
Article 21 Mar, 2017

National Strategy for Nature Protection

Ministry of Environment and Physical planning (MoEPP) of Macedonia, a state authority responsible for activities in the field of nature protection, has coordinated the activities for the preparation of the Draft National Strategy Protection of Nature with action plan for the period 2017-2027, in the course of 2016 in accordance with the Law on Nature Protection.

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Photo: Ministry of Environment and Physical planning (MoEPP) of Macedonia

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Draft National Strategy for Nature Conservation was developed within the project "Programme for Conservation of Nature in Macedonia", implemented with financial assistance from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The Strategy was developed in cooperation with national experts from different scientific fields and Farmahem Consulting Ltd., Skopje, as a programme coordinator. The project also included a preparation of a Study on the status of geodiversity and geological heritage of the Republic of Macedonia and other components of nature (biological and landscape diversity). It is based on scientifically verified data on several sections such as geology, geomorphology, hydrology, biodiversity, and protected areas.

The Strategy includes the most important information related to the natural values of geology, geomorphology, hydrology, biodiversity and landscapes. Through the situational analysis and identification of threats, it suggests appropriate measures and actions for the protection and sustainable management of nature. Vision and national objectives of the Strategy are thoroughly described in the Action plan, that specifies a number of actions, the institutions responsible for implementation and their time frame, financing and more.

More information:

Vlatko Trpeski, Head of Department for Nature, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of Macedonia


For the purpose of this article the name Macedonia has been used to refer to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.