
Story 07 Sep, 2010

Healthy Parks Healthy People - Just as Relevant in the Developing World

Lea Scherl, CEESP Regional Vice Chair Oceania, contributed to the organization of, and discussions of a workshop on “Healthy Parks Healthy People - Just as Relevant in the Developing World - Applying the Concept in Nepal.” . The proceedings of this workshop are now available.

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  • At the initiation and invitation of the ϲʿֱֳ Asia and Nepal, staff from Parks Victoria went to Kathmandu, Nepal to assist in the delivery of a 3 day Healthy Parks Healthy People (HPHP) workshop for 32 participants.
  • The success of Parks Victoria’s HPHP initiative, a philosophy built on mounting research that inextricably links human health and wellbeing to contact and connection to nature has lead to the HPHP initiative being embraced by other park agencies in many developed countries.
  • However, the question was being asked as to whether the same principles can be applied to