
SSC Internal Grant

Applications for the SSC Internal Grant are now closed. Please stay tuned for further information on the next round in December 2024.

The main purpose of this grant is to encourage and promote activities that contribute to the ratified as the SSC framework in our , through the allocation of small funds —from ($USD) $2,000 to $3,500. These funds are available thanks to this partnership with the . In addition, as well as falling under the Species Conservation Cycle framework, we also seek to support those activities specified by SSC groups in their annual ‘SSC DATA’ target setting and reporting effort.

Location: Worldwide

Timeline: We will have two rounds of applications per year, open during January and June. Applicants will have one month to submit their proposals.

Priorities: This round will be open for all the components of our Species Conservation Cycle. It means that we will fund requests related to:Ìý

Species Conservation Cycle
  • Assess: Understand and inform the world about the status and trends of biodiversity. Ìý
  • Plan: Develop collaborative, inclusive, science-based conservation strategies, plans, and policies.
  • Act: Convene and mobilise conservation actions to improve the status of biodiversity.
  • Network: Enhance and support our immediate network and alliances to achieve our biodiversity targets.
  • Communicate: Drive strategic and targeted communications to enhance our conservation impact.

Who can apply

This funding opportunity will be open to the entire SSC Network: Specialist Groups, Stand-alone Red List Authorities, Task Forces, Conservation Committees and National Species Specialist Groups. The proposal must be submitted by the chair or a member of the group properly registered in the .


  • The proposal must be approved by the SSC Group leaders. Please include the chair’s endorsement within the Application form. You can find an example here: Ìý
  • The project will focus on species or small groups of species, it can be any taxon or region.
  • The budget must clearly show how the funds will be used to cover all of the activities performed by the project indicated in the proposal, which will be carried out in 2024-2025 and which contributes to a target set for the SSC Group for the current quadrennium (2021-2025). Priority will be given to targets set for implementation during 2024-2025.Ìý
  • The budget may only be used to cover the activities described in the proposal and in the timeline. If the project receives other funds, the budget table must indicate the additional funds already secured to enable project implementation.
  • Allocated budget per project of US$ 3,500 maximum. Funds can be used to cover the partial or total cost of the proposed activity.
  • The implementation of the timeline of activities can be less than 12 months up to a maximum of 24 months. Any extension of the project date must be notified in advance to Mayerlin Ramos via email ([email protected]) informing the reasons for the extension request.
  • The work must be carried out within the SSC Group and may or may not involve partner organizations, universities or a research group.

SSC DATA Information System: requirements

  • The SSC group must be properly registered in the SSC DATA Information System.
  • The project’s targets must MATCH those registered in SSC DATA Information System for the current five-year period (2021-2025).
  • SSC Group results for 2022 and 2023Ìýmust be uploaded into SSC DATA Information System (SSC Group Chair, click on this link for further instructions on how to upload information into the system). In case you need support contact Levi Mendoza ([email protected])

How to apply

Preparation of the proposal

Step 1: SS Chairs and members may identify activities/projects for 2024-2025 aligned with their registered targets. Please note that each SSC Group can only submit ONE application per round. We will admit up to TWO (2) proposals from SSC groups with more than 50 members, but at least one of the proposals must focus on the ACT component of our Species Conservation Cycle.Ìý
Step 2: Check with the chair groups if they have uploaded the targets for 2021-2025 and 2021/ 2022 results within the SSC DATA Information System. Applications from SSC Groups that have not uploaded their results to SSC DATA will not be accepted.
Step 3: Verify that the proposed project/activity clearly contributes to an uploaded target. The target in the proposal must MATCH the target in the SSC DATA Information System.
Step 4: Review and prepare the SSC Internal Grant Proposal Template.
Step 5: Submit your proposal by completing the . All sections are mandatory and cannot be deleted. Applications must be submitted through the following .Ìý
Step 6: Once the application is submitted through the Google form, please send the proposal by email to Mayerlin Ramos ([email protected]).
Step 7: The SSC Chair’s Office evaluation team will start the evaluation process. If possible, the SSC Chair and focal points of the project will be contacted to clarify, verify or provide any additional information missing in the proposal.
Step 8: Selected proposals will be announced one month after the application call closed.

Reporting process

Step 9: Selected groups will be required to prepare and submit a progress report (for projects longer than 12 months) and a final narrative and financial report as a funding requirement. The SSC Group Chairs and the focal points of the projects will receive detailed information on the requirements and templates to be used for the reports once they are selected.ÌýCheck the report templates .
Step 10: The SSC Chair's office will use the information provided in the reports to highlight project results in the SSC official communication channels. The project focal point is expected to assist in the development of this material and provide the necessary audio visual material.


Consideration will be given to the network priorities of the Species Strategic Plan 2021-2025, the funds available to allocate in each call, and the groups/activity determined to have the more urgent support needs. We will also consider whether the group has received funds from this grant previously, to ensure the benefits of this grant can reach the diversity of groups across the network. Important: We are not assigning grants to groups that still have projects running from previous rounds.


For further information, please contact Mayerlin Ramos.