Los miembros de la CPAES contribuyen a un boletín de la Comisión que sale varias veces cada año. El boletín de la CPAES permite comunicar actualizaciones, esfuerzos y noticias de nuestros miembros en relación con los objetivos de la Comisión.
Desmond Bowden - Oceans Alive Trust
August 2023 Newsletter: In recognition of theUN International Youth Day
- International Youth Day: Green Skills for Youth
- Green Skills to Bridge the Boundaries Between Ideas
- Meet the Rivers
- The Danger of a Protected Area When Young People Are Not Involved
- Supporting Communication, Leadership, and Creative Thinking in Youth
- Youth Voices of the Colombian Amazon
- Building a Sustainable Future: Mastering the Ten Essential Skills
- From Passion to Action: Young Leaders Driving Sustainability at Bahrain's Eco-Summit
- Youth Climate Concave (YCC): Youth's Commitment to Promote 'Sustainable Lifestyle'
- Youth Empowerment in Watershed Management in Jharkhand, India
- Waterkeepers Chaltén: Water Conservation Project Led by Young Women
- Youth as Agents of Change for a Sustainable Future
March 2023 Newsletter: In recognition of International Women's Day
- Environmental change and gender
- Supporting small-scale fisher women’s livelihoods in the Eastern Cape of South Africa
- Integrating voluntary, rights-based family planning in conservation
- Contributions from women defenders from LAC to the implementation of the Escazú Agreement
- The role of tribal women in balancing family, community, and environment in Araku Valley, India
- Protecting women’s and girl’s rights to a healthy environment
- Women to lead actions for climate change adaptation and mitigation
- Women fishers in Manipur’s Loktak Lake strive for its restoration
- UN Special Rapporteur calls for accelerated, gender-transformative climate and environmental action
- A gendered perspective on the horizon in community conservation
- The problem that has no name: Gender, climate migration, and the case of Israel
- Members of the Harmattan Theater activate ecological awareness through performance
- Towards a systematic approach: Women, climate change and mobility
- Empowering the unheard: Why women's voices are crucial in environmental policy and action
- An analysis of Sustainable Development Goal 5
December 2022 Newsletter:In recognition of theUN Human Rights Day
- A Rights-based Path for People and Planet – realising human rights in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
- Living in peace with nature requires conservation and good governance
- Brackets on our future
- Derechos humanos de las Mujeres Indígena en el Marco de Diversidad Biológica Posterior a 2020
- Indigenous Women's Human Rights in the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework
- What could a gender-responsive Global Biodiversity Framework look like?
- Building a Guide on Inclusive, Equitable and Effective Implementation of Biodiversity Target 3
- Connecting children’s human rights and a healthy ocean
- Violencia contra grupos indígenas defensores del ambiente en México
- Violence against indigenous groups defending the environment in Mexico
- Partnerships to strengthen small-scale fishers’ human rights
- France’s invisible land commons under threat
- Manipur fishers hold rally raising awareness on Loktak Biodiversity
- March for Biodiversity and Human Rights at the CBD in Montreal
August2022 Newsletter:In recognition of the UN International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
- Message from the Chair of SPICEH: rights-based conservation for social justice
- New legislation to protect the rights of the Indigenous Pygmy Peoples in the DRC
- Indigenous voices demand an end to colonial conservation at Africa Protected Areas Congress
- Taking up space: reflections of an Indigenous youth navigating international biodiversity policy
- Empowering Indigenous communities in Guwahati against an environmental injustice
- Small-scale fishers' Call to Action
- Incorporating Indigenous knowledge in ecosystem restoration: regulating the naming of invasive alien species in Indigenous languages
- Loktak Indigenous fishers face threats to their livelihoods
June2022 Newsletter:Placing people at the center of ocean conservation and governance
- Placing people at the center of ocean conservation and governance
- Statement on human rights abuses in conservation
- Marine territories of life, small-scale artisanal fishing and sustainable use of marine-coastal resources in Mesoamerica: Strengthening action and advocacy for their recognition, defense and resilience
- Recommendations for mainstreaming equity and justice in ocean organizations policy and practice
- Progress on Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Areas (CBSFA)
- Progressing gender equality in the fisheries sector
- Developing new partnerships for protecting small-scale fishers' human rights
- Keystone initiatives supporting just and sustainable blue transitions in Small Scale Artisanal Fisheries in the Pacific of Costa Rica
- Offshore oil exploration in Argentina. A socio-environmental conflict with implications for environmental sustainability
- The other ocean conference: an invitation to listen and join the plight of the Ocean Peoples
- Call for a Conference of the Ocean Peoples (C-OP): Reclaiming our oceans, reimagining our future
- Moving culture across ocean policy
May2022 Newsletter
- Introducing the Indigenous Negotiations Resource Guide
- A Review of Nigeria's 2021 Climate Change Act: Potential for Increased Climate Litigation
- The War Between Russia and Ukraine – An Environmental Disaster
- Climate Change and Health - The Link
- Special Session for Youth Climate Conclave (YCC) 2022
- Indigenous Peoples in Gabon: Industrialization of the Timber Sector and Safeguarding of Traditional Forestry Knowledge
- The Fight for Water: Local Communities Versus Big Government and Big Business in Western Andalusia, Spain
- Reflection on Advancing Community Engagement for Sustainable Forests in Northern Liberia
- Conservation is becoming more dangerous: increasing violations and threats
- To Remain or Retreat? A Consideration of Climate Migration in Hawaiʻi
- Exploring Possible Futures for Conservation NGOs: A Report by the Luc Hoffmann Institute
December 2021 Newsletter
- A Challenge to Reimagine Conservation in 2022
- Indigenous Participation and the Incorporation of Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives in Global Environmental Governance Forums: a Systematic Review
- Launching the Natural Resource Governance Framework & Building a Community of Practice
- Adaptive Collaborative Management of Forest Landscapes: Villagers, Bureaucrats and Civil Society
- Dialogue forum: Escazú Agreement, a pioneer regional environmental instrument
- Environmental Services Investments & Offset Bonds
- Understanding the multiple benefits of area-based conservation
- The black jaguar and the guardian of the forest
- Climate resilient action plans for drylands
- Gabura to Glasgow: Act on climate change and biodiversity loss
- Centering social equity in global marine conservation efforts
- People in Nature: Understanding how communities use biodiversity
- “Voices for Peace and Conservation”, a new podcast series
- Impacts of COVID-19 and Climate Change on Indigenous Peoples: a Virtual Dialogue
- Gender is linked to the biodiversity and climate crises. When will our policies reflect this?
September2021 Newsletter- Environmental Defenders
- The stories and voices of environmental defenders across the globe: Special issue of Policy Matters
- Environmental defenders, human rights and the growing role of ϲʿֱֳ policy: retired, red-tagged or red-listed?
- The song "Inzulu" - stories and voices of environmental defenders
- Imagining otherwise: steps forward for a greater recognition of Indigenous wisdom and resistance (EN); Imaginer autrement: des pas en avant pour une plus grande reconnaissance de la sagesse et de la résistance autochtones (FR)
- Community-level responses to ‘forest violence’ in Cambodia
- “Return to Being;” A poem by Nnimmo Bassey
- "More;" A poem by shalan joudry
- Women building power: activist stories, testimonies
- "Rap del Veedor;" A song by Gasel
- Moving in the Rights direction: To successfully conserve nature requires empowered stewardship by Indigenous Peoples and local communities
May2021 Newsletter
- Community based conservation
- Coastal Community Associations: A model for sustainable development at the Kenyan coast
- Community Conservation Area volunteers safeguard 5,000 wintering Oriental Storks in Tianjin, China
- Coral restoration training on Fiji’s Coral Coast
- Communities combating fisheries crime and reef destruction
- New edition: Protected Area Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT)
- New book: "Advanced Introduction to Community-based Conservation"
- New book: Commons institutions and how they work (or not)
- Landscape architects combating ecosystem degradation
- What makes conservation effective? A community perspective
- SULI digest
- The study and prevention of environmental harm and crimes
- Plastics: mitigating their environmental, health and human rights impacts
- The regulation of water supply and sanitation services in the fight against COVID-19 for the protection of human rights
- ϲʿֱֳ World Conservation Congress
February2021 Newsletter
- How Do We Build Back Better After a Pandemic?
- Communities, Conservation & Livelihoods book
- April ϲʿֱֳ Global Youth Summit goes virtual
- Migration, Environmental Change & Conflict Dialogue
- Pan-African Response to COVID-19: New Forms of Environmental Peacebuilding Emerge
- Environmental human rights defenders in the pandemic: the Geneva Roadmap & strengthening ϲʿֱֳ action Dialogue
- FPP report analyses impacts and underlying inequalities around COVID-19 for indigenous and tribal peoples
- COVID-19, Indigenous peoples, local communities and natural resource governance: a preliminary study
- COVID-19 and Climate Change: Double Jeopardy for Traditional Resource Users in the Sundarbans
- Community involvement in preventing and combating wildlife, forest and fisheries crime, Dialogue
- Building capacity for engaging communities in tackling illegal wildlife trade
- Unlocking the wildlife economy in Africa
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Dialogue
- Women, Conflict, and Modern Mining in Rwanda during COVID-19
- Spiritual Perspectives for a New Normal Dialogue
- Seeds of Hope & Action: New educational resources to inspire transformative action
- ϲʿֱֳ World Conservation Congress
June 2020 Newsletter -Focus on COVID-19: CEESP and our efforts during the crisis
- International wildlife trade: research and COVID-19
- Mobilizing in support of small-scale fisheries impacted by COVID-19
- COVID-19, conservation programs and Crocodilians
- Effect of COVID-19 on organizations working on environment, and associated strategies
- COVID-19 and a new form of conservation
- Les populations autochtones, difficiles d’accès, du Gabon face à la pandémie du Covid-19
- Adapting in a Time of Crisis
- Solidaridad, empatía y esperanza de las comunidades de pesca artesanal de pequeña escala en Costa Rica ante la situación del COVID–19
- Conservation, Economic Reactivation and COVID-19 in Peruvian Amazon Indigenous Communities
- Participatory Conservation Economies in Kerala, India: A Stepping Stone to Resilience
- Chinese Civil Society launches wildlife-free e-commerce initiative to conserve biodiversity and safeguard public health
- From Social Solidarity to Economic Solidarity
- ϲʿֱֳ World Conservation Congress
May2020 Newsletter
- CEESP and COVID19: A Call to Action
- Exploring private investments in conservation, conceptually and in concrete settings
- Learning Community for the effective management of Private Protected Areas in Central Chile
- Ecosystem restoration project in a private (not “privately”) protected area in Chilean Patagonia
- Public-Private Sector collaboration to protect and restore ecologically significant tropical peat-swamp forest in Sumatra
- Encouraging policy development and best practices for privately protected areas
- Private Sector Engagement and Conservation in West Bengal:monitoring Compensatory Afforestation
- An integrative approach to assess and mitigate the social impacts of a disaster
- Adopting rights-based approaches to enable cost-effective conservation and climate action
- ϲʿֱֳ World Conservation Congress
January2020 Newsletter
- Peace, Migration and Enviornmental Change
- Environmentally induced migration and impact on yam farmers in Benin
- A reflection on protected areas in serving wildlfe migration exemplefied by endangered oriental storks
- Mobile pastoralism and the World Heritage Convention
- The historical journey of indigenous peoples in Climate Change negotiations
- Building community - twelve principles for a healthy future
- Addressing the climate change and poverty nexus
- Bwindi: bees, baskets and brilliant guided walks
- NRGF in 2019: Continued implementation, outreach and learning
- Charting a course to sustainability and equity in the blue economy
- Ganga: the river of local and national importance, Alike!
September 2019 Newsletter
- Note from the Chair
- Increasing the scope for communities in conservation through sustainable use
- Peer-to-peer learning: Indigenous peoples share solutions
- Indigenous People's stuggle for recognition of tradîonal knowledge and the UNPFII
- Recognising and supporting indigenous leadership in conservation
- Key for conservation in indigenous territories : a multi-stakeholder dialogue
- CEESP Steering Committee meeting
- Where culture, spirituality and conservation meet
- Family planning : critically important for women, girls, the environment and sustainability
- Call for contributions: Human- Wildlife Conflict and Conservation Conference 2020
- Exploring social development, governance, and wellbeing at the ϲʿֱֳ Oceania Regional Forum
- Lessons for CEESP and Ways forward: Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Conservation Forum
- ϲʿֱֳ World Conservation Congress
- Publications and Reports