seek fuller understanding of the ecotourism management planning process or have decided that ecotourism may be right for their site, Volume I, Part II should be consulted. Part II:  Ecotourism Planning and Management explains the process for ecotourism development and management planning from Site Conservation Planning and Preliminary Site Evaluation to Full Site Diagnostic, participatory ecotourism management planning and implementation of a plan.rCommunity Partnerships for Sustainable Resource Management (COMPASS), Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI) 0Community tourism and enterprise training manualKacal, Sylvia 2002*http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADB184.pdfThe Manual has been prepared initially to support the World Bank Project in the Lower Shire area of Malawi, which seeks to improve the economic viability of the PAs through incorporating adjoining communities in their management and useRManaging the double bottom line : a business planning guide for social enterprisesAlter, Sutia Kim 1999,Doing business in Uganda : a practical guide3Mukasa, Alice and Elliott-Farino, Carolyn, eds.1998|Business development services for small and medium enterprises and cooperatives in Indonesia : some key guidelines and needsCanela, Eduardo 2001*http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNACM854.pdf\Microenterprise access to banking services (MABS) : training and technical assistance manualyChemonics International Inc., Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation, Inc., USAID. Mission to Philippines 2001*http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNACU782.pdfPerformance measurement for business development services to micro and small enterprises : a revised framework and guide to the preparation of case studiesMcVay, Mary 1999*http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNACQ074.pdfGuidelines for successful and sustainable involvement of ISMEs [indigenous and small and medium enterprise] in Southern Africa agribusiness : final report#Stathacos, Charles and Adoum, Carol*http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNABY510.pdfiManagement training for micro- and small enterprise intermediaries : strategic management -- user's guideRobert R. Nathan Associates, Inc., Appropriate Technology International (ATI), Control Data Corp., Harvard University. Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID), USAID. Bur. for Science and Technology. Ofc. of Rural and Institutional Development 1990rGuidebook for integrating women into small and micro enterprise projects : gender issues in small scale enterprise9Otero, Maria, Semenza, Laurene, ed. Lang, Paola, ed. 1987ORDER ON www.usaid.gov $United Nations Development ProgrammeLocal business for global bi<odiversity conservation: improving the design of small business development, strategies for biodiversity projects&Bovarnick, Andrew and Gupta, Ajay 2003Fwww.undp.org/biodiversity/biodiversitycd/localbus_globalbdconserv.pdf /Center for Environmental Leadership in Business%Supply Chain Management Tool (Travel)>http://www.celb.org/xp/CELB/downloads/Supply_Chain_July_04.pdfbA Practical Guide to Good Practice: Managing Environmental Impacts in the Marine Recreation Sectorhttp://www.celb.org/xp/CELB/downloads/Marine_Guide.pdf (english) http://www.celb.org/xp/CELB/downloads/marinerecreationguide_spanish.pdf (spanish)}A Practical Guide to Good Practice: Managing Environmental Impacts in the Marine Recreation Sector: Self-Assessment Checklisthttp://www.celb.org/xp/CELB/downloads/Marine_Checklist.pdf (english) http://www.celb.org/xp/CELB/downloads/marinerecreationchecklist_spanish.pdf (spanish)!International Finance Corporation)Business Linkages in Developing Countriesrhttp://www.ifc.org/ifcext/media.nsf/AttachmentsByTitle/Business_Linkages_June07/$FILE/Business_Linkages_June07.pdf^Working Together: Forest-linked small and medium enterprise associations and collective action-Macqueen, Duncan, Sharmistha Bose et al. 2006 _k o{%*J-20r8Z 8< Y?AyCaEFHJMP^RT.UIV WN GY Z \J^_]ha,bQdeghgjmn9oq(r/tuHBx y [{ |y(t 6 ! ` x!bjSCۮ3%}CK ?s P#4Yj iz  L90 ,59 a@*?EGiRKOT\^/_aglm@%pqTs4w|!1=׉\w۔<K psĤ% n%3p9 k('@*CWpvcc  4  dMbP?_*+%"F ??U4@    @ @;@@@@@@@@@@@ 5"55555555555555 5"55555555555555" 3"33333333333333$333333333333333$333333333333333$333333333333333$333333333333333$333333333333333$ 333333333333333$ 333333333333333$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3" 33333333333333$ 111111111111111 3"33333333333333$333333333333333$333333333333333$111111111111111 3"33333333333333$333333333333333$333333333333333" 3 "33333333333333$333333333333333$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   4"44444444444444$444444444444444 4"44444444444444$444444444444444   " Dl44&4((((((((4(4(((4((&4((24(4(2 !'"'#'$'%'&'''(')+-/1 3     !( !&&&&&&&&&&&&& "( "&&&&&&&&&&&&& #( #&&&&&&&&&&&&& $( %( &( '( (( )( +. -. /. 11 3."2222*PH0(  >@$ J   7  $%5DS\  dMbP?_*+%MTOSHIBA e-STUDIO282Series PCL6.  4dXX0CourierArial 0X 4COPIES@PJL JOB NAME="!JOBNAME" @PJL SET GUISTARTJOB=1 @PJL EOJ xxxx xTOSHIBA e-STUDIO282Series PCL6MckinleyX 18050,E211111111111111111111111C,1003,E211,2124,E1,G" dXX??U} } } } } } I} } m } $ } I#} } $ CategoryXtt    p@ @ @ @                                    ` \  ~ ?      ~ ?   !   ~ ?   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phttp://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/targeting_livelihoods_evidence_tool_english.pdf (English) yK http://www.policy-powertools.org/Tools/Engaging/docs/targeting_livelihoods_evidence_tool_english.pdf (English)|yK Qhttp://www.methodfinder.net/index.php?page=methoddetail&methodID=72&cat=downloadyK http://www.methodfinder.net/index.php?page=methoddetail&methodID=72&cat=download~~yK 7http://www.propoortourism.org.uk/naomi_finalreport.pdfyK nhttp://www.propoortourism.org.uk/naomi_finalreport.pdfyK Shttp://www.ciat.cgiar.org/agroempresas/pdf/CIAT_Agro_Enterprise_Strategy_Paper.pdfyK http://www.ciat.cgiar.org/agroempresas/pdf/CIAT_Agro_Enterprise_Strategy_Paper.pdfHDDyK Dhttp://www.bds-forum.net/bds-reader/handbooks/businessplan-7-05.pdfyK http://www.bds-forum.net/bds-reader/handbooks/businessplan-7-05.pdfHHyK 7http://www.deza.ch/ressources/deza_product_en_1097.pdfyK nhttp://www.deza.ch/ressources/deza_product_en_1097.pdfLIIyK 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