
Grupo de Especialista en Invertebrados de las Islas Atl谩ntico de la CSE de la UICN
Grupo de Comisi贸n de la UICN

Grupo de Especialista en Invertebrados de las Islas Atl谩ntico de la CSE de la UICN

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Resumen y descripci贸n

Los invertebrados, concretamente los artr贸podos y los moluscos, est谩n especialmente amenazados en los ecosistemas insulares. El Grupo de Especialistas en Invertebrados de las Islas del Atl谩ntico Medio ...

Los invertebrados, concretamente los artr贸podos y los moluscos, est谩n especialmente amenazados en los ecosistemas insulares. El Grupo de Especialistas en Invertebrados de las Islas del Atl谩ntico Medio es una red de expertos dedicados a la ciencia necesaria para salvarlos, que apoya la conservaci贸n de los invertebrados en las siguientes islas: Gough, Trist谩n, Santa Elena, Ascensi贸n, Cabo Verde, Canarias, Madeira, Azores y Santo Tom茅 y Pr铆ncipe.

Liderazgo de grupo

Prof Paulo BORGES
Commission Member
For many years I have been involved in island research using as model system the Macaronesian islands and in particular Azores, publishing extensively, with 80 published papers in ISI recognized journals. From those, 60% are from the First Quartile in the areas of Ecology, Entomology and Multidisciplinary Sciences. I also published 11 books as author or editor (including the complete lists of the terrestrial biodiversity of Azores and Madeira archipelagos), and 54 book chapters. I have ongoing research projects with 12 Associate Research Fellows from seven countries. I also lead the development of the Azorean Biodiversity Portal (, a web interface for communicating biodiversity research in the Azorean region. I supervised already 13 Post-Doc projects, 6 Ph.D .students and 22 MSc Students, and I am currently supervising 5 Post-Docs and 8 Ph.D. Students. In the last three years I coordinated or participated in more than 20 projects. My current research is driven by three overarching objectives: i) collect long-term ecological data to investigate the processes affecting patterns of species diversity, abundance and distribution at different spatial scales; ii) use Macaronesia as a model system to investigate ecological and evolutionary mechanisms responsible for shaping island biotas; iii) identify pathways that impact oceanic indigenous assemblages under global change for conservation purposes
For many years I have been involved in island research using as model system the Macaronesian islands and in particular Azores, publishing extensively, with 80 published papers in ISI recognized ...

Invertebrate Conservation Specialist

Red List Authority Coordinator